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Cite As
Robert Oostenveld (2025). FieldTrip (, GitHub. Retrieved .
Oostenveld, Robert, et al. “FieldTrip: Open Source Software for Advanced Analysis of MEG, EEG, and Invasive Electrophysiological Data.” Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, vol. 2011, Hindawi Limited, 2011, pp. 1–9, doi:10.1155/2011/156869.
Select Citation Style
Oostenveld, Robert, et al. “FieldTrip: Open Source Software for Advanced Analysis of MEG, EEG, and Invasive Electrophysiological Data.” Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, vol. 2011, Hindawi Limited, 2011, pp. 1–9, doi:10.1155/2011/156869.
Oostenveld, R., Fries, P., Maris, E., & Schoffelen, J.-M. (2011). FieldTrip: Open Source Software for Advanced Analysis of MEG, EEG, and Invasive Electrophysiological Data. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, 2011, 1–9. Hindawi Limited. Retrieved from
BibTeX |
@article{Oostenveld_2011, title={FieldTrip: Open Source Software for Advanced Analysis of MEG, EEG, and Invasive Electrophysiological Data}, volume={2011}, ISSN={1687-5273}, url={}, DOI={10.1155/2011/156869}, journal={Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience}, publisher={Hindawi Limited}, author={Oostenveld, Robert and Fries, Pascal and Maris, Eric and Schoffelen, Jan-Mathijs}, year={2011}, pages={1–9} }
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Create scripts with code, output, and formatted text in a single executable document.
- Contents.m
- besa2fieldtrip
- bis2fieldtrip
- data2bids
- edf2fieldtrip
- fieldtrip2besa
- fieldtrip2bis
- fieldtrip2ctf
- fieldtrip2fiff
- fieldtrip2homer
- fieldtrip2spss
- ft_analysispipeline
- ft_annotate
- ft_anonymizedata
- ft_appenddata
- ft_appendfreq
- ft_appendlayout
- ft_appendsens
- ft_appendsource
- ft_appendspike
- ft_appendtimelock
- ft_artifact_clip
- ft_artifact_ecg
- ft_artifact_eog
- ft_artifact_jump
- ft_artifact_muscle
- ft_artifact_nan
- ft_artifact_threshold
- ft_artifact_tms
- ft_artifact_zvalue
- ft_audiovideobrowser
- ft_badchannel
- ft_baddata
- ft_badsegment
- ft_channelnormalise
- ft_channelrepair
- ft_clusterplot
- ft_combineplanar
- ft_componentanalysis
- ft_conjunctionanalysis
- ft_connectivityanalysis
- ft_connectivityplot
- ft_connectivitysimulation
- ft_crossfrequencyanalysis
- ft_databrowser
- ft_defacemesh
- ft_defacevolume
- ft_defaults
- ft_definetrial
- ft_denoise_amm
- ft_denoise_dssp
- ft_denoise_hfc
- ft_denoise_pca
- ft_denoise_prewhiten
- ft_denoise_ssp
- ft_denoise_sss
- ft_denoise_synthetic
- ft_denoise_tsr
- ft_detect_movement
- ft_dipolefitting
- ft_dipolesimulation
- ft_electrodeplacement
- ft_electroderealign
- ft_electrodermalactivity
- ft_eventtiminganalysis
- ft_examplefunction
- ft_freqanalysis
- ft_freqanalysis_mvar
- ft_freqbaseline
- ft_freqdescriptives
- ft_freqgrandaverage
- ft_freqinterpolate
- ft_freqsimulation
- ft_freqstatistics
- ft_geometryplot
- ft_globalmeanfield
- ft_headcircumference
- ft_headmovement
- ft_heartrate
- ft_interactiverealign
- ft_interpolatenan
- ft_lateralizedpotential
- ft_layoutplot
- ft_math
- ft_megplanar
- ft_megrealign
- ft_meshrealign
- ft_movieplotER
- ft_movieplotTFR
- ft_multiplotCC
- ft_multiplotER
- ft_multiplotTFR
- ft_mvaranalysis
- ft_neighbourplot
- ft_networkanalysis
- ft_prepare_headmodel
- ft_prepare_layout
- ft_prepare_leadfield
- ft_prepare_mesh
- ft_prepare_montage
- ft_prepare_neighbours
- ft_prepare_sourcemodel
- ft_preprocessing
- ft_recodeevent
- ft_redefinetrial
- ft_regressconfound
- ft_rejectartifact
- ft_rejectcomponent
- ft_rejectvisual
- ft_removetemplateartifact
- ft_reproducescript
- ft_resampledata
- ft_respiration
- ft_scalpcurrentdensity
- ft_singleplotER
- ft_singleplotTFR
- ft_sliceinterp
- ft_sourceanalysis
- ft_sourcedescriptives
- ft_sourcegrandaverage
- ft_sourceinterpolate
- ft_sourcemovie
- ft_sourceparcellate
- ft_sourceplot
- ft_sourceplot_interactive
- ft_sourcestatistics
- ft_sourcewrite
- ft_statistics_analytic
- ft_statistics_crossvalidate
- ft_statistics_montecarlo
- ft_statistics_mvpa
- ft_statistics_stats
- ft_steadystatesimulation
- ft_stratify
- ft_timelockanalysis
- ft_timelockbaseline
- ft_timelockgrandaverage
- ft_timelocksimulation
- ft_timelockstatistics
- ft_topoplotCC
- ft_topoplotER
- ft_topoplotIC
- ft_topoplotTFR
- ft_virtualchannel
- ft_volumebiascorrect
- ft_volumedownsample
- ft_volumelookup
- ft_volumenormalise
- ft_volumerealign
- ft_volumereslice
- ft_volumesegment
- ft_volumewrite
- ft_wizard
- homer2fieldtrip
- imotions2fieldtrip
- loreta2fieldtrip
- nutmeg2fieldtrip
- spass2fieldtrip
- spm2fieldtrip
- xdf2fieldtrip
- cfg2keyval
- checkconfig
- checkdata
- datatype
- fetch_data
- fetch_event
- fetch_header
- findcfg
- ft_convert_grad
- ft_freqcomparison
- ft_inside_vol
- ft_plot_lay
- ft_plot_vol
- ft_prepare_atlas
- ft_prepare_concentricspheres
- ft_prepare_localspheres
- ft_prepare_singleshell
- ft_qualitycheck
- ft_removetmsartifact
- ft_selectdata_new
- ft_selectdata_old
- ft_sensorrealign
- ft_surfacerealign
- ft_voltype
- hastoolbox
- progress
- qualitycheck_exportname
- scalingfactor
- selectdata
- source2full
- source2grid
- source2sparse
- struct2double
- struct2single
- warp_apply
- warp_error
- warp_optim
- ft_connectivity_cancorr
- ft_connectivity_corr
- ft_connectivity_csd2transfer
- ft_connectivity_dtf
- ft_connectivity_granger
- ft_connectivity_mim
- ft_connectivity_mutualinformation
- ft_connectivity_pdc
- ft_connectivity_plm
- ft_connectivity_powcorr_ortho
- ft_connectivity_ppc
- ft_connectivity_psi
- ft_connectivity_wpli
- blockwise_conditionalgranger
- coeffs2iis
- ctranspose2x2
- ctranspose3x3
- defaultId
- det2x2
- det3x3
- fixname
- ft_debug
- ft_error
- ft_getopt
- ft_info
- ft_notice
- ft_notification
- ft_platform_supports
- ft_progress
- ft_version
- ft_warning
- getsubfield
- inv2x2
- inv3x3
- issubfield
- istrue
- keyval
- mtimes2x2
- mtimes3x3
- multivariate_decomp
- rmsubfield
- sandwich2x2
- sandwich3x3
- setsubfield
- sfactorization_wilson
- sfactorization_wilson2x2
- sfactorization_wilson3x3
- standardise
- transfer2coeffs
- triplet_conditionalgranger
- moxunit_fieldtrip_runtests
- moxunit_fieldtrip_util_parse_dccnpath
- moxunit_fieldtrip_util_parse_dependency
- moxunit_fieldtrip_util_parse_mem
- moxunit_fieldtrip_util_parse_walltime
- moxunit_fieldtrip_util_read_test_mfile_properties
- moxunit_fieldtrip_util_send_json
- moxunit_fieldtrip_util_struct2json
- test_moxunit_fieldtrip_test_case
- test_moxunit_fieldtrip_test_suite_filtering
- test_moxunit_fieldtrip_util_parse_dccnpath
- test_moxunit_fieldtrip_util_parse_dependencies
- test_moxunit_fieldtrip_util_parse_mem
- test_moxunit_fieldtrip_util_parse_walltime
- test_moxunit_fieldtrip_util_read_properties
- test_moxunit_fieldtrip_util_send_json
- test_moxunit_fieldtrip_util_struct2json
- nmt_addtopo
- nmt_animate
- nmt_close
- nmt_image
- nmt_mni2mri
- nmt_mri2mni
- nmt_peaksearch
- nmt_peaksearch_helper
- nmt_polaritytweak
- nmt_reducerank
- nmt_repos
- nmt_sourceoriplot
- nmt_sourceplot
- nmt_spm_plot
- nmt_spm_write_deformationinv
- nmt_spmfig_setup
- nmt_svdtrunc
- nmt_svdtruncinv
- nmt_tbxdti_quiver3
- nmt_timeselect
- nmt_transform_coord
- spm_ov_quivernmt
- atlas_lookup
- freezeColors
- getdimsiz
- nmt_coord_diff
- nmt_rownorm
- nmt_tfplot
- nmt_ts_intervalpower
- nmt_update_panel
- parameterselection
- unfreezeColors
- ft_spike_isi
- ft_spike_jpsth
- ft_spike_maketrials
- ft_spike_plot_isi
- ft_spike_plot_isireturn
- ft_spike_plot_jpsth
- ft_spike_plot_psth
- ft_spike_plot_raster
- ft_spike_psth
- ft_spike_rate
- ft_spike_rate_orituning
- ft_spike_select
- ft_spike_waveform
- ft_spike_xcorr
- ft_spikedensity
- ft_spikedetection
- ft_spikedownsample
- ft_spikefixdmafile
- ft_spikesimulation
- ft_spikesorting
- ft_spikesplitting
- ft_spiketriggeredaverage
- ft_spiketriggeredinterpolation
- ft_spiketriggeredspectrum
- ft_spiketriggeredspectrum_convol
- ft_spiketriggeredspectrum_fft
- ft_spiketriggeredspectrum_stat
- cluster_ward
- getdimord
- getdimsiz
- isrealmat
- isrealvec
- offset2time
- peakdetect3
- preproc
- read_neuralynx_dma
- sine_taper
- smartinput
- specest_nanfft
- spike_crossx
- AFNI_CoordChange
- AFNI_Index2XYZcontinuous
- AFNI_IndexChange
- AFNI_OrientCode
- AFNI_SliceDispManip
- AFNI_XYZcontinuous2Index
- AfniIndex2AfniXYZ
- AfniPrefix
- AfniXYZ2AfniIndex
- Args_to_opts
- BrikInfo
- BrikInfo_2_niml_writesimple
- BrikInfo_SectionValue
- BrikLoad
- CA_EZ_Prep
- CA_EZ_Prep_genx
- Change1D2Carray
- CheckBrikHEAD
- CompCondNum
- ContrVec
- ContrastTest
- DeOblique.m
- DispIVSurf
- DisplayAfniSlice
- ErrEval
- ExamineXmat
- FigPrint
- FindChar
- GE_convertADW
- GE_convertVolume
- GE_createSPMmat
- GE_dumpExamHeader
- GE_dumpHeader
- GE_dumpImageHeader
- GE_dumpSeriesHeader
- GE_get_volsperrun
- GE_readHeader
- GE_readHeaderExam
- GE_readHeaderImage
- GE_readHeaderPixel
- GE_readHeaderSeries
- GE_readHeaderSuite
- GE_readVolume
- GS_orth_1D
- GetAfniSlice
- GetAfniSliceTriplet
- GetNextLine
- GetPath
- GetWord
- Gram_Schmidt_Process
- GroupAna
- HEAD_Rules
- HistoryTrace
- IndiAna.m
- Info_1D
- IntProj
- LabelAxis
- MakeColorMap
- MatAFNI_Demo.m
- McRetroTS
- NewCs
- New_HEAD
- New_input.m
- NextString
- Norm
- PeakFinder
- PhaseEstimator
- Plane_Equation
- PreProc
- PrefixStatus
- PrefixStatus
- PurgeComments
- QRDecom
- ROIcmap
- ROIcol
- RVT_from_PeakFinder
- Read_1D
- Remove1DExtension
- RemoveExtension
- RemoveNIMLExtension
- RemoveNiftiExtension
- ResliceBrick
- RetroTS
- RotateAboutAxis
- Rrank
- ScaleToMap
- ShowCmap
- ShowPlane
- ShowRegressors
- Show_RVT_Peak
- SkipMatlabHelp
- SumsOfSquares
- THD_3dmm_to_dicomm
- THD_dicomm_to_3dmm
- TaskTest
