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I had originally planned on publishing my book via a traditional publisher, but am now reconsidering whether to use I use Matlab and Latex in my book. It appears that it is not possible to publish is with Amazon due to this. Advice? Thanks. Kevin Passino
how can i open .lod extension and .iqd extension file in matlab?
Hi everyone
The R2025a pre-release is now available to licensed users. I highly encourage you to download, give it a try and give us some feedback.
The first thing I tried was switching to Dark mode. Here's the magic
>> s = settings;
>> s.matlab.appearance.MATLABTheme.PersonalValue = "Dark";

% 读取语音信号
[audio, fs] = audioread('floating.m4a');
% 输出读取到的音频数据的基本信息
fprintf('成功读取m4a文件,音频数据长度: %d,采样频率: %d\n', length(audio), fs);
catch ME
[audio, fs] = audioread('floating.wav');
% 输出读取到的音频数据的基本信息
fprintf('成功读取wav文件,音频数据长度: %d,采样频率: %d\n', length(audio), fs);
catch ME2
error('无法读取任何格式的音频文件,错误信息: %s', ME2.message);
% 检查audio的数据类型
if ~isnumeric(audio)
audio = double(audio);
% 如果是多通道音频,转换为单通道
if size(audio, 2) > 1
audio = audio(:, 1);
% 对信号进行填充,使其长度为2的幂次方
len = length(audio);
next_pow2 = pow2(nextpow2(len));
if len < next_pow2
padding = zeros(next_pow2 - len, 1);
audio = [audio; padding];
% 检查audio是否为向量且非空
if ~isvector(audio) || isempty(audio)
% 检查audio中的元素是否都是实数
if ~all(isreal(audio))
non_real_indices = find(~isreal(audio));
audio(non_real_indices) = real(audio(non_real_indices));
% 再次确认audio的数据类型为double
if ~strcmp(class(audio), 'double')
audio = double(audio);
% 检查audio数据的统计信息
audio_mean = mean(audio);
audio_std = std(audio);
fprintf('音频数据的均值: %f,标准差: %f\n', audio_mean, audio_std);
% 调试输出audio的部分信息
fprintf('去噪前音频数据的前5个值: %f, %f, %f, %f, %f\n', audio(1), audio(2), audio(3), audio(4), audio(5));
% 1. 去噪
% 检查分解层数是否合理
max_decomposition_level = floor(log2(length(audio)));
if decomposition_level > max_decomposition_level
warning('设置的分解层数过高,将调整为最大可能层数 %d', max_decomposition_level);
decomposition_level = max_decomposition_level;
decomposition_level = 3;
% 检查小波函数、阈值规则等参数
valid_wavelets = {'sym4', 'db1', 'db2', 'haar'}; % 一些常见的有效小波函数
if ~ismember('sym4', valid_wavelets)
valid_threshold_rules = {'sqtwolog', 'rigrsure', 'heursure', 'minimaxi'}; % 一些常见的有效阈值规则
if ~ismember('sqtwolog', valid_threshold_rules)
% 尝试使用wdencmp函数进行小波去噪
% 这里设置KeepAPP为1,表示保留近似系数
[denoised_audio,~,~] = wdencmp('gbl', audio,'sym4', decomposition_level, 'sqtwolog', 'h', 1);
% 去除填充部分
denoised_audio = denoised_audio(1:len);
% 2. 归一化
normalized_audio = denoised_audio / max(abs(denoised_audio));
% 3. 加窗和分帧
window_size = 256; % 窗长
frame_shift = 128; % 帧移
window = hamming(window_size); % 汉明窗
% 分帧
num_frames = floor((length(normalized_audio) - window_size) / frame_shift) + 1;
frames = zeros(window_size, num_frames);
for i = 1:num_frames
start_index = (i - 1) * frame_shift + 1;
frames(:, i) = normalized_audio(start_index:start_index + window_size - 1).* window;
% 4. 频谱分析
% 使用spectrogram函数
noverlap = window_size - frame_shift;
[S, F, T] = spectrogram(normalized_audio, window, noverlap, num_fft, fs);
S = 10 * log10(abs(S));
% 5. 绘制频谱图
surf(T, F, S);
shading interp;
xlabel('Time (s)');
ylabel('Frequency (Hz)');
zlabel('Magnitude (dB)');
title('Spectrogram of Speech Signal');
>> Untitled3
成功读取m4a文件,音频数据长度: 479232,采样频率: 48000
音频数据的均值: 0.000000,标准差: 0.019026
去噪前音频数据的前5个值: 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000
wdencmp ---> real(s) => 0 , expected
错误使用 wdencmp (line 91)
Invalid argument value.
出错 Untitled3 (line 83)
[denoised_audio,~,~] = wdencmp('gbl', audio,'sym4', decomposition_level, 'sqtwolog', 'h', 1);
The Most Accepted Badge and Top Downloads Badge are two prestigious annual honors that recognize outstanding contributions in MATLAB Answers and File Exchange.
Most Accepted badge is awarded to the top 10 contributors whose answers received the most acceptances. Top Downloads badge goes to the top 10 contributors with the highest number of downloads for their submissions. Please note that, starting in 2025, the criteria for Top Downloaded Badge in will be adjusted to only count downloads from files created or updated in 2025.

