Holoeye SLM

Routine to send a BW BMP image A Holoeye spatial Ligh Modulator ( LC-R 1080 adaptable for others)
Updated 18 Jun 2021

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Routine to send a BW BMP image (64 grey levels) to A spatial Ligh Modulator
(SLM Holoeye model LC-R 1080 that counts 1200x1900 pixells ).This simple concept routine is tought to send a line onto the second screen as Holoeye SLM are controlled just as a standard second screen. For many "amplitude only" applications just an ON- Off state is necessary so that in this example only white and black pixell are considered even if 64 grey levels may be addressed.
ATENTION the code requires the sendfucntion function (available on the
same page) and the second screen (the one of the SLM) has to be placed on
the right of the first one

Cite As

Marcoleonetti1 (2025). Holoeye SLM (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/35831-holoeye-slm), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2007b
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux
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