- TellAfni
- TellAfniCheck
- TellAfni_Commands
- Test_AFNI_Index2XYZcontinuous.m
- Test_AFNI_IndexChange.m
- Test_AFNI_XYZcontinuous2Index.m
- Test_BrikLoad.m
- Test_New_HEAD.m
- Test_TellAfni.m
- Test_m3dReorder.m
- ToyTalk
- VectStat
- WaverBasisOption
- WhichSubBricks
- WordCount
- WriteBrik
- WriteBrikHEAD
- addsquare
- afni_fig_interface
- afni_isdigit
- afni_nel_parse
- afni_ni_checkfordata
- afni_ni_defs
- afni_ni_is_numeric_type
- afni_ni_rowtype_name_to_code
- afni_niml_parse
- afni_niml_print
- afni_niml_read
- afni_niml_readsimple
- afni_niml_readsimpleroi
- afni_niml_test_io
- afni_niml_write
- afni_niml_writesimple
- afni_swapbytes
- afni_talk_defs
- afni_test_niml_io.m
- angle_dist_nc
- basis_col
- basis_row
- cstring
- dofit
- eq_str
- figarng
- filexist
- get_required_precision
- gind2sub
- idummy
- is_orthogonal_matrix
- is_orthogonal_set
- is_orthonormal_set
- is_row
- is_symmetric_matrix
- isdigit
- iseven
- isint
- keep
- m3dReorder
- makemodel
- newid
- normalise
- pad_strn
- parse_atlastable.m
- plotsign2
- readXcol.m
- readmtc
- readsrf
- ref
- rgbdectohex
- sectotime
- setfpos
- setfsize
- split_string
- spm_Gpdf
- spm_bf
- spm_hrf
- suma_stitch
- termcross
- termsnotcontained
- tross_Encode_String
- uiget1Dfile
- unsplit_string
- writeSPMmat
- wryte3
- xticklabel_rotate
- zdeblank
- zdeblankall
- zglobb
- zinputdlg
- zscale
- artinis_license
- ft_nirs_prepare_ODtransformation
- ft_nirs_referencechannelsubtraction
- ft_nirs_scalpcouplingindex
- ft_nirs_signalqualityindex
- ft_nirs_transform_ODs
- ft_prepare_ODtransformation
- ft_transform_ODs
- ft_trialfun_artinis
- read_artinis_oxy3
- read_artinis_oxy4
- read_artinis_oxy55
- read_artinis_oxyproj
- Contents.m
- anova
- bfFromF
- bfFromR2
- bfFromT
- binotest
- corr
- designAnalysis
- options
- regression
- ttest
- ttest2
- Contents.m
- allInteractions
- cauchyPdf
- designMatrix
- getAllTerms
- interaction
- inverseGammaPdf
- isCategorical
- mcIntegral
- nWayAnova
- randCauchy
- rouderS
- scaledInverseChiPdf
- sharedPriorIx
- simulateLinearModel
- zeroSumConstraint
- commonDesigns.m
- gettingStarted.m
- moreyExamples.m
- regressionExample.m
- rouderFigure2
- rouderFigure4
- rouderFigure5
- schoenbrodtFigures
- adjacency_plot_und
- agreement
- agreement_weighted
- align_matrices
- assortativity
- assortativity_bin
- assortativity_wei
- backbone_wu
- betweenness_bin
- betweenness_wei
- breadth
- breadthdist
- charpath
- clustering_coef_bd
- clustering_coef_bu
- clustering_coef_wd
- clustering_coef_wu
- clustering_coef_wu_sign
- community_louvain
- consensus_und
- core_periphery_dir
- cycprob
- degrees_dir
- degrees_und
- demo_generative_models_geometric.m
- demo_generative_models_neighbors.m
- density_dir
- density_und
- distance_bin
- distance_wei
- diversity_coef_sign
- edge_betweenness_bin
- edge_betweenness_wei
- edge_nei_overlap_bd
- edge_nei_overlap_bu
- efficiency
- efficiency_bin
- efficiency_wei
- eigenvector_centrality_und
- erange
- evaluate_generative_model
- find_motif34
- findpaths
- findwalks
- flow_coef_bd
- gateway_coef_sign
- generative_model
- get_components
- grid_communities
- gtom
- jdegree
- kcore_bd
- kcore_bu
- kcoreness_centrality_bd
- kcoreness_centrality_bu
- latmio_dir
- latmio_dir_connected
- latmio_und
- latmio_und_connected
- link_communities
- local_assortativity_wu_sign
- make_motif34lib
- makeevenCIJ
- makefractalCIJ
- makelatticeCIJ
- makerandCIJ_dir
- makerandCIJ_und
- makerandCIJdegreesfixed
- makeringlatticeCIJ
- maketoeplitzCIJ
- matching_ind
- matching_ind_und
- modularity_dir
- modularity_finetune_und_sign
- modularity_louvain_und
- modularity_louvain_und_sign
- modularity_probtune_und_sign
- modularity_und
- module_degree_zscore
- motif3funct_bin
- motif3funct_wei
- motif3struct_bin
- motif3struct_wei
- motif4funct_bin
- motif4funct_wei
- motif4struct_bin
- motif4struct_wei
- null_model_dir_sign
- null_model_und_sign
- pagerank_centrality
- participation_coef
- participation_coef_sign
- partition_distance
- randmio_dir
- randmio_dir_connected
- randmio_dir_signed
- randmio_und
- randmio_und_connected
- randmio_und_signed
- randomize_graph_partial_und
- randomizer_bin_und
- reachdist
- release_notes.m
- rentian_scaling
- reorderMAT
- reorder_matrix
- reorder_mod
- rich_club_bd
- rich_club_bu
- rich_club_wd
- rich_club_wu
- score_wu
- strengths_dir
- strengths_und
- strengths_und_sign
- subgraph_centrality
- threshold_absolute
- threshold_proportional
- transitivity_bd
- transitivity_bu
- transitivity_wd
- transitivity_wu
- weight_conversion
- writetoPAJ
- besaBESAfmp
- besa_matrix2Gen
- besa_plotFtDipoleResults
- besa_plotFtSensorLevelMaps
- besa_save2Avr
- besa_save2Bsa
- besa_save2ChanLabels
- besa_save2ChanPositions
- besa_save2Dataset
- besa_save2Elp
- besa_save2Evt
- besa_save2PmgPos
- besa_save2SurfacePoint
- besa_save2Swf
- besa_transformCartesian2Spherical
- readBESAavr
- readBESAbsa
- readBESAelp
- readBESAgfprv
- readBESAimage
- readBESAlft
- readBESAloc
- readBESAmul
- readBESApos
- readBESAsb
- readBESAsfh
- readBESAsrf
- readBESAswf
- readBESAtfc
- readBESAtfcs
- test_matlab2besa.m
- Contents.m
- bdf2biosig_events
- bkropen
- bni2hdr
- bv2biosig_events
- cntopen
- covm
- famosopen
- fefopen
- fltopen
- gdfdatatype
- getfiletype
- iopen
- iread
- leadidcodexyz
- matread
- mvfilter
- mwfopen
- opendicom
- openiff
- openldr
- openxml
- physicalunits
- rs
- scpopen
- str2double
- sumskipnan
- bst_bsxfun
- bst_fileparts
- bst_fullfile
- bst_get
- bst_prctile
- bst_progress
- db_template
- file_exist
- in_channel_nk
- macro_method
- str_date
- str_split
- cellall
- cellcat
- cellcolremove
- cellcolselect
- cellcov
- cellcov
- cellcovshift
- cellcreate
- cellcrossprodcov
- cellcrossproduct
- cellctranspose
- cellmean
- cellmsq
- cellnancov
- cellrowassign
- cellrows
- cellrowselect
- cellshift
- cellssq
- cellstd
- cellsubselect
- cellvecadd
- cellvecmult
- cellzscore
- checkinput
- abs
- all
- and
- any
- cov
- ctranspose
- eq
- exp
- floor
- ge
- gt
- imag
- isfinite
- isnan
- isreal
- le
- log
- lt
- mean
- minus
- mldivide
- mtimes
- nancov
- nanmean
- nanstd
- nansum
- nanvar
- ne
- not
- plus
- power
- rdivide
- real
- sign
- size2
- sqrt
- std
- sum
- times
- var
- zscore
- addCTFtrial
- getCTFBalanceCoefs.m
- getCTFdata
- readCPersist
- readCTFMRI
- readCTFds
- readCTFhdm
- setCTFDataBalance
- writeCPersist
- writeCTFMRI
- writeCTFds
- writeCTFhdm
- writeMarkerFile
- writeRes4
- beta_global
- beta_pow3
- beta_tanh
- default_stop
- denoise_avg
- denoise_avg2
- denoise_dct
- denoise_energy
- denoise_fica_gauss
- denoise_fica_kurtosis
- denoise_fica_skew
- denoise_fica_tanh
- denoise_filter
- denoise_filter2
- denoise_hilbert
- denoise_mask
- denoise_pow3
- denoise_smooth_tanh
- denoise_tanh
- denss
- dss_2dmask
- dss_check_adaptivity
- dss_core_defl
- dss_core_mim
- dss_core_pca
- dss_core_symm
- dss_create_state
- dss_fastica
- dss_message
- dss_preprocess
- dss_set_denoising
- dss_sphere
- estimate_mask
- gamma_179
- gamma_predictive
- gamma_predictive_symm
- keyboard_interrupt
- logplot
- ortho_default
- ortho_default
- ortho_quasi
- ortho_sparse
- pre_sphere
- pre_sphere_blocked
- pre_sphere_symm
- prepare.m
- randlap
- report_convergence
- report_objective
- report_print
- report_w
- tostring
- binica.m
- eeglab2fieldtrip
- fieldtrip2eeglab
- floatread
- floatwrite
- icadefs.m
- jader.m
- loadcnt
- movav
- pcsquash
- runica
- sobi.m
- varimax
- getMatlabMffApiVersion
- mff_getObject
- mff_getSummaryInfo
- mff_micros2Sample
- mff_setup
- mff_valid
- read_mff_data
- read_mff_event
- read_mff_header
- write_mff_data
- write_mff_event
- write_mff_history
- Contents.m
- demosig
- dispsig
- fastica
- fasticag
- fpica
- gui_adv
- gui_advc
- gui_cb
- gui_cg
- gui_help
- gui_l
- gui_lc
- gui_s
- gui_sc
- icaplot
- pcamat
- remmean
- whitenv
- CalcMD5
- DataHash
- arrow
- base64decode
- base64encode
- icp
- keep
- load_acq
- pan_tompkin
- stlwrite
- subtightplot
- uimage
- uimagesc
- vtkwrite
- fns_contable_write
- fns_elec_write
- fns_leadfield
- fns_read_recipdata
- fns_read_transfer
- fns_region_read
- fns_region_write
- MRIfspec
- MRIread
- MRIwrite
- fd3
- fsgettmppath
- fwrite3
- isdicomfile
- load_analyze
- load_analyze_hdr
- load_dicom_fl
- load_dicom_series
- load_mgh
- load_nifti
- load_nifti_hdr
- read_annotation
- read_curv
- read_fscolorlut
- read_label
- read_surf
- save_mgh
- save_nifti
- strlen
- vox2rasToQform
- vox2ras_0to1
- vox2ras_1to0
- vox2ras_dfmeas
- vox2ras_ksolve
- vox2ras_rsolve
- vox2ras_rsolveAA
- vox2ras_tkreg
- write_surf
- cmi_ggg
- cmi_ggg_vec
- copnorm
- ctransform
- ent_g
- gcmi_cc
- gcmi_ccc
- gcmi_ccd
- gcmi_mixture_cd
- gcmi_model_cd
- gcmi_version
- maxstar
- mi_gd2
- mi_gd_vectorized
- mi_gg
- mi_gg_vec
- mi_mixture_gd
- mi_mixture_gd_vec
- mi_model_gd
- mi_model_gd_vec
- vecchol
- base64decode
- base64encode
- getdict
- isintent
- mvtk_write
- read_freesurfer_file
- read_gifti_file_standalone
- xml_parser
- zstream
- Contents.m
- add
- attributes
- branch
- char
- children
- convert
- copy
- delete
- display
- editor
- find
- flush
- get
- getfilename
- isfield
- length
- move
- parent
- root
- save
- set
- setfilename
- xmltree
- exampleGenerateSidecar.m
- getHostOptions
- getSessionInfo
- getTestData
- hed_assemble
- outputReport
- runAllTests.m
- runTest.m
- testEventServices
- testEventServices
- testGetServices
- testSidecarServices
- testSpreadsheetServices
- testStringServices
- AuxClass
- DataClass
- DataTypeLabelValues
- DataTypeValues
- MeasListClass
- MetaDataTagsClass
- ProbeClass
- SnirfClass
- StimClass
- CopyHandles
- HDF5_DatasetLoad
- HDF5_DatasetWrite
- HDF5_DatasetWriteStrings
- HDF5_GroupClose
