
A Word report generator (ActiveX-based) in an object-oriented way
Updated 6 Jul 2009

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WORDREPORT creates or opens an existing Microsoft Office Word report and provides helper functions to add some content: text, figures, Simulink models, Stateflow charts and much more. It also helps in adding or updating the table of contents, in setting page numbering or in finding text. Actually, it is possible to mimic almost everything you can do manually. Just record a macro in Word and analyze the generated VBA code to find out how to use the ActiveX technology.

Example: create a new document called 'Foo.doc' and add some content (headings, figures, page breaks, page numbers, table of contents)

reportFilename = fullfile(pwd,'foo.doc');
wr = wordreport(reportFilename);
wr.setstyle('Heading 1');
wr.addtext('TOC', [1 1]); line break before and after text
wr.createtoc(1, 3);
wr.setstyle('Heading 1');
wr.addtext('MATLAB data', [1 1]); line break before and after text
wr.setstyle('Heading 2');
wr.addtext('Sample table', [0 1]); line break after text
dataCell = { ...
'Test 1', num2str(0.3) , 'OK'; ...
'Test 2', num2str(1.8) , 'KO'};
[nbRows, nbCols] = size(dataCell);
wr.addtable(nbRows, nbCols, dataCell, [1 1]); line break before table
wr.setstyle('Heading 2');
wr.addtext('Sample figure', [0 1]); line break after text
figure; plot(1:10);
title('Figure 1'); xlabel('Temps [s]'); ylabel('Amplitude [A]');

Do not hesitate to ask for more help and more advanced examples, especially when dealing with screenshots of Simulink models and Stateflow charts. I'll be happy to be of any assistance !

Cite As

Laurent Vaylet (2025). wordreport (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/17953-wordreport), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R14SP3
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux

Inspired by: WriteToWordFromMatlab

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Version Published Release Notes

Updated BSD Organization to The MathWorks, Inc

Updated license.txt to BSD

Now including a demo for a report generation including Simulink and Stateflow screenshots