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- Content streamlined to reduce the focus on data processing and feature extraction, and emphasize the machine learning workflow.
- Course example simplified by using a sample of the original data.
- Classification Learner used in the course where appropriate.
- Explore Convolutional Neural Networks
- Tune Deep Learning Training Options
- Regression with Deep Learning
- Object Detection with Deep Learning
I've been a user of Python for almost as long as I've been a user of MATLAB and am very comfortable with both ecosystems. As such, I have been delighted with the steadily improving interoperability between the two languages. It is extremely easy to call MATLAB code from Python and Python code from MATLAB. I use this all of the
- Open Source Software and MATLAB: Principles, Practices, and Python Along with MathWorks' Heather Gorr. We we discuss three different types of open source software with repsect to their relationship to MATLAB
- The CLASSIX Story: Developing the Same Algorithm in MATLAB and Python Simultaneously A collaboration with Prof. Stefan Guettel from University of Manchester. Developing his clustering algorithm, CLASSIX, in both Python and MATLAB simulatenously helped provide insights that made the final code better than if just one language was used.

Producing animated gifs from MATLAB Flipbook Mini Hack entries
On Valentine's day, the MathWorks linkedIn channel posted this animated gifThe obvious question was duly asked

Accelerating the pace of engineering and science.

The new solution framework for Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs) in MATLAB R2023b
Along with linear algebra, one of the iconic features of MATLAB in my mind is how it handles ordinary differential equations (ODEs). ODEs have been part of MATLAB almost since the very beginning.One of the features of how MATLAB traditionally allows users to solve ODEs is that it provides a suite of functions. For many years, there were 7