
Version 1.0.0 (18.3 KB) by Chi
Simple Oceanic Mesoscale Eddy Detection based on sea level anomaly (sla)
Updated 12 Oct 2022


Simple Oceanic Mesoscale Eddy Detection based on sea level anomaly (sla)

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lon: longitude, vector or matrix generated by "meshgrid" with range between [-180,180]

lat: latitude, vector or matrix generated by "meshgrid" with range between [-90,90]

sla: (spatial high-pass filtered) sea level anomaly (unit: meter) falls within the area defined by viarable "lon" and "lat". Continent or no value at grid point is masked with "NaN".

upperFolderName: a string to signify the upper folder name or path.

whichYear: The year of data "sla". Only an integer is accepted.

whichMonth: The month of data "sla". Only an integer is accepted.

whichDay: The day of data "sla". Only an integer is accepted. Can be replaced by "[]".

whichHour: The hour of data "sla". Only an integer is accepted. Can be replaced by "[]".

amplitudeThreshold (optional): unit: cm. Default is 3 cm. Note: this is an artificial threshold that an detected eddy is required to meet this criterion.

radiusThreshold (optional): unit: Km. Default is 45 Km, designed for altimetry data due to its resolving capability. Note: this is an artificial threshold that an detected eddy is required to meet this criterion.


Eddy: a structure array contains the properties of detected eddies:

Eddy.type: polarity of detected eddy. -1 for cyclonic while 1 for anticyclonic. longitude and latitude of eddy centroid.

Eddy.amplitude: longitude and latitude of eddy's sla extreme as well as eddy's amplitude (set to positive no matter if it is cyclonic or anticyclonic. Unit: cm)

Eddy.radius: radius of an circle that has the same area as the eddy area enclosed by the eddy edge. Unit: Km

Eddy.edge: two vectors specify the longitudes and latitudes of eddy edge defined by the outermost closed sla contour.

A NetCDF file will be generated if successful detection.


Dr. Chi Xu (SCSIO, CAS)

SEP 07 2020

This function is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind.

Cite As

Chi (2025). SimpleEddyDetection (, GitHub. Retrieved .

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