
A thermographic signal processing toolbox (GUI)
Updated 8 Dec 2015

Thermographic Signal Processing Toolbox provides many of the signal processing methods used in literature, particularly for pulsed and transient thermography.
The signal processing methods include:
- Contrast methods (absolute, running, standard, normalized contrast)
- Differential absolute contrast (DAC)
- Interpolated differential absolute contrast (IDAC)
- Skewness & kurtosis
- Matched filters
- Fourier transform
- Wavelet Transfrom (without the need of the wavelet toolbox)
- Principal component thermography (PCT)
- Thermal signal reconstruction (TSR) with derivatives
- Multiscale retinex enhancement
- Markov error contrast
- Thermal harmonic distortion
- Dynamic Thermal Topography
- Other basic image processing methods

Cite As

JayKretzmann (2024). Prophetanity/Thermographic-Image-Processing-GUI (, GitHub. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2013b
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux
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