Cody 10th Anniversary Contest
- Solve coding problems each day, building a streak.
- Win prizes!
Contest has ended.
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Two ways to win
Overall contest
How many days in a row can you solve at least one problem? The ten players with the longest streaks during the contest win prizes. Weekend days count.
Weekly prizes
Each week, prizes are awarded to the three players who solve the most problems during that week.
- Amazon gift cards ($10 - $200)
- MathWorks T-shirts
- Badges
Special Problem Groups
Each week, we will publish a new problem group to add some fun to the contest.
Week 1: Matrices and Arrays
Week 2: Plotting and Visualization
Week 3: Programming Constructs
Week 4: Are You Smarter Than a MathWorker?
Longest Streak (Days) | Total Problems Solved | ||
Note: The daily ranking is computed based on UTC time.
Cody as of September 2022:
94,000 players
4,600 problems
1.7 million correct solutions
Weekly Winners
Week 4 (Oct 24 - Oct 30) Winners