How do you primarily find content on Matlab Central (MLC)?


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How do you primarily find content on Matlab Central (MLC)?

General web search
Specific web search for MLC content
I search directly within MLC
Combination of choices 2 & 3
Neither (please leave a comment)
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Austin B
Austin B on 18 Jan 2022 (Edited on 18 Jan 2022)

The only time I use the MLC search is when searching specific MATLAB functions to remind myself of the options and such for functions I already know about. Otherwise a web search just makes more sense, casts a wider net while still getting the relevant information within the first 5 hits 99% of the time.

DGM on 5 Jan 2022

Web searches are generally faster and more useful as far as I'm concerned. I'm often looking for information which might be on the forum or in documentation. There isn't a good way to search both from within the site. Yes, the general site-wide search (like the one on this page) works, but it's incredibly slow for me. Web searches also pull up relevant stuff on the FEX, GitHub, StackExchange, etc. That said, it does pick up plenty of trash too.

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 5 Jan 2022

Can you explain the difference between #2 and 3? MATLAB Central has a search field that says "Search". However if you're in Answers it says "Search Answers", and if you're in File Exchange it will say "Search File Exchange". All 3 of those search only the Mathworks site, not the whole internet like Google would (though you can use "site" keyword to limit Google to just a specific site). However the MATLAB Central search searches the whole of, rather than just specific parts (Answers or File Exchange) of MATLAB Central. So I'm a little unclear as to exactly what and where 2 and 3 refer to.

Adam Danz
Adam Danz on 5 Jan 2022

It would be nice to have >35 chars for the choice descriptions.

#2: when a user has the intention of finding something on MLC but searches for it on Google/Bing/etc. If I include the word "matlab" with my google search for MLC content, nearly all of the results are MLC.

#3: Using MLC's built-in search directly in Answers, FEX, or wherever you're searching for content.

I use a combination of both. Google often does a better job with more vague searches while MLC search tools work better for me when I have a specific search or want to use MLC's search operators .

Adam Danz
Software engineer at MathWorks with a Ph.D. in neurophysiology from the University of Rochester (NY). Specialized in visual and vestibular systems, multisensory integration, sensory-motor and control systems, steering, and navigation. Former member o...


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