In 2024, the recipients for Most Accepted are: @Voss, @Walter Roberson, @Star Strider, @Torsten, @Matt J, @Stephen23, @Steven Lord, @Hassaan, @Sam Chak, and @Cris LaPierre.
The recipients for Top Downloaded are: @Steve Miller, @Rodney Tan, @Yair Altman, @Chad Greene, @William Thielicke, @Seyedali Mirjalili, @John D'Errico, @Giampiero Campa, @Toshiaki Takeuchi, and @Zhaoxu Liu / slandarer.
Congratulations and thank you again for your outstanding contributions in 2024!
Whether the computation of codes is still operating for matlab online after I close the website?
I have a skeleton and i want to find the start and end point of that skeleton. My skeleton is like an oval/donut where there is little gap between the start and end
Now that the "Copilot+PC" (Windows ARM) laptops are rapidly increasing in market share (Microsoft Surface Laptop, Dell XPS 13, HP OmniBook X 14, and more), are there any plans to provide builds for Matlab on Windows arm64?
Since there are already Windows builds of Matlab, it shouldn't be too hard to compile for Windows arm64, as far as I know. But I am not famaliar with Matlab's codebase.
Please try to publish Windows arm64 builds soon so that Matlab can be much more usable on Windows on ARM as it will run natively instead of in emulation.
Thank you very much.
How does MATLAB app designer call external. m functions after packaging into exe? Please note that this external function is not packaged into EXE. Who can help me! I have tried commands such as' addpath ',' filread ',' eval ', but after testing, none of them worked.
for optimization is matlab better or python?
I'm working on optical systems and I'm searching for algorithms and methods to solve the problem of autofocus.
I've already tried a bisection method and some optimization methods, but now I'd like to find a way to use neural networks in order to have a very fast and very precise way to move the lenses of my system to the right focus position.
Do you have any idea of the network I can use and how can I properly use it?
For the tests I'm using a setup made by an optical target, an objective and a sensor fixed on a linear positioner which is controlled by two functions I wrote in Matlab to move it back and forward.
Thank you!
I am trying to stimulate a given 3rd order chebyyshev filter on microwave transmission lines, with given impeadances of 3.34874, 0.71170, 3.34874

This is my code:

This is the stimulation result:

The LTSpice Stimulation result for same circuit:

I wonder why my Matlab stimulation have no Chebyshev ripple and different attenuation?

Attaching the Photoshop file if you want to modify the caption.
can i add TMS320F28P55SJ launch pad to matlab simulik
Toolbox 全部入りの MATLAB ライセンス
まだ持っていない Toolbox (下記にコメントください)
MATLAB ルービックキューブ
MathWorks オフィス訪問チケット
18 votes
この場は MATLAB や Simulink を使っている皆さんが、気軽に質問や情報交換ができる場所として作られました。日本語でも気軽に投稿ができるように今回日本語チャネルを解説します。
ユーザーの皆様とのやり取りを通じて、みんなで知識や経験を共有し、一緒にスキルアップしていきましょう。 どうぞお気軽にご参加ください。
Check out this 3D chart that won Visual Of The Year for 2024 by Visual Capitalist. It's a mashup between a 3D bubblechart and a categorical bar plot yet the only graphical components are the x-axis labels and the legend. Not only does it show relative proportions of material in a laptop but it also shows what the raw material looks like.
I love the idea of analog data visualization. I wonder if any readers have made a analog "chart".

What better way to add a little holiday magic than the L-shaped membrane atop your evergreen? My colleagues output the shape and then added some thickness and an interior cylinder in Blender. Then, the shape was exported to STL and 3D printed (in several pieces). Then glued, sanded, primed, sanded again and painted. If you like, the STL file is attached. Thank you to and a tip of the hat to MATLAB Ornament. Happy Holidays!