
This package introduces MATLAB Live Scripts for the Intelligent Control Systems Curriculum. Includes model-based vs. data-driven control
Updated 9 Sep 2024

Cite As

Claudia Fernanda Yasar (2024). Intelligent-Control-Systems-Course-Curriculum (, GitHub. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2022b
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux

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3. Single-Heater-Response

5. Coastline-Prediction-Using-Climate-Change-Models

9. Python-and-MATLAB-RNN-LSTM-Model-for-Prediction-and-Forecast

10. Model Predictive Control for DC Motor Positioning

11. Model-Reference-Adaptive-Control

12. Extremum-Seeking-Control-Mass-Spring-Damper-System

13. DC-Motor-Position-with-Fuzzy-Logic-Control

2. DC-Motor-Dynamics-Modeling-and-Position-Control

3. Single-Heater-Response


10. Model Predictive Control for DC Motor Positioning

11. Model-Reference-Adaptive-Control

12. Extremum-Seeking-Control-Mass-Spring-Damper-System

13. DC-Motor-Position-with-Fuzzy-Logic-Control

2. DC-Motor-Dynamics-Modeling-and-Position-Control

3. Single-Heater-Response

4. First-Order-Plus-Dead-Time-Models

5. Coastline-Prediction-Using-Climate-Change-Models

6. Semi-Empirical-Model-Estimation-Regression

7. Machine-Learning-Classification-with-Experiments

8. Deep Learning and Yolov2 for Object Classification

9. Python-and-MATLAB-RNN-LSTM-Model-for-Prediction-and-Forecast

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