Chaotic Biogeography-based Optimisation (CBBO) algorithm

50 chaos-embedded versions of the BBO algorithm
Updated 22 May 2018

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The following chaotic maps have been integrated to the BBO algorithm:
Chebyshev map
Circle map
Gauss/mouse map
Iterative map
Logistic map
Piecewise map
Sine map
Singer map
Sinusoidal map
Tent map

CBBO1 to CBBO10 have chaotic selection operators

CBBO11 to CBBO20 have chaotic migration operator

CBBO21 to CBB30 have chaotic mutation operator

CBBO31 to CBBO40 have chaotic selection and migration operators combined

CBBO41 to CBBO50 have chaotic selection, migration, and mutation operators combined

Please note that except the main file, other files have been originally written by Prof. Dan Simon but modified by us to develop CBBO algorithms. You may find the original source codes of the BBO algorithm in :

The CBBO algorithms are the source codes of the following papers:

Main papers:

S. Saremi, S. Mirjalili, A. Lewis, Biogeography-based optimisation with chaos, Neural Computing and Applications, In press, 2014, Springer DOI:

Saremi S, Mirjalili S (2013) Integrating chaos to biogeography based optimization algorithm. Int J Comput Commun Eng 2:655–658, Link:

Just select your desired chaotic map and benchmark function in main.m file and run it.

More information can be found in

A course on “Optimization Problems and Algorithms: how to understand, formulation, and solve optimization problems”:

A course on “Introduction to Genetic Algorithms: Theory and Applications”

Cite As

Seyedali Mirjalili (2025). Chaotic Biogeography-based Optimisation (CBBO) algorithm (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

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Created with R2012a
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux

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