geod -- yet another geodetic toolbox

Vectorized manipulation of coordinates commonly used in geodesy.
Updated 27 Dec 2013

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CONVERT_FROM_CARTESIAN: Convert from global Cartesian coordinates
CONVERT_FROM_ELLIPSOIDAL_HARMONIC: Convert from ellipsoidal-harmonic coordinates
CONVERT_FROM_GEODETIC: Convert from geodetic coordinates
CONVERT_FROM_GEODM: Convert from ellipsoidal arc-lengths (at non-zero height)
CONVERT_FROM_GEOPOT_HEIGHT: Convert from geopotential height
CONVERT_FROM_GEOPOT_HEIGHT_ABS: Convert from geopotential height (absolute)
CONVERT_FROM_GEOPOT_HEIGHT_REL: Convert from geopotential height (relative to the geoid)
CONVERT_FROM_LOCAL_CART: Convert from local Cartesian coordinates (via global Cartesian coordinates)
CONVERT_FROM_LOCAL_CART_VIAGEOD: Convert from local Cartesian coordinates (via geodetic coordinates)
CONVERT_FROM_LOCAL_SPH: Convert from local spherical coordinates
CONVERT_FROM_SPHERICAL: Convert from global spherical coordinates
CONVERT_TO_CARTESIAN: Convert to global Cartesian coordinates
CONVERT_TO_ELLIPSOIDAL_HARMONIC: Convert to ellipsoidal-harmonic coordinates
CONVERT_TO_GEODETIC: Convert to geodetic coordinates
CONVERT_TO_GEODM: Convert to ellipsoidal arc-lengths (at non-zero height)
CONVERT_TO_GEOPOT_HEIGHT: Convert to geopotential height
CONVERT_TO_GEOPOT_HEIGHT_ABS: Convert to geopotential height (absolute)
CONVERT_TO_GEOPOT_HEIGHT_REL: Convert to geopotential height (relative to the geoid)
CONVERT_TO_LATM: Meridian arc-length (at non-zero height)
CONVERT_TO_LOCAL_CART: Convert to local Cartesian coordinates
CONVERT_TO_LOCAL_CART_VIAGEOD: Convert to local Cartesian coordinates
CONVERT_TO_LOCAL_SPH: Convert to local spherical coordinates
CONVERT_TO_SPHERICAL: Convert to global spherical coordinates

GET_ELLIPSOID: Geodetic ellipsoid information
GET_ELLIPSOID_NORMAL: Ellipsoidal normal direction
GET_GEOIDAL_UNDULATION: Geoidal undulation
GET_GEOPOT: Geopotential (Earth's gravity potential)
GET_GEOPOT_ACTUAL: Actual geopotential
GET_GEOPOT_NORMAL: Normal geopotential
GET_GEOPOT_NORMAL_EXACT: Normal geopotential (exact formula)
GET_GEOPOT_NORMAL_SERIES: Normal geopotential (spherical series expansion)
GET_GEOPOT_NORMAL_TRUNC: Normal geopotential (single-term truncated series)
GET_GEOPOT_REL: Geopotential, relative to a reference surface
GET_GEOPOT_SPH: Geopotential of spherical Earth

GET_JACOBIAN_ANY2CART: Jacobian of global Cartesian coordinates w.r.t. any type of coordinate
GET_JACOBIAN_ANY2GEOD: Jacobian of geodetic coordinates w.r.t. any type of coordinate
GET_JACOBIAN_CART2ANY: Jacobian of any coordinate type w.r.t. global Cartesian coordinates
GET_JACOBIAN_CART2GEOD: Jacobian of geodetic coordinates w.r.t. global Cartesian coordinates
GET_JACOBIAN_GEOD2GEODM: Jacobian of ellipsoidal arc-lengths w.r.t. global Cartesian coordinates
GET_JACOBIAN_CART2LOCAL: Jacobian of local Cartesian coordinates w.r.t. global Cartesian coordinates (directly)
GET_JACOBIAN_CART2LOCAL_VIAGEOD: Jacobian of local Cartesian coordinates w.r.t. global Cartesian coordinates (via geodetic coordinates)
GET_JACOBIAN_GEOD2CART: Jacobian of global Cartesian coordinates w.r.t. geodetic coordinates
GET_JACOBIAN_GEOD2GEODM: Jacobian of ellipsoidal arc-lengths w.r.t. geodetic coordinates
GET_JACOBIAN_GEOD2LOCAL: Jacobian of local Cartesian coordinates w.r.t. geodetic coordinates (via global Cartesian coordinates)
GET_JACOBIAN_GEOD2LOCAL_VIAGEOD: Jacobian of local Cartesian coordinates w.r.t. geodetic coordinates (directly)
GET_JACOBIAN_GEODM2CART: Jacobian of global Cartesian coordinates w.r.t. ellipsoidal arc-lengths
GET_JACOBIAN_GEODM2GEOD: Jacobian of geodetic coordinates w.r.t. ellipsoidal arc-lengths
GET_JACOBIAN_LOCAL2ANY: Jacobian of any coordinate type w.r.t. local Cartesian coordinates
GET_JACOBIAN_LOCAL2CART: Jacobian of global Cartesian coordinates w.r.t. local Cartesian coordinates (directly)
GET_JACOBIAN_LOCAL2CART_VIAGEOD: Jacobian of global Cartesian coordinates w.r.t. local Cartesian coordinates (via geodetic coordinates)
GET_JACOBIAN_LOCAL2GEOD: Jacobian of geodetic coordinates w.r.t. local Cartesian coordinates (via global Cartesian coordinates)
GET_JACOBIAN_LOCAL2GEOD_VIAGEOD: Jacobian of geodetic coordinates w.r.t. local Cartesian coordinates (directly)

GET_LOXODROME_SPH: Loxodrome (its azimuth and arc-length)
GET_MERIDIAN_ARCLEN: Meridian arc length (at zero height)
GET_RADIUS_EULERIAN: Eulerian (i.e., azimuth-dependent) ellipsoidal radius of curvature
GET_RADIUS_GAUSSIAN: Gaussian (i.e., intrinsic) ellipsoidal radius of curvature
GET_RADIUS_MEAN: Mean ellipsoidal radius of curvature
GET_RADIUS_MERIDIONAL: Meridional (i.e., along the meridian section) ellipsoidal radius of curvature
GET_RADIUS_NORMAL: Normal (i.e., along the prime vertical section) ellipsoidal radius of curvature
GET_SPHERE_NORMAL: Center of a sphere normal to the ellipsod
GET_SPHERE_OSCULATING: Center of an osculating sphere

RAND_POS_GEOD: Random geodetic positions
SETUP_GEOID: Setup geoid map
SETUP_GEOPOT: Setup geopotential coefficients

Cite As

Felipe G. Nievinski (2024). geod -- yet another geodetic toolbox (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

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