- HDF5_GroupOpen
- HDF5_PostProcessing
- HDF5_Transpose
- cell2str_new
- convertHDF5StrToMatlabStr
- h5loadgroup
- hdf5write_safe
- isproperty
- iswholenum
- pretty_print_struct
- propnames
- strtrim_improve
external/ibtb/Auxiliary Functions/build_logical_mask
external/ibtb/Bias Corrections/Bias Corrections for Guassian Method
external/ibtb/Binning Functions
external/ibtb/Extrapolations/Auxiliary Functions/partition_R
external/ibtb/Extrapolations/Quadratic Extrapolation
external/ibtb/Input Handling
external/ibtb/Methods/Auxiliary Functions/shuffle_R_across_cells
external/ibtb/Methods/Gaussian Method
- cca
- centrotype
- clusterhull
- clusterquality
- clusterstat
- corrw
- hcluster
- icasso
- icassoCluster
- icassoDendrogram
- icassoEst
- icassoExp
- icassoGet
- icassoGraph
- icassoIdx2Centrotype
- icassoProjection
- icassoResult
- icassoRindex
- icassoShow
- icassoStability
- icassoStruct
- mmds
- parallelize
- processvarargin
- redscale
- reducesim
- rindex
- sammon
- signalplot
- sim2dis
- similaritygraph
- som_dendrogram
- som_grid
- som_linkage
- som_set
- sqrtsim2dis
- vis_valuetype
- advancefront
- bbxflatsegment
- binsurface
- bwislands
- cgals2m
- cgalv2m
- deislands2d
- deislands3d
- delendelem
- deletemeshfile
- edgeneighbors
- elemvolume
- extractloops
- extrudecurve
- extrudesurf
- faceneighbors
- fallbackexeext
- fillholes3d
- fillsurf
- finddisconnsurf
- flatsegment
- getexeext
- getintersecttri
- getoptkey
- getplanefrom3pt
- getvarfrom
- highordertet
- imedge3d
- innersurf
- insurface
- internalpoint
- iso2meshver
- latticegrid
- m2v
- maxsurf
- mcpath
- mergemesh
- mergesurf
- mesh2mask
- mesh2vol
- meshabox
- meshacylinder
- meshanellip
- meshasphere
- meshcentroid
- meshcheckrepair
- meshconn
- meshcylinders
- meshedge
- mesheuler
- meshgrid5
- meshgrid6
- meshinterp
- meshquality
- meshrefine
- meshremap
- meshreorient
- meshresample
- meshunitsphere
- mwpath
- neighborelem
- nodevolume
- orderloopedge
- orthdisk
- outersurf
- plotedges
- plotmesh
- plotsurf
- plottetra
- qmeshcut
- raysurf
- raytrace
- readasc
- readgts
- readinr
- readmedit
- readnirfast
- readoff
- readsmf
- readtetgen
- remeshsurf
- removedupelem
- removedupnodes
- removeisolatednode
- removeisolatedsurf
- rotatevec3d
- rotmat2vec
- s2m
- s2v
- saveabaqus
- saveasc
- savebinstl
- savedxf
- savegts
- saveinr
- savejmesh
- savemedit
- savemphtxt
- savemsh
- savenirfast
- saveoff
- savesmf
- savestl
- savesurfpoly
- savetetgenele
- savetetgennode
- savevrml
- smoothbinvol
- smoothsurf
- sms
- sortmesh
- struct2jdata
- surf2mesh
- surf2vol
- surf2volz
- surfaceclean
- surfacenorm
- surfboolean
- surfdiffuse
- surfedge
- surfinterior
- surfpart
- surfplane
- surfreorient
- surfseeds
- surfvolume
- thickenbinvol
- thinbinvol
- uniqedges
- v2m
- v2s
- vol2mesh
- vol2restrictedtri
- vol2surf
- volface
- volmap2mesh
- gzipdecode
- gzipencode
- jnifticreate
- jnii2nii
- loadjnifti
- loadnifti
- memmapstream
- nifticreate
- nii2jnii
- niicodemap
- niiformat
- savebnii
- savejnifti
- savejnii
- savenifti
- Contents.m
- base64decode
- base64encode
- decodevarname
- encodevarname
- fast_match_bracket
- filterjsonmmap
- getfromjsonpath
- gzipdecode
- gzipencode
- isoctavemesh
- jdatadecode
- jdataencode
- jload
- jsave
- jsonget
- jsonopt
- jsonset
- loadbj
- loadjd
- loadjson
- loadmsgpack
- loadubjson
- lz4decode
- lz4encode
- lz4hcdecode
- lz4hcencode
- lzipdecode
- lzipencode
- lzmadecode
- lzmaencode
- match_bracket
- mergestruct
- nestbracket2dim
- savebj
- savejd
- savejson
- savemsgpack
- saveubjson
- varargin2struct
- zlibdecode
- zlibencode
- eegplugin_extractlag
- extractlag
- lagextraction_demo.m
- lagextraction_robustness.m
- lagextraction_robustness_aux.m
- lagextraction_setup.m
- lagextraction_tutorial.m
- perform_embedding
- perform_extraction
- perform_realign
- pop_extractlag
- publish_lagextraction_plugin.m
- savefig
- smart_figure
- compute_distances
- compute_weights
- curvature_2D
- curvature_2D_diff
- gc_lags
- get_weights_smart
- interp_cubic_herm
- normalize_rows
- smart_figure
- spm_load_tcm
- spm_mars
- spm_mars_core
- spm_mars_mrf
- spm_mars_newSeg
- spm_mars_run
- spm_sample_tcm
- start_mars
- tbx_cfg_mars
- eegplugin_mffmatlabio
- mff_createmff
- mff_decodetime
- mff_encodetime
- mff_export
- mff_exportcategories
- mff_exportcoordinates
- mff_exportepochs
- mff_exportevents
- mff_exportinfo
- mff_exportinfon
- mff_exportpnsset
- mff_exportsensorlayout
- mff_exportsignal
- mff_exportsubject
- mff_fileio_read_data
- mff_fileio_read_event
- mff_fileio_read_header
- mff_fileio_write
- mff_getobj
- mff_import
- mff_importcategories
- mff_importcoordinates
- mff_importepochs
- mff_importevents
- mff_importinfo
- mff_importinfon
- mff_importkeys
- mff_importpnsset
- mff_importsensorlayout
- mff_importsignal
- mff_importsubject
- mff_path
- mff_setobj
- pop_mffexport
- pop_mffimport
- test_mff_files.m
- test_single_fileio_file.m
- convertlocs
- eeg_checkchanlocs
- eeg_checkset
- eeg_compare
- eeg_emptyset
- eeg_optionsbackup.m
- eeg_point2lat
- error_bc
- fastif
- pop_editeventvals
- pop_fileio
- sph2topo
- topo2sph
- union_bc
- vararg2str
- fiff_copy_tree
- fiff_define_constants
- fiff_dir_tree_find
- fiff_end_block
- fiff_end_file
- fiff_find_evoked
- fiff_finish_writing_raw
- fiff_invert_transform
- fiff_list_dir_tree
- fiff_make_ch_rename
- fiff_make_dir_tree
- fiff_open
- fiff_pick_channels
- fiff_pick_channels_evoked
- fiff_pick_info
- fiff_pick_types
- fiff_pick_types_evoked
- fiff_read_bad_channels
- fiff_read_coord_trans
- fiff_read_ctf_comp
- fiff_read_epochs
- fiff_read_events
- fiff_read_evoked
- fiff_read_evoked_all
- fiff_read_extended_ch_info
- fiff_read_hpi_result
- fiff_read_meas_info
- fiff_read_mri
- fiff_read_named_matrix
- fiff_read_proj
- fiff_read_raw_segment
- fiff_read_raw_segment_times
- fiff_read_tag
- fiff_read_tag_info
- fiff_rename_comp
- fiff_rename_list
- fiff_reset_ch_pos
- fiff_setup_read_raw
- fiff_split_name_list
- fiff_start_block
- fiff_start_file
- fiff_start_writing_raw
- fiff_transform_eeg_chs
- fiff_transform_meg_chs
- fiff_write_ch_info
- fiff_write_ch_infos
- fiff_write_complex
- fiff_write_complex_matrix
- fiff_write_coord_trans
- fiff_write_ctf_comp
- fiff_write_dau16
- fiff_write_dig_file
- fiff_write_dig_point
- fiff_write_double
- fiff_write_double_complex
- fiff_write_double_complex_matrix
- fiff_write_double_matrix
- fiff_write_epochs
- fiff_write_events
- fiff_write_evoked
- fiff_write_float
- fiff_write_float_matrix
- fiff_write_float_sparse_ccs
- fiff_write_float_sparse_rcs
- fiff_write_id
- fiff_write_int
- fiff_write_int_matrix
- fiff_write_name_list
- fiff_write_named_matrix
- fiff_write_proj
- fiff_write_raw_buffer
- fiff_write_raw_segment
- fiff_write_raw_segment_times
- fiff_write_short
- fiff_write_string
- mne_add_coil_defs
- mne_baby_meg_dig_trig
- mne_block_diag
- mne_combine_xyz
- mne_compensate_to
- mne_ex_average_epochs
- mne_ex_cancel_noise
- mne_ex_compute_inverse
- mne_ex_data_sets
- mne_ex_evoked_grad_amp
- mne_ex_read_epochs
- mne_ex_read_evoked
- mne_ex_read_raw
- mne_ex_read_write_raw
- mne_ex_rt
- mne_file_name
- mne_find_channel
- mne_find_events
- mne_find_source_space_hemi
- mne_fread3
- mne_fwrite3
- mne_get_current_comp
- mne_label_time_courses
- mne_license
- mne_load_coil_def
- mne_make_combined_event_file
- mne_make_compensator
- mne_make_projector
- mne_make_projector_info
- mne_mesh_edges
- mne_morph_data
- mne_omit_first_line
- mne_patch_info
- mne_pick_channels_cov
- mne_pick_channels_forward
- mne_prepare_inverse_operator
- mne_read_bem_surfaces
- mne_read_cov
- mne_read_curvature
- mne_read_epoch
- mne_read_events
- mne_read_forward_solution
- mne_read_inverse_operator
- mne_read_label_file
- mne_read_morph_map
- mne_read_noise_cov
- mne_read_source_spaces
- mne_read_stc_file
- mne_read_stc_file1
- mne_read_surface
- mne_read_surfaces
- mne_read_w_file
- mne_read_w_file1
- mne_reduce_surface
- mne_rt_client
- mne_rt_cmd_client
- mne_rt_data_client
- mne_rt_define_commands
- mne_set_current_comp
- mne_source_spectral_analysis
- mne_transform_coordinates
- mne_transform_source_space_to
- mne_transpose_named_matrix
- mne_write_cov
- mne_write_cov_file
- mne_write_events
- mne_write_inverse_sol_stc
- mne_write_inverse_sol_w
- mne_write_label_file
- mne_write_stc_file
- mne_write_stc_file1
- mne_write_surface
- mne_write_w_file
- mne_write_w_file1
- eegplugin_neurone
- guireadneurone
- module_read_neurone_xml
- pop_readneurone
- readneurone
- readneuronedata
- readneuroneevents
- LoadBinary
- LoadEvents
- LoadParameters
- LoadPositions
- LoadSpikeAmplitudes
- LoadSpikeFeatures
- LoadSpikeTimes
- LoadSpikeWaveforms
- Contents.m
- isdmatrix
- isdscalar
- isdvector
- isimatrix
- isiscalar
- isivector
- islmatrix
- islscalar
- islvector
- isradians
- isstring
- wrap
- Example
- ExampleAnalog
- ns_CloseFile
- ns_GetAnalogData
- ns_GetAnalogInfo
- ns_GetEntityInfo
- ns_GetEventData
- ns_GetEventInfo
- ns_GetFileInfo
- ns_GetIndexByTime
- ns_GetLastErrorMsg
- ns_GetLibraryInfo
- ns_GetNeuralData
- ns_GetNeuralInfo
- ns_GetSegmentData
- ns_GetSegmentInfo
- ns_GetSegmentSourceInfo
- ns_GetTimeByIndex
- ns_OpenFile
- ns_SetLibrary
external/npmk/Dependent Functions
- getFile
- getFolder
- getSettingFileFullPath
- parseCCF
- parseCommand
- syncPatternDetectNEV
- syncPatternDetectNSx
- syncPatternFinderNSx
external/npmk/NEV Utilities
external/npmk/NSx Utilities
- NSxPowerSpectrum
- calcTimeDelay
- combineNSxNEV
- findSpikes
- matrixToNSx
- mergeNSxNEV
- mergeNSxNEV
- openNSxHL
- plotAverageWaveforms
- removeNSxData
- rethresholdNSx
- saveChNSx
- saveNSx
- separatePausedNSx
- separatePausedNSx
- splitNSx
- splitNSxPauses
external/npmk/NTrode Utilities
external/npmk/Other tools
- ft_sensinterp_openmeeg
- ft_sysmat_openmeeg
- mesh_icosahedron
- mesh_octahedron
- mesh_sphere
- mesh_tetrahedron
- om_check_vol
- om_checkombin
- om_getgccversion
- om_load_full
- om_load_sparse
- om_load_sym
- om_save_full
- om_save_sparse
- om_save_sym
- om_save_tri
- om_spher_mag_iso
- om_spher_pot_aniso
- om_spher_pot_iso
- om_vangle
- om_write_cond
- om_write_geom
- openmeeg
- openmeeg_dsm
- openmeeg_eeg_leadfield_example.m
- openmeeg_helper
- openmeeg_io_matlab_test.m
- openmeeg_license
- openmeeg_meg_leadfield_example.m
- openmeeg_megm
- openmeeg_sensinterpolmat
- testOpenMEEGeeg
- plot2svg
- simulink2svg
- svgBoundingBox
- svgComposite
- svgGaussianBlur
- svgImage
- svgLuminanceToAlpha
- svgOffset
- svgSpecularLightingDistant
- svgTurbulence
- barthannwin
- blackmanharris
- bohmanwin
- boxcar
- butter
- downsample
- filtfilt
- fir1
- fir2
- firls
- flattopwin
- gausswin
- hann
- hanning
- hilbert
- kaiser
- nuttallwin
- parzenwin
- rectwin
- resample
- triang
- tukeywin
- upfirdn
- upsample
- window
- calc_stiff_matrix_val
- read_vista_mesh
- revert_assignment
- sb_calc_stiff
- sb_calc_vecx
- sb_calc_ven_loads
- sb_check_sources
- sb_find_elec
- sb_rhs_venant
- sb_set_bndcon
- sb_solve
- sb_sparse_to_mat
- sb_test_ori
- sb_transfer
- sb_write_materials
- write_vista_mesh
- write_vista_vol
- Contents.m
- full
- spm
- spm_Gpdf
- spm_affine_priors
- spm_bsplinc
- spm_bsplins
- spm_bwlabel
- spm_check_orientations
- spm_check_version
- spm_conv_vol
- spm_coreg
- spm_create_vol
- spm_dartel_integrate
- spm_dctmtx
- spm_deface
- spm_defaults
- spm_deformations
- spm_dicom_convert
- spm_dicom_essentials
- spm_dicom_header
- spm_dicom_headers
- spm_dicom_metadata
- spm_dicom_text_to_dict
- spm_diffeo
- spm_epharm
- spm_existfile
- spm_extrapolate_def
- spm_field
- spm_fieldindices
- spm_figure
- spm_file
- spm_fileparts
- spm_flip_analyze_images
- spm_get_bbox
- spm_get_closest_affine
- spm_get_defaults
- spm_get_space
- spm_global
- spm_hist
- spm_hist2
- spm_hrf
- spm_imatrix
- spm_imcalc
- spm_ipharm
- spm_jsonread
- spm_jsonwrite
- spm_krutil
- spm_load_priors8
- spm_maff8
- spm_matrix
- spm_mesh_detect
- spm_minmax
- spm_mrf
- spm_platform
- spm_plot_convergence
- spm_powell
- spm_preproc
- spm_preproc8
- spm_preproc_write8
- spm_progress_bar
- spm_read_vols
- spm_sample_priors8
- spm_sample_vol
- spm_select
- spm_slice_vol
- spm_slm
- spm_smooth
- spm_smoothkern
- spm_smoothto8bit
- spm_type
- spm_unlink
- spm_vol
- spm_vol_nifti
- spm_write_plane
- spm_write_vol
- Contents.m
- cat
- ctranspose
- disp
- display
- double
- end
- fieldnames
- file_array
- horzcat
- initialise
- isnan
- length
- loadobj
- ndims
- numel
- numeric
- permute
- reshape
- size
- subsasgn
- subsref
- transpose
- vertcat
- datatypes
- dim
- dtype
- file2mat
- fname
- init
- mat2file
- mystruct
- offset
- permission
- resize_scales
- scl_inter
- scl_slope
- M2Q
- Q2M
- decode_qform0
- empty_hdr
- encode_qform0
- findindict
- getdict
- mayo2nifti1
- mayostruc
- nifti1struc
- nifti2struc
- nifti_stats
- niftistruc
- read_extras
- read_hdr
- read_hdr_raw
- write_extras
- write_hdr_raw
- cfg2struct
- cfg_entry
- fieldnames
- gencode_item
- match
- showdetail
- showdoc
- subs_fields
- subsasgn
- subsasgn_check
- subsref
- all_leafs
- all_set
- all_set_item
- cat
- cfg2jobsubs
- cfg2struct
- cfg_item
- clearval
- disp
- display
- docheck
- expand
- fieldnames
- fillvals
- gencode
- gencode_item
- gettag
- harvest
- horzcat
- initialise
- list
- match
- resolve_deps
- setval
- showdetail
- showdoc
- subs_fields
- subsasgn
- subsasgn_check
- subsasgn_checkstr
- subsasgn_job
- subsref
- subsref_job
- tag2cfgsubs
- update_deps
- val2def
- vertcat
- dartel3
- optimN
- optimNn
- optim_compat
- spm_dartel_dotprods
- spm_dartel_import
- spm_dartel_invnorm
- spm_dartel_jacobian
- spm_dartel_kernel
- spm_dartel_norm
- spm_dartel_norm_fun
- spm_dartel_resids
- spm_dartel_smooth
- spm_dartel_template
- spm_dartel_warp
- spm_klaff
- spm_norm_population
- tbx_cfg_dartel
- spm_affreg
- spm_brainwarp
- spm_cfg_normalise
- spm_get_bbox
- spm_get_orig_coord
- spm_normalise
- spm_normalise_disp
- spm_run_normalise
- spm_write_sn
- spm_cfg_preproc
- spm_invdef
- spm_load_priors
- spm_maff
- spm_prep2sn
- spm_preproc_write
- spm_run_preproc
- spm_sample_priors
- Contents.m
- spm
- spm_affreg
- spm_atranspa
- spm_brainwarp
- spm_bsplinc
- spm_bsplins
- spm_bwlabel
- spm_chi2_plot
- spm_close_vol
- spm_conv_vol
- spm_create_vol
- spm_dctmtx
- spm_figure
- spm_flip_analyze_images
- spm_global
- spm_matrix
- spm_normalise
- spm_normalise_disp
- spm_platform
- spm_progress_bar
- spm_read_hdr
- spm_read_netcdf
- spm_read_vols
- spm_sample_vol
- spm_segment
- spm_slice_vol
- spm_smooth
- spm_smoothto8bit
- spm_str_manip
- spm_type
- spm_vol
- spm_vol_ana
- spm_vol_ecat7
- spm_vol_minc
- spm_write_plane
- spm_write_sn
- spm_write_vol
- Contents.m
- file_array
- nifti
- spm
- spm_XYZreg
- spm_affreg
- spm_bias_apply
- spm_bias_estimate
- spm_bias_mex
- spm_brainwarp
- spm_bwlabel
- spm_check_installation
- spm_check_orientations
- spm_chi2_plot
- spm_conman
- spm_create_vol
- spm_dctmtx
- spm_defaults
- spm_eeg_inv_vbecd_disp
- spm_eeg_load
- spm_figure
- spm_fileparts
- spm_flip_analyze_images
- spm_getSPM
- spm_get_bbox
- spm_get_defaults
- spm_get_space
- spm_help
- spm_imatrix
- spm_input
- spm_jobman
- spm_load_priors
- spm_maff
- spm_matlab_version_chk
- spm_matrix
- spm_minmax
- spm_normalise
- spm_normalise_disp
- spm_orthviews
- spm_platform
- spm_prep2sn
- spm_preproc
- spm_preproc_write
- spm_print
- spm_progress_bar
- spm_read_vols
- spm_sample_priors
- spm_select
- spm_smooth
- spm_smoothkern
- spm_smoothto8bit
- spm_str_manip
- spm_type
- spm_vol
- spm_vol_nifti
- spm_write_plane
- spm_write_sn
- spm_write_vol
- Contents.m
- cat
- ctranspose
- dim
- disp
- display
- double
- dtype
- end
- fieldnames
- file_array
- fname
- horzcat
- isnan
- length
- loadobj
- ndims
- numel
- numeric
- offset
- permission
- permute
- reshape
- scl_inter
- scl_slope
- size
- subsasgn
- subsref
- transpose
- vertcat
- datatypes
- dim
- dtype
- file2mat
- fname
- mat2file
- mystruct
- offset
- permission
- resize_scales
- scl_inter
- scl_slope
- Contents.m
- badchannels
- badtrials
- cache
- chanlabels
- chantype
- check
- clone
- conditions
- condlist
- coor2D
- delete
- display
- dtype
- ecgchannels
- emgchannels
- eogchannels
- events
- fiducials
- fieldnames
- fname
- fnamedat
- frequencies
- fsample
- ftraw
- fttimelock
- getcache
- getfield
- history
- indchannel
- indchantype
- indfrequency
- indsample
- indtrial
- isfield
- meeg
- meegchannels
- modality
- nchannels
- nconditions
- nfrequencies
- nsamples
- ntrials
- path
- pickconditions
- putfsample
- putnsamples
- reject
- repl
- rmfield
- save
- sconfounds
- selectchannels
- selectdata
- sensors
- size
- subsasgn
- subsref
- time
- timeonset
- transformtype
- trialonset
- type
- units
- Contents.m
- create
- disp
- display
- encode_qform0
- fieldnames
- mayo2nifti1
- nifti
- niftistruc
- read_extras
- read_hdr
- structn
- subsasgn
- subsref
- M2Q
- Q2M
- decode_qform0
- empty_hdr
- encode_qform0
- findindict
- getdict
- mayo2nifti1
- mayostruc
- nifti_stats
- niftistruc
- read_extras
- read_hdr
- read_hdr_raw
- write_extras
- write_hdr_raw
- betacdf
- betainv
- betapdf
- binocdf
- binopdf
- finv
- knnsearch
- kurtosis
- mvnrnd
- nanmax
- nanmean
- nanmin
- nanstd
- nansum
- nanvar
- range
- skewness
- tcdf
- tinv
- consolidate
- consolidateall
- file2str
- mat2xml
- mbmling
- simplify_mbml
- spcharin
- spcharout
- tag2eval
- xml2cell
- xml2mat
- xml2struct
- xml2whos
- GetMeg160ADbitInfoM.m
- GetMeg160AfaM.m
- GetMeg160AmpGainM.m
- GetMeg160CalibInfoM.m
- GetMeg160ChannelCountM.m
- GetMeg160ChannelInfoM.m
- GetMeg160ContinuousAcqCondM.m
- GetMeg160ContinuousRawDataM.m
- GetMeg160DataAcqTypeM.m
- GetMeg160EvokedAcqCondM.m
- GetMeg160EvokedAverageDataM.m
- GetMeg160EvokedRawDataM.m
- GetMeg160MatchingInfoM.m
- GetMeg160MriFileHeaderInfoM.m
- GetMeg160MriInfoM.m
- GetMeg160PatientInfoFromMriFileM.m
- GetMeg160PatientInfoM.m
- GetMeg160SourceInfoM.m
- GetMeg160SystemInfoM.m
- GetMeg160TriggerEventM.m
- ft_chantype
- ft_chanunit
- ft_create_buffer
- ft_destroy_buffer
- ft_filetype
- ft_filter_event
- ft_flush_data
- ft_flush_event
- ft_flush_header
- ft_poll_buffer
- ft_read_atlas
- ft_read_cifti
- ft_read_data
- ft_read_event
- ft_read_header
- ft_read_headmodel
- ft_read_headshape
- ft_read_json
- ft_read_mri
- ft_read_sens
- ft_read_spike
- ft_read_tsv
- ft_read_vol
- ft_write_cifti
- ft_write_data
- ft_write_event
- ft_write_headshape
- ft_write_json
- ft_write_mri
- ft_write_sens
- ft_write_spike
- ft_write_tsv
- ReadHeader
- add_mex_source
- ama2headmodel
- appendstruct
- avw_hdr_make
- avw_hdr_read
- avw_img_read
- avw_img_write
- bids_datafile
- bids_sidecar
- bids_tsv
- bigendian
- biopac_acq
- biosig2fieldtripevent
- bti2grad
- bucn_txt
- buffer_wait_dat
- channelposition
- compile_mex_list
- cornerpoints
- cstructdecode
- ctf2grad
- dataset2files
- db_close
- db_insert
- db_insert_blob
- db_open
- db_select
- db_select_blob
- decode_fif
- decode_nifti1
- decode_res4
- defaultId
- dicom2transform
- dimlength
- eegsynth_tsv
- elproj
- encode_nifti1
- events_tsv
- fetch_url
- fif2grad
- fiff_open_le
- filetype_check_extension
- filetype_check_header
- filetype_check_uri
- find_outermost_boundary
- fixcoordsys
- fixdimord
- fixinside
- fixname
- fixoldorg
- fixpos
- fixsampleinfo
- fopen_or_error
- ft_apply_montage
- ft_checkdata
- ft_convert_units
- ft_datatype
- ft_datatype_comp
- ft_datatype_dip
- ft_datatype_freq
- ft_datatype_headmodel
- ft_datatype_mvar
- ft_datatype_raw
- ft_datatype_sens
- ft_datatype_source
- ft_datatype_spike
- ft_datatype_timelock
- ft_debug
- ft_determine_units
- ft_error
- ft_estimate_units
- ft_fetch_data
- ft_fetch_header
- ft_findcfg
- ft_getopt
- ft_hastoolbox
- ft_headcoordinates
- ft_headmodeltype
- ft_info
- ft_notice
- ft_notification
- ft_platform_supports
- ft_progress
- ft_scalingfactor
- ft_senslabel
- ft_senstype
- ft_version
- ft_warning
- ft_warp_apply
- getdatfield
- getdimord
- getdimsiz
- getorthoviewpos
- getsubfield
- hasricoh
- hasyokogawa
- ignorefields
- inflate_file
- inifile
- isdir_or_mkdir
- isricohmegfile
- issubfield
- istrue
- itab2grad
- jaga16_packet
- keyval
- labelcmb2indx
- liberty_csv
- littleendian
- load_curry_data_file
- loadama
- loadvar
- makessense
- mat2ades
- match_str
- maus_textgrid
- mne2grad
- motion_c3d
- mxDeserialize
- mxSerialize
- ndgrid
- netmeg2grad
- neuralynx_crc
- neuralynx_getheader
- neuralynx_timestamp
- np_read_splitted_fileinfo
- np_readdata
- np_readfileinfo
- np_readmarker
- openbci_txt
- openbdf
- openpose_keypoints
- opensignals_txt
- openvibe_mat
- opm_fil
- parameterselection
- plx_orig_header
- pos2dim
- pos2dim3d
- pos2transform
- printor
- qualisys_tsv
- quaternion
- read_4d_hdr
- read_ah5_data
- read_ah5_markers
- read_ahdf5_hdr
- read_asa_bnd
- read_asa_dip
- read_asa_elc
- read_asa_mri
- read_asa_msr
- read_asa_vol
- read_besa_avr
- read_besa_besa
- read_besa_sfp
- read_besa_swf
- read_bham
- read_biff
- read_bioimage_mgrid
- read_biosemi_bdf
- read_biosig_data
- read_biosig_header
- read_brainstorm_data
- read_brainstorm_event
- read_brainstorm_header
- read_brainvision_eeg
- read_brainvision_vhdr
- read_brainvision_vmrk
- read_bti_ascii
- read_bti_hs
- read_bti_m4d
- read_bucn_nirsdata
- read_bucn_nirsevent
- read_bucn_nirshdr
- read_buffer_offline_data
- read_buffer_offline_events
- read_buffer_offline_header
- read_bv_srf
- read_caret_spec
- read_ced_son
- read_combined_ds
- read_ctf_ascii
- read_ctf_cls
- read_ctf_coef
- read_ctf_dat
- read_ctf_hc
- read_ctf_hdm
- read_ctf_hist
- read_ctf_meg4
- read_ctf_mri
- read_ctf_mri4
- read_ctf_pos
- read_ctf_res4
- read_ctf_sens
- read_ctf_shape
- read_ctf_shm
- read_ctf_svl
- read_ctf_trigger
- read_curry
- read_deymed_dat
- read_deymed_ini
- read_dhn_med10
- read_edf
- read_eeglabdata
- read_eeglabevent
- read_eeglabheader
- read_egis_data
- read_egis_header
- read_elec
- read_erplabdata
- read_erplabevent
- read_erplabheader
- read_eyelink_asc
- read_fcdc_trl
- read_gmsh_binary
- read_ini
- read_itab_mhd
- read_mat
- read_mayo_mef21
- read_mayo_mef30
- read_mclust_t
- read_mff_bin
- read_micromed_event
- read_micromed_trc
- read_mpi_dap
- read_mpi_ds
- read_nervus_data
- read_nervus_header
- read_neuralynx_bin
- read_neuralynx_cds
- read_neuralynx_dma
- read_neuralynx_ds
- read_neuralynx_ncs
- read_neuralynx_nev
- read_neuralynx_nse
- read_neuralynx_nst
- read_neuralynx_nts
- read_neuralynx_ntt
- read_neuralynx_sdma
- read_neuralynx_ttl
- read_neuromag_eve
- read_neuromag_hc
- read_neuromag_headpos
- read_neuromag_maxfilterlog
- read_neuroshare
- read_neurosim_evolution
- read_neurosim_signals
- read_neurosim_spikes
- read_nex5
- read_nex5_event
- read_nex5_header
- read_nex_data
- read_nex_event
- read_nex_header
- read_nexstim_event
- read_nexstim_nxe
- read_nifti2_hdr
- read_nihonkohden_m00
- read_nimh_cortex
- read_nmc_archive_k_data
- read_nmc_archive_k_event
- read_nmc_archive_k_hdr
- read_ns_avg
- read_ns_eeg
- read_ns_hdr
- read_nwb_spike
- read_off
- read_plexon_ddt
- read_plexon_ds
- read_plexon_nex
- read_plexon_plx
- read_ply
- read_polhemus_fil
- read_polhemus_pos
- read_presentation_log
- read_ricoh_data
- read_ricoh_event
- read_ricoh_header
- read_sbin_data
- read_sbin_events
- read_sbin_header
- read_serial_event
- read_shm_data
- read_shm_event
- read_shm_header
- read_smi_txt
- read_spike6mat_data
- read_spike6mat_header
- read_spmeeg_data
- read_spmeeg_event
- read_spmeeg_header
- read_stl
- read_tck
- read_tdt_sev
- read_tdt_tbk
- read_tdt_tdx
- read_tdt_tev
- read_tdt_tsq
- read_tmsi_poly5
- read_tobii_tsv
- read_trigger
- read_trk
- read_video
- read_videomeg_aud
- read_videomeg_vid
- read_vtk
- read_vtk_xml
- read_wdq_data
- read_wdq_header
- read_yokogawa_data
- read_yokogawa_data_new
- read_yokogawa_event
- read_yokogawa_header
- read_yokogawa_header_new
- read_yorkinstruments_hdf5_meta
- read_zebris
- readbdf.m
- readmarkerfile
- refine
- remove_double_vertices
- remove_unused_vertices
- remove_vertices
- ricoh2grad
- rmsubfield
- rotate
- sccn_xdf
- sensys_csv
- setsubfield
- snirf
- snirf2opto
- solid_angle
- spikeglx_bin
- surf_to_tetgen
- surface_inside
- surface_normals
- time2offset
- timestamp_neuralynx
- timestamp_plexon
- tokenize
- translate
- undobalancing
- unicorn_csv
- volumewrite_spm
- write_bioimage_mgrid
- write_brainvision_eeg
- write_brainvoyager
- write_ctf_shm
- write_edf
- write_gdf
- write_neuralynx_ncs
- write_neuralynx_nts
- write_nifti2_hdr
- write_off
- write_plexon_nex
- write_ply
- write_serial_event
- write_stl
- write_vtk
- xml2struct
- xsens_mvnx
- yokogawa2grad
- yokogawa2grad_new
- yokogawa2headmodel
- ft_apply_montage
- ft_compute_leadfield
- ft_convert_units
- ft_determine_units
- ft_estimate_units
- ft_headmodel_asa
- ft_headmodel_bemcp
- ft_headmodel_concentricspheres
- ft_headmodel_dipoli
- ft_headmodel_duneuro
- ft_headmodel_fns
- ft_headmodel_halfspace
- ft_headmodel_infinite
- ft_headmodel_interpolate
- ft_headmodel_localspheres
- ft_headmodel_openmeeg
- ft_headmodel_simbio
- ft_headmodel_singleshell
- ft_headmodel_singlesphere
- ft_headmodel_slab
- ft_headmodeltype
- ft_inside_headmodel
- ft_prepare_vol_sens
- ft_senslabel
- ft_senstype
- ft_sourcedepth
- add_mex_source
- ama2headmodel
- channelposition
- compile_mex_list
- cornerpoints
- current_dipole
- defaultId
- eeg_halfspace_dipole
- eeg_halfspace_monopole
- eeg_infinite_dipole
- eeg_infinite_monopole
- eeg_leadfield1
- eeg_leadfield4
- eeg_leadfield4_prepare
- eeg_leadfieldb
- eeg_slab_monopole
- elproj
- find_innermost_boundary
- find_mesh_edge
- find_outermost_boundary
- find_triangle_neighbours
- fitsphere
- fixcoordsys
- fixname
- fixoldorg
- fixpos
- ft_datatype_headmodel
- ft_datatype_sens
- ft_debug
- ft_error
- ft_getopt
- ft_hastoolbox
- ft_headcoordinates
- ft_info
- ft_notice
- ft_notification
- ft_platform_supports
- ft_scalingfactor
- ft_version
- ft_warning
- ft_warp_apply
- get_dip_halfspace
- getdimord
- getdimsiz
- getsubfield
- halfspace_medium_leadfield
- hasyokogawa
- headsurface
- issubfield
- istrue
- keyval
- leadfield_duneuro
- leadfield_fns
- leadfield_interpolate
- leadfield_simbio
- leadsphere_all
- legs
- lmoutr
- lmoutrn
- loadama
- magnetic_dipole
- match_str
- meg_forward
- meg_ini
- mesh2edge
- mesh_icosahedron
- mesh_octahedron
- mesh_sphere
- mesh_tetrahedron
- pinvNx2
- plgndr
- plinprojn
- project_elec
- projecttri
- ptriproj
- ptriprojn
- refine
- remove_double_vertices
- remove_unused_vertices
- remove_vertices
- retriangulate
- rmsubfield
- setsubfield
- solid_angle
- surface_inside
- surface_nesting
- surface_normals
- surface_orientation
- surface_shift
- transfer_elec
- triangle4pt
- undobalancing
- ft_inverse_dics
- ft_inverse_dipolefit
- ft_inverse_eloreta
- ft_inverse_harmony
- ft_inverse_lcmv
- ft_inverse_mne
- ft_inverse_music
- ft_inverse_pcc
- ft_inverse_rv
- ft_inverse_sam
- ft_inverse_sloreta
- SAM_costfun
- avgref
- calctangent
- defaultId
- find_innermost_boundary
- fixdipole
- fixinside
- fixname
- fixpos
- ft_debug
- ft_error
- ft_getopt
- ft_hastoolbox
- ft_headmodeltype
- ft_info
- ft_inside_headmodel
- ft_inv
- ft_notice
- ft_notification
- ft_platform_supports
- ft_progress
- ft_scalingfactor
- ft_senslabel
- ft_senstype
- ft_setopt
- ft_version
- ft_warning
- getsubfield
- hasyokogawa
- headsurface
- issubfield
- keyval
- mesh_laplacian
- mesh_spectrum
- mkfilt_eloreta
- quaternion
- rigidbody
- rotate
- settang
- solid_angle
- surface_inside
- surface_orientation
- translate
- ft_colormap
- ft_plot_axes
- ft_plot_box
- ft_plot_cloud
- ft_plot_crosshair
- ft_plot_dipole
- ft_plot_headmodel
- ft_plot_headshape
- ft_plot_layout
- ft_plot_line
- ft_plot_matrix
- ft_plot_mesh
- ft_plot_mesh_interactive
- ft_plot_montage
- ft_plot_ortho
- ft_plot_patch
- ft_plot_sens
- ft_plot_slice
- ft_plot_text
- ft_plot_topo
- ft_plot_topo3d
- ft_plot_vector
- ft_select_box
- ft_select_channel
- ft_select_point
- ft_select_point3d
- ft_select_range
- ft_select_voxel
- ft_uilayout
- atlas_lookup
- bg_rgba2rgb
- cdat2rgb
- channelposition
- colorspec2rgb
- combineClusters
- coordsys2label
- cornerpoints
- defaultId
- dist
- elproj
- extract_contour
- find_mesh_edge
- find_triangle_neighbours
- findcluster
- fitsphere
- fixcoordsys
- fixname
- fixoldorg
- fixpos
- ft_apply_montage
- ft_convert_units
- ft_datatype_sens
- ft_datatype_volume
- ft_debug
- ft_determine_units
- ft_error
- ft_estimate_units
- ft_getopt
- ft_hastoolbox
- ft_headmodeltype
- ft_info
- ft_notice
- ft_notification
- ft_platform_supports
- ft_progress
- ft_scalingfactor
- ft_senslabel
- ft_senstype
- ft_version
- ft_warning
- ft_warp_apply
- ftcolors
- getdatfield
- getsubfield
- headsurface
- htmlcolors
- inside_contour
- intersect_line
- intersect_plane
- issubfield
- istrue
- keyval
- keyvalcheck
- lmoutrn
- ltrisect
- match_str
- menu_viewpoint
- mesh2edge
- mesh_cone
- mesh_cube
- mesh_cylinder
- mesh_icosahedron
- mesh_octahedron
- mesh_sphere
- mesh_tetrahedron
- ndgrid
- octahedron
- pinvNx2
- projecttri
- ptriprojn
- ptriside
- quaternion
- refine
- remove_vertices
- rmsubfield
- rotate
- scale
- select3d
- select3dtool
- setsubfield
- setviewpoint
- solid_angle
- standardcolors
- surface_normals
- surface_orientation
- tetrahedron
- translate
- triangle2connectivity
- undobalancing
- ft_preproc_bandpassfilter
- ft_preproc_bandstopfilter
- ft_preproc_baselinecorrect
- ft_preproc_denoise
- ft_preproc_derivative
- ft_preproc_detrend
- ft_preproc_dftfilter
- ft_preproc_highpassfilter
- ft_preproc_hilbert
- ft_preproc_lowpassfilter
- ft_preproc_medianfilter
- ft_preproc_online_downsample_apply
- ft_preproc_online_downsample_init
- ft_preproc_online_filter_apply
- ft_preproc_online_filter_init
- ft_preproc_padding
- ft_preproc_polyremoval
- ft_preproc_rectify
- ft_preproc_rereference
- ft_preproc_resample
- ft_preproc_slidingrange
- ft_preproc_smooth
- ft_preproc_standardize
- defaultId
- filter_with_correction
- fir_df
- fir_filterdcpadded
- firws
- firwsord
- fixname
- ft_debug
- ft_error
- ft_info
- ft_notice
- ft_notification
- ft_platform_supports
- ft_version
- ft_warning
- invfirwsord
- isalmostequal
- istrue
- kaiserbeta
- keyval
- minphaserceps
- nearest
- plotfresp
- windows
- align_ijk2xyz
- align_presentation
- align_xyz2ijk
- alpha_taper
- append_common
- artifact2boolvec
- artifact2event
- artifact2trl
- artifact_level
- atlas_lookup
- avgref
- bandpassfilter
- bandstopfilter
- bg_rgba2rgb
- binomialprob
- bivariate_common
- blc
- blockindx2cmbindx
- boolvec2artifact
- boolvec2event
- boolvec2trl
- browse_audiovideo
- browse_movieplotER
- browse_multiplotER
- browse_simpleFFT
- browse_topoplotER
- browse_topoplotVAR
- bsscca
- cellStruct2StructCell
- channelconnectivity
- channelposition
- chanscale_common
- checkchan
- checkfreq
- checkpos
- checktime
- closedf
- clusterstat
- colorspec2rgb
- combineClusters
- combine_transform
- comp2timelock
- constructplanargrad
- continuous_ns
- coordsys2label
- copy_brainvision_files
- copy_ctf_files
- cornerpoints
- csp
- ctf2grad
- defaultId
- define_biff.m
- denoise_artifact
- det2x2
- det3x3
- determine_griddim
- determine_segmentationstyle
- dftfilter
- dimassign
- dimindex
- dimlength
- dimnum
- dist
- elec1020_follow
- elec1020_fraction
- elec1020_intersect
- elec1020_locate
- elproj
- estimate_fwhm1
- estimate_fwhm2
- event2artifact
- event2boolvec
- event2trl
- expand_orthogonal
- fdr
- find_innermost_boundary
- find_mesh_edge
- find_nearest
- find_outermost_boundary
- find_triangle_neighbours
- find_vertex_neighbours
- findcluster
- fitsphere
- fixcoordsys
- fixdimord
- fixdipole
- fixinside
- fixname
- fixneighbours
- fixpos
- fixsampleinfo
- fopen_or_error
- fourier2crsspctrm
- fourierspctrm2lcrsspctrm
- freq2cumtapcnt
- freq2timelock
- ft_fetch_sens
- ft_getuserfun
- ft_inv
- ft_singletrialanalysis_aseo
- fwer
- getdatfield
- getdimord
- getdimsiz
- getorthoviewpos
- getsubfield
- getusername
- globalrescale
- grid2transform
- guidelines
- handle_atlas_input
- handle_edit_input
- headsurface
- highpassfilter
- hline
- homer2opto
- homogenous2traditional
- htmlcolors
- ignorefields
- inputlabel2outputlabel
- inside_contour
- interp_gridded
- interp_ungridded
- intersect_line
- inv3x3
- isalmostequal
- iscompatwrapper
- isdir_or_mkdir
- isfunction
- ismatch
- isrealmat
- isrealvec
- issubfield
- join_str
- labelcmb2indx
- lapcal
- lbex
- lineattributes_common
- lmoutr
- lmoutrn
- loadvar
- lowpassfilter
- megplanar_fitplane
- megplanar_orig
- megplanar_sincos
- menu_fieldtrip
- mergestruct
- mergetable
- mesh2edge
- mesh_icosahedron
- mesh_laplacian
- mesh_octahedron
- mesh_spectrum
- mesh_sphere
- mesh_spherify
- mesh_tetrahedron
- mni2tal
- mollify
- moviefunction
- mplgndr
- mtimes2x2
- mtimes3x3
- multivariate_decomp
- mutexunlock
- mxDeserialize
- mxSerialize
- ndgrid
- neuralynx_crc
- neuralynx_getheader
- nex_cont
- nex_info
- nex_int
- nex_marker
- nex_ts
- nex_wf
- nimh2grad
- notchfilter
- offset2time
- open_figure
- openedf
- opto2homer
- parameterselection
- parsekeyboardevent
- patchsvd
- peakdetect2
- peakdetect3
- pinvNx2
- plgndr
- plinprojn
- pntdist
- poly2tri
- pos2dim
- pos2dim3d
- pos2transform
- prepare_design
- prepare_freq_matrices
- prepare_headmodel
- prepare_mesh_cortexhull
- prepare_mesh_fittemplate
- prepare_mesh_headshape
- prepare_mesh_hexahedral
- prepare_mesh_manual
- prepare_mesh_segmentation
- prepare_mesh_tetrahedral
- prepare_resampled_data
- preproc
- print_tim
- procrustes_trans
- project_elec
- projecttri
- ptriproj
- ptriprojn
- ptriside
- quaternion
- randstatprob
- raw2data
- read_besa_avr
- read_besa_mul
- read_besa_src
- read_besa_swf
- read_besa_tfc
- read_ctf_hc
- read_ctf_hist
- read_imotions_txt
- read_labview_dtlg
- read_neuralynx_dma
- refine
- rejectvisual_channel
- rejectvisual_summary
- rejectvisual_trial
- remove_double_vertices
- remove_unused_vertices
- remove_vertices
- reorderdim
- resampledesign
- retriangulate
- rigidbody
- rmsubfield
- rollback_provenance
- rotate
- routlm
- rv
- sampleinfo2trl
- sandwich2x2
- sandwich3x3
- savevar
- scale
- sel50p
- select2d
- select3d
- select_channel_list
- setsubfield
- setviewpoint
- shiftpredict
- sine_taper
- smartinput
- smooth_source
- smudge
- solid_angle
- specest_nanfft
- sphericalSplineInterpolate
- sphsplint
- spikesort
- splint
- splitstruct
- standardcolors
- standardise
- strel_bol
- surface_area
- surface_inside
- surface_normals
- surface_orientation
- surface_shift
- svdfft
- swapmemfile
- tal2mni
- tfcestat
- time2offset
- timelock2freq
- topoplot_common
- traditional
- transfer2coeffs
- transform2grid
- translate
- triangle2connectivity
- triangle2distance
- triangle4pt
- triangulate_seg
- tritrisect
- trl2artifact
- trl2boolvec
- trl2event
- uidisplaytext
- undobalancing
- univariate2bivariate
- unparcellate
- val2nearestchan
- validate_seg
- vline
- volplot
- volumeedit
- volumefillholes
- volumeflip
- volumepad
- volumepermute
- volumeselectlargest
- volumesmooth
- volumethreshold
- warp_dykstra2012
- warp_fsaverage
- warp_fsaverage_sym
- warp_fsinflated
- warp_hermes2010
- wizard_base
- write_neuralynx_nse
- defaultbackend
- fexec
- fixname
- ft_checkopt
- ft_getopt
- ft_platform_supports
- generatebatchid
- generatejobid
- generatesessionid
- getbatch
- getcustompath
- getcustompwd
- getglobal
- gethostname
- getpid
- getsubfield
- getusername
- issubfield
- istrue
- memprofile
- pausejava
- print_mem
- print_tim
- rename
- rmsubfield
- setcustompath
- setcustompwd
- setglobal
- setsubfield
- tokenize
- watchdog
- bcifun_latidx
- ft_realtime_asaproxy
- ft_realtime_asynchronous
- ft_realtime_average
- ft_realtime_benchmark
- ft_realtime_brainampproxy
- ft_realtime_classification
- ft_realtime_ctfproxy
- ft_realtime_dicomproxy
- ft_realtime_downsample
- ft_realtime_fileproxy
- ft_realtime_fmriproxy
- ft_realtime_fmriviewer
- ft_realtime_heartbeatdetect
- ft_realtime_jaga16proxy
- ft_realtime_micromedproxy.m
- ft_realtime_modeegproxy
- ft_realtime_neuralynxproxy
- ft_realtime_packettimer
- ft_realtime_pooraudioproxy
- ft_realtime_powerestimate
- ft_realtime_selectiveaverage
- ft_realtime_sensysproxy
- ft_realtime_signalproxy
- ft_realtime_signalrecorder
- ft_realtime_signalviewer
- ft_realtime_synchronous
- ft_realtime_topography
- ft_realtime_unicornproxy
- ft_omri_align_init
- ft_omri_align_scan
- ft_omri_info_from_header
- ft_omri_pipeline
- ft_omri_pipeline_nuisance
- ft_omri_quality
- ft_omri_quality_plot
- ft_omri_slice_time_apply
- ft_omri_slice_time_init
- ft_omri_smoothing_kernel
- ft_omri_volume_to_mosaic
- coords
- encode_nifti1
- hom2six
- kspace3d
- make_A
- reslice_vol
- rls_init
- rls_predict
- rls_update
- shear_decomp
- smooth_vol
- ft_specest_hilbert
- ft_specest_irasa
- ft_specest_mtmconvol
- ft_specest_mtmfft
- ft_specest_neuvar
- ft_specest_tfr
- ft_specest_wavelet
- alpha_taper
- defaultId
- filter_with_correction
- fir_df
- fir_filterdcpadded
- firws
- firwsord
- fixname
- ft_debug
- ft_error
- ft_getopt
- ft_info
- ft_notice
- ft_notification
- ft_platform_supports
- ft_preproc_bandpassfilter
- ft_preproc_polyremoval
- ft_version
- ft_warning
- getsubfield
- invfirwsord
- isalmostequal
- issubfield
- istrue
- kaiserbeta
- keyval
- keyvalcheck
- rmsubfield
- setsubfield
- sine_taper
- sine_taper_scaled
- windows
- det2x2
- det3x3
- getpid
- inv2x2
- inv3x3
- lmoutr
- ltrisect
- meg_leadfield1
- mtimes2x2
- mtimes3x3
- mxDeserialize
- mxSerialize
- nanmean
- nanstd
- nansum
- nanvar
- plgndr
- plinproj
- ptriproj
- read_16bit
- read_24bit
- read_ctf_shm
- rfbevent
- routlm
- sandwich2x2
- sandwich3x3
- solid_angle
- splint_gh
- write_ctf_shm
- ft_statfun_actvsblT
- ft_statfun_bayesfactor
- ft_statfun_cohensd
- ft_statfun_correlationT
- ft_statfun_depsamplesFmultivariate
- ft_statfun_depsamplesFunivariate
- ft_statfun_depsamplesT
- ft_statfun_depsamplesregrT
- ft_statfun_diff
- ft_statfun_diff_itc
- ft_statfun_gcmi
- ft_statfun_indepsamplesF
- ft_statfun_indepsamplesT
- ft_statfun_indepsamplesZcoh
- ft_statfun_indepsamplesregrT
- ft_statfun_mean
- ft_statfun_pooledT
- ft_statfun_roc
- failed_bug1049
- failed_bug2769
- failed_ft_prepare_sourcemodel
- failed_old_besa2fieldtrip
- failed_tutorial_spike
- failed_tutorial_spike20130308
- failed_tutorial_spikefield
- failed_tutorial_spikefield20130308
- inspect_bug1093
- inspect_bug1223
- inspect_bug1230
- inspect_bug1474
- inspect_bug1830
- inspect_bug1937
- inspect_bug1995
- inspect_bug2588
- inspect_bug2721
- inspect_bug2722
- inspect_bug2892
- inspect_bug2978
- inspect_bug2993
- inspect_bug3005
- inspect_bug3013
- inspect_bug3033
- inspect_bug3141
- inspect_bug3157
- inspect_bug3325
- inspect_bug3375
- inspect_bug645
- inspect_ft_colormap
- inspect_ft_electrodeplacement
- inspect_ft_electroderealign
- inspect_ft_select_box
- inspect_ft_select_channel
- inspect_ft_select_range
- inspect_ft_sourcemovie
- inspect_ft_sourceplot_interactive
- inspect_ft_trialfun_general
- inspect_historical
- inspect_issue1150
- inspect_issue1216
- inspect_issue1391
- inspect_issue1674
- inspect_issue1759
- inspect_issue2138
- inspect_issue2216
- inspect_issue509
- inspect_issue572
- inspect_menu_viewpoint
- inspect_pull1413
- inspect_pull1434
- inspect_pull1946
- inspect_pull1955
- inspect_pull1970
- inspect_qsubcellfun
- inspect_qsubcellfun3
- inspect_qsubcellfun4
- inspect_qsubcellfun5
- inspect_qsubcellfun5_fn
- inspect_realtime_jitter_data
- inspect_realtime_jitter_event
- insspect_bug3125
- pull810
- test_artinis_oxy
- test_beamformer_sam
- test_beamformer_whitening
- test_bug1014
- test_bug1027
- test_bug1029
- test_bug103
- test_bug1035
- test_bug1040
- test_bug1041
- test_bug1042
- test_bug1043
- test_bug1051
- test_bug1053
- test_bug1067
- test_bug1112
- test_bug1114
- test_bug1125
- test_bug1129
- test_bug1142
- test_bug1149
- test_bug1150
- test_bug1153
- test_bug1162
- test_bug1163
- test_bug1166
- test_bug1168
- test_bug1207
- test_bug1210
- test_bug1212
- test_bug1227
- test_bug1232
- test_bug1242
- test_bug1243
- test_bug1245
- test_bug1248
- test_bug1249
- test_bug1254
- test_bug1262
- test_bug1266
- test_bug1270
- test_bug1288
- test_bug1295
- test_bug1297
- test_bug1298
- test_bug1306b
- test_bug1309
- test_bug131
- test_bug1315
- test_bug1318
- test_bug1348
- test_bug1351
- test_bug1357
- test_bug1359
- test_bug1368
- test_bug1389
- test_bug1390
- test_bug1391
- test_bug1397
- test_bug1403
- test_bug1404
- test_bug1405
- test_bug1407
- test_bug1408
- test_bug1409
- test_bug1412
- test_bug1416
- test_bug1425
- test_bug1427
- test_bug1443
- test_bug1447
- test_bug1448
- test_bug1450
- test_bug1481
- test_bug1482
- test_bug1483
- test_bug1490
- test_bug1490b
- test_bug1502
- test_bug1508
- test_bug1514
- test_bug1527
- test_bug1529
- test_bug1530
- test_bug1556
- test_bug1561
- test_bug1563
- test_bug1567
- test_bug1571
- test_bug1573
- test_bug1599
- test_bug1600
- test_bug1607
- test_bug1618
- test_bug1637
- test_bug1646
- test_bug1651
- test_bug1652
- test_bug1658
- test_bug1665
- test_bug1667
- test_bug1677
- test_bug168
- test_bug1708
- test_bug1725
- test_bug1729
- test_bug1735
- test_bug1742
- test_bug1746
- test_bug1754
- test_bug1756
- test_bug1759
- test_bug1760
- test_bug1764
- test_bug1770
- test_bug1775
- test_bug1785
- test_bug1786
- test_bug1792
- test_bug1800
- test_bug1806
- test_bug1807
- test_bug1808
- test_bug1811
- test_bug1816
- test_bug1818
- test_bug182
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- test_bug1828
- test_bug1832
- test_bug1833
- test_bug1836
- test_bug1850
- test_bug1856
- test_bug1870
- test_bug1871
- test_bug1878
- test_bug1881
- test_bug1887
- test_bug1891
- test_bug1894
- test_bug1901
- test_bug1902
- test_bug1910
- test_bug1911
- test_bug1914
- test_bug1916
- test_bug1924
- test_bug1925
- test_bug1954
- test_bug1956
- test_bug1967a
- test_bug1976
- test_bug1984
- test_bug1984_2187
- test_bug1992
- test_bug1998
- test_bug2
- test_bug2004
- test_bug2005
- test_bug2025
- test_bug2027
- test_bug2031
- test_bug2032
- test_bug2033
- test_bug2040
- test_bug2051
- test_bug2059
- test_bug2060
- test_bug2061
- test_bug2069
- test_bug2071
- test_bug2085
- test_bug2086
- test_bug2093
- test_bug2096
- test_bug2100
- test_bug2137
- test_bug2148
- test_bug2160
- test_bug2163
- test_bug2170
- test_bug2185
- test_bug2186
- test_bug2188
- test_bug2197
- test_bug2220
- test_bug2221
- test_bug2224
- test_bug2231
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- test_bug2235
- test_bug2265
- test_bug2269
- test_bug2277
- test_bug2303
- test_bug2315
- test_bug2316
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- test_bug2372
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- test_bug2404
- test_bug2415
- test_bug2419
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- test_bug2462
- test_bug2463
- test_bug2464
- test_bug2468
- test_bug2469
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- test_bug2476
- test_bug2482
- test_bug2485
- test_bug2502
- test_bug2508
- test_bug2509
- test_bug2511
- test_bug2513
- test_bug2518a
- test_bug2524
- test_bug2528
- test_bug2539
- test_bug2544
- test_bug255
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- test_bug2556
- test_bug2558
- test_bug2559
- test_bug2560
- test_bug2563
- test_bug2569
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- test_bug2585
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- test_bug2597
- test_bug2606
- test_bug2613
- test_bug2620
- test_bug2621
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- test_bug2639
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- test_bug2647
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- test_bug2680
- test_bug2685
- test_bug27
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- test_bug2727
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- test_bug2785
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- test_bug298
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- test_bug3075
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- test_bug3337
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- test_bug3417
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- test_bug3435
- test_bug3438
- test_bug3441
- test_bug3453
- test_bug3461
- test_bug3475
- test_bug367
- test_bug46
- test_bug472
- test_bug538
- test_bug542
- test_bug62
- test_bug629
- test_bug670
- test_bug682
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- test_bug70
- test_bug731
- test_bug780
- test_bug798
- test_bug804
- test_bug811
- test_bug840
- test_bug843
- test_bug893
- test_bug895
- test_bug896
- test_bug905
- test_bug921
- test_bug931
- test_bug932
- test_bug937
- test_bug941
- test_bug946
- test_bug950
- test_bug963
- test_bug97
- test_bug996
- test_channelconnectivity
- test_checkcode
- test_clusterstat
- test_convert_event
- test_csp
- test_ctf2grad
- test_curry
- test_data2bids
- test_datatype_parcellation
- test_datatype_segmentation
- test_datatype_source
- test_dccnpath
- test_dependencies
- test_di
- test_dss_ecg
- test_eeglab_ft_integration
- test_example_atlas_based_mni_grid
- test_example_bids
- test_example_bids_behavioral
- test_example_bids_eeg
- test_example_bids_emg
- test_example_bids_eyetracker
- test_example_bids_meg
- test_example_bids_motion
- test_example_bids_nirs
- test_example_bids_video
- test_example_checkconfig
- test_example_coherence_snr
- test_example_combined_eeg_and_meg_source_reconstruction
- test_example_combineplanar_pipelineorder
- test_example_combineplanar_pipelineorder
- test_example_common_filters_in_beamforming
- test_example_compute_forward_simulated_data
- test_example_compute_leadfield
- test_example_conditional_granger
- test_example_crossfreq
- test_example_custom_forwinv
- test_example_determine_the_filter_characteristics
- test_example_difference_erf
- test_example_dipolefit_somatosensory
- test_example_dss_ecg
- test_example_ecog_ny
- test_example_effects_of_tapering
- test_example_effectsize
- test_example_effectsize
- test_example_emgtriggered_trialdefinition
- test_example_entropy_analysis
- test_example_fem
- test_example_fittemplate
- test_example_fooof
- test_example_fooof
- test_example_ft_realtime_average
- test_example_ft_realtime_hilbert
- test_example_ft_realtime_selectiveaverage
- test_example_getting_started_with_reading_raw_eeg_or_meg_data
- test_example_glm_nirs
- test_example_glm_timeseries
- test_example_glm_trials
- test_example_headmovement_meg
- test_example_ica_eog
- test_example_incorporate_head_movements
- test_example_irasa
- test_example_make_leadfield_using_different_headmodels
- test_example_megrealign
- test_example_megrealign
- test_example_neighbours
- test_example_nirs_fingertapping
- test_example_nirs_speech
- test_example_phase_reset
- test_example_planar_orientation
- test_example_rereference
- test_example_samplesize
- test_example_simulate_forward_dipolefit
- test_example_simulateddata_beamformer
- test_example_simulateddata_dipolefit
- test_example_sourcemodel_aligned2mni
- test_example_sourcemodel_aligned2mni_atlas
- test_example_sourcerecon_meeg.m
- test_example_sphere_fitting
- test_example_ssvep
- test_example_stratify
- test_example_testing_bem_created_leadfields
- test_example_threshold_free_cluster_enhancement
- test_example_threshold_free_cluster_enhancement_20210618
- test_example_use_simulated_erps_to_explore_cluster_statistics
- test_external_images
- test_external_signal
- test_external_stats
- test_falsealarmrate
- test_fieldtrip2ctf
- test_fieldtrip2fiff
- test_fileformat_asa
- test_findcluster
- test_firwsfiltering
- test_ft_analysispipeline
- test_ft_appenddata
- test_ft_appendfreq
- test_ft_appendlayout
- test_ft_appendsens
- test_ft_appendsource
- test_ft_appendspike
- test_ft_appendtimelock
- test_ft_apply_montage
- test_ft_artifact_threshold
- test_ft_artifact_xxx
- test_ft_average_sens
- test_ft_badchannel
- test_ft_baddata
- test_ft_badsegment
- test_ft_channelcombination
- test_ft_channelnormalise
- test_ft_channelrepair
- test_ft_channelselection
- test_ft_checkdata
- test_ft_clusterplot
- test_ft_colormap
- test_ft_combineplanar
- test_ft_componentanalysis
- test_ft_componentanalysis_dss
- test_ft_componentanalysis_methods
- test_ft_compute_leadfield
- test_ft_conjunctionanalysis
- test_ft_connectivity_cancorr
- test_ft_connectivity_corr
- test_ft_connectivity_dtf
- test_ft_connectivity_granger
- test_ft_connectivity_mim
- test_ft_connectivity_mutualinformation
- test_ft_connectivity_pdc
- test_ft_connectivity_plm
- test_ft_connectivity_powcorr_ortho
- test_ft_connectivity_ppc
- test_ft_connectivity_psi
- test_ft_connectivity_wpli
- test_ft_connectivityanalysis
- test_ft_connectivitysimulation
- test_ft_convert_units
- test_ft_crossfrequencyanalysis
- test_ft_datatype
- test_ft_defacevolume
- test_ft_denoise_dssp
- test_ft_denoise_hfc
- test_ft_denoise_pca
- test_ft_denoise_prewhiten
- test_ft_denoise_synthetic
- test_ft_denoise_tsr
- test_ft_detect_movement
- test_ft_determine_coordsys
- test_ft_determine_units
- test_ft_dipolefitting
- test_ft_dipolesimulation
- test_ft_electrodermalactivity
- test_ft_estimate_units
- test_ft_eventtiminganalysis.m
- test_ft_fetch_data
- test_ft_freqanalysis
- test_ft_freqanalysis_superlet
- test_ft_freqbaseline
- test_ft_freqdescriptives
- test_ft_freqgrandaverage
- test_ft_freqinterpolate
- test_ft_freqsimulation
- test_ft_freqstatistics
- test_ft_getopt
- test_ft_globalmeanfield
- test_ft_headcircumference
- test_ft_headmodel_bemcp
- test_ft_headmovement
- test_ft_heartrate
- test_ft_inside_headmodel
- test_ft_interpolatenan
- test_ft_lateralizedpotential
- test_ft_math
- test_ft_megplanar
- test_ft_megrealign
- test_ft_meshrealign
- test_ft_movieplotTFR
- test_ft_multiplotTFR
- test_ft_mvaranalysis
- test_ft_networkanalysis
- test_ft_plot_axes
- test_ft_plot_box
- test_ft_plot_cloud
- test_ft_plot_crosshair
- test_ft_plot_dipole
- test_ft_plot_headmodel
- test_ft_plot_headshape
- test_ft_plot_layout
- test_ft_plot_line
- test_ft_plot_matrix
- test_ft_plot_mesh
- test_ft_plot_montage
- test_ft_plot_ortho
- test_ft_plot_patch
- test_ft_plot_sens
- test_ft_plot_slice
- test_ft_plot_text
- test_ft_plot_topo
- test_ft_plot_topo3d
- test_ft_plot_vector
- test_ft_prepare_headmodel
- test_ft_prepare_layout
- test_ft_prepare_leadfield
- test_ft_prepare_mesh
- test_ft_prepare_montage
- test_ft_prepare_neighbours
- test_ft_preproc_bandpassfilter
- test_ft_preproc_bandstopfilter
- test_ft_preproc_baselinecorrect
- test_ft_preproc_denoise
- test_ft_preproc_derivative
- test_ft_preproc_detrend
- test_ft_preproc_dftfilter
- test_ft_preproc_highpassfilter
- test_ft_preproc_hilbert
- test_ft_preproc_lowpassfilter
- test_ft_preproc_medianfilter
- test_ft_preproc_online_downsample
- test_ft_preproc_online_filter
- test_ft_preproc_padding
- test_ft_preproc_polyremoval
- test_ft_preproc_rectify
- test_ft_preproc_rereference
- test_ft_preproc_resample
- test_ft_preproc_slidingrange
- test_ft_preproc_smooth
- test_ft_preproc_standardize
- test_ft_preprocessing
- test_ft_progress
- test_ft_qualitycheck
- test_ft_read_and_plot_atlas
- test_ft_read_header
- test_ft_read_mri
- test_ft_read_sens
- test_ft_recodeevent
- test_ft_redefinetrial
- test_ft_regressconfound
- test_ft_rejectartifact
- test_ft_rejectcomponent
- test_ft_removetemplateartifact
- test_ft_resampledata
- test_ft_respiration
- test_ft_scalpcurrentdensity
- test_ft_selectdata
- test_ft_selectdata_savevar
- test_ft_selectdata_union
- test_ft_senslabel
- test_ft_senstype
- test_ft_sourceanalysis
- test_ft_sourcedepth
- test_ft_sourcedescriptives
- test_ft_sourcegrandaverage
- test_ft_sourceinterpolate
- test_ft_sourceparcellate
- test_ft_sourcestatistics
- test_ft_sourcewrite
- test_ft_specest_hilbert
- test_ft_specest_irasa
- test_ft_specest_mtmconvol
- test_ft_specest_mtmfft
- test_ft_specest_neuvar
- test_ft_specest_tfr
- test_ft_specest_wavelet
- test_ft_spike_isi
- test_ft_spike_jpsth
- test_ft_spike_maketrials
- test_ft_spike_plot_isireturn
- test_ft_spike_plot_isireturn
- test_ft_spike_psth
- test_ft_spike_rate
- test_ft_spike_xcorr
- test_ft_spikedensity
- test_ft_spiketriggeredspectrum
- test_ft_spiketriggeredspectrum_stat
- test_ft_statfun_correlationT
- test_ft_statistics_montecarlo
- test_ft_steadystatesimulation
- test_ft_timelockanalysis
- test_ft_timelockanalysis_new
- test_ft_timelockbaseline
- test_ft_timelockgrandaverage
- test_ft_timelocksimulation
- test_ft_timelockstatistics
- test_ft_topoplotCC
- test_ft_topoplotER
- test_ft_virtualchannel
- test_ft_volumebiascorrect
- test_ft_volumedownsample
- test_ft_volumelookup
- test_ft_volumenormalise
- test_ft_volumerealign
- test_ft_volumereslice
- test_ft_volumesegment
- test_ft_volumewrite
- test_ft_write_data
- test_ft_write_mri
- test_headmodel_asa
- test_headmodel_bemcp
- test_headmodel_concentricspheres
- test_headmodel_dipoli
- test_headmodel_infinite
- test_headmodel_interpolate
- test_headmodel_openmeeg
- test_headmodel_singlesphere
- test_homer
- test_issue1067
- test_issue1068
- test_issue1089
- test_issue1159
- test_issue1161
- test_issue1162
- test_issue1167
- test_issue1184
- test_issue1196
- test_issue1198
- test_issue1214
- test_issue1217
- test_issue1238
- test_issue1292
- test_issue1294
- test_issue1311
- test_issue1313
- test_issue1320
- test_issue1322
- test_issue1329
- test_issue1334
- test_issue1335
- test_issue1363
- test_issue1368
- test_issue1385
- test_issue1387
- test_issue1395
- test_issue1400
- test_issue1410
- test_issue1418
- test_issue1425
- test_issue1431
- test_issue1438
- test_issue1459
- test_issue1507
- test_issue1521
- test_issue1546
- test_issue1554
- test_issue1564
- test_issue1568
- test_issue1585
- test_issue1587
- test_issue1601
- test_issue1618
- test_issue1632
- test_issue1671
- test_issue1695
- test_issue1701
- test_issue1711
- test_issue1721
- test_issue1746
- test_issue1780
- test_issue1841
- test_issue1843
- test_issue1866
- test_issue1905
- test_issue1932
- test_issue1952
- test_issue1972
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- test_issue2021
- test_issue2026
- test_issue2044
- test_issue2048
- test_issue2059
- test_issue2072
- test_issue2075
- test_issue2082
- test_issue2085
- test_issue2124
- test_issue2162
- test_issue2169
- test_issue2193
- test_issue2221
- test_issue2235
- test_issue2243
- test_issue2265
- test_issue2274
- test_issue2297.m
- test_issue623
- test_issue627
- test_issue714
- test_issue789
- test_issue840
- test_issue856
- test_issue922
- test_issue928
- test_issue947
- test_issue968
- test_laggedcoherence
- test_layout_egi
- test_lbex
- test_matlab_ci
- test_mayo_mef
- test_meg_leadfield_units
- test_nanstat
- test_nearest
- test_nicolet_reading
- test_notification
- test_old_appenddata_2datasets
- test_old_buffer_latency_bandwidth
- test_old_connectivityanalysis
- test_old_filtering
- test_old_fixcsd
- test_old_ft_freqanalysis
- test_old_ft_multiplotER
- test_old_ft_singleplotER
- test_old_ft_singleplotTFR
- test_old_ft_topoplotTFR
- test_old_preproc_resample
- test_old_trialdef
- test_openmeeg_eeg
- test_patchsvd
- test_prepare_freq_matrices
- test_printstruct
- test_pull1138
- test_pull1156
- test_pull1209
- test_pull1229
- test_pull1248
- test_pull1271
- test_pull1304
- test_pull1331
- test_pull1374
- test_pull1377
- test_pull1377b
- test_pull1412
- test_pull1427
- test_pull1456
- test_pull1566
- test_pull1602
- test_pull1604
- test_pull1643
- test_pull1663
- test_pull1688
- test_pull1745
- test_pull1757
- test_pull1826
- test_pull1839
- test_pull1856
- test_pull1877
- test_pull2043
- test_pull2050
- test_pull2088
- test_pull2099
- test_pull2105
- test_pull2111
- test_pull2183
- test_pull2413
- test_pull2464
- test_pull342
- test_pull348
- test_pull360
- test_pull369
- test_pull393
- test_pull395
- test_pull401
- test_pull433
- test_pull434
- test_pull492
- test_pull574_reref
- test_pull694
- test_pull731
- test_pull769
- test_pull783
- test_pull832
- test_pull929
- test_pullXXX
- test_randomseed
- test_read_trigger
- test_readcompresseddata
- test_rereference
- test_resampledesign
- test_ricoh
- test_scalingfactor
- test_shared_virtual_channels
- test_shuffle_coilorder
- test_snirf
- test_spm12
- test_spm_ft_integration
- test_subfield
- test_triangulate_seg
- test_tutorial_MNE
- test_tutorial_beamformer
- test_tutorial_beamformer20120321
- test_tutorial_beamformer20131122
- test_tutorial_beamformingextended
- test_tutorial_beamformingextended20131122
- test_tutorial_clusterpermutationfreq
- test_tutorial_clusterpermutationtimelock
- test_tutorial_coherence
- test_tutorial_connectivity
- test_tutorial_connectivity2
- test_tutorial_connectivity20130308
- test_tutorial_connectivity3
- test_tutorial_connectivityextended
- test_tutorial_eeg_preprocessing
- test_tutorial_eventrelatedaveraging
- test_tutorial_eventrelatedaveraging20130308
- test_tutorial_eventrelatedstatistics
- test_tutorial_headmodel_eeg_fem
- test_tutorial_meguk2015
- test_tutorial_mvpa_light
- test_tutorial_natmeg2014_preprocessing
- test_tutorial_natmeg2014_statistics
- test_tutorial_natmeg2014_timefrequency
- test_tutorial_networkanalysis
- test_tutorial_networkanalysis_eeg20220126
- test_tutorial_nirs_multichannel20191023
- test_tutorial_nirs_singlechannel20191023
- test_tutorial_plotting
- test_tutorial_plotting
- test_tutorial_preprocessing
- test_tutorial_preprocessing_erp
- test_tutorial_sensor_analysis
- test_tutorial_spike20220622
- test_tutorial_timefrequencyanalysis
- test_tutorial_timefrequencyanalysis20130308
- test_tutorial_tmseeg
- test_warning_once
- test_warp
- test_warp_dykstra2012
- test_xunit_stacktest
- test_yokogawa
- test_yorkinstruments
- trialfun_affcog
- trialfun_stimon
- trialfun_stimon_samples
- failed_bug1794
- failed_bug1826
- failed_bug1919
- failed_bug1988
- failed_bug2355
- failed_bug2359
- failed_bug2377b
- failed_bug2396
- failed_bug2418
- failed_bug2474
- failed_bug2589
- failed_bug2790
- failed_bug2822
- failed_bug2850
- failed_bug3177
- failed_bug483
- failed_bug576
- failed_bug_harmony
- failed_corrupt_matfiles
- failed_eeg_leadfield_units
- failed_example_simulate_forward_beamforming
- failed_fairsurface
- failed_fieldtrip2fiff
- failed_ft_datatype_sens
- failed_ft_datatype_source
