How do you prefer to organize referenced projects?


Poll is CLOSED


How do you prefer to organize referenced projects?

Absolute path
Relative inside the top project
Relative outside the top project
All the above
21 votes

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Joost on 24 Apr 2023
I use the 'Find Files' window quite a lot. Would be great if the 'Look in...' drop down list would contain the option 'Current project including referenced sub projects'.
Having relative referenced projects outside the top project it is always difficult to find affected files if something would have to be changed. It currently requires either changing the search path or closing the project and opening the other projects one by one.
Guy Rouleau
Guy Rouleau on 24 Apr 2023
Hi Joost,
Thanks for the suggestion!
Did you try using the Dependency Analyzer for that? For each file i the project hierarchy, it can quickly identify the impacted and required files.
Guy Rouleau
Guy Rouleau on 21 Apr 2023
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 21 Apr 2023
I do what Mathworks taught me many years ago. I have a folder called \MATLAB\work under my "My Documents" and then under the work folder I have all my 200+ project folders. If by "referenced" projects you mean utility functions that all my other projects can use/see/reference/call, then I have a work\Utilities folder and all my commonly called utility functions are in that folder and I have a path set up to that. So I'm not sure how to answer your poll.
Mario Malic
Mario Malic on 24 Apr 2023
I think this could be also a useful poll.
Guy Rouleau
Guy Rouleau on 21 Apr 2023
Sorry for the confusion, the poll was intended to go along with this blog post:


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