
Version 1.0.0 (2.61 MB) by Alexis
Tools for the automatic detection of speech-related inhalation events and characterisation of the speech respiratory cycle.
Updated 17 Feb 2024


Tools for the automatic detection of speech-related inhalation events and characterisation of the speech respiratory cycle.

Please cite as:

MacIntyre, A. D. and Werner, R. (2023). An Automatic Method of Speech Breathing Annotation. Proceedings of the 34th Conference on Electronic Speech Signal Processing (ESSV), Munich, DE.


Use findBreaths() to automatically detect speech breathing onsets and ends, then optionally corroborate the results to the acoustic speech envelope using breathSpeechCompare(). Finally, you can use plotBreaths() to visualise the breath onsets and ends in relation to the breath belt signal and, if you have it, the corresponding acoustic data. This plot can help you decide if you need to adjust the default paramaters (e.g., minimum inter-breath interval).


Run example.m with included example breath belta data and acoustic recording to see how the scripts work.

Acoustic landmarks for speech rhythm analysis

Future Versions

Plans include a GUI to adjust or reject inhalation events, as well as extract basic breath- and/or speech-related descriptive statistics. As the 'SpeechBreathingToolbox' is under development, reporting issues is appreciated.

Cite As

MacIntyre, A. D. and Werner, R. (2023). An Automatic Method of Speech Breathing Annotation. Proceedings of the 34th Conference on Electronic Speech Signal Processing (ESSV), Munich, DE.

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2020b
Compatible with R2016a and later releases
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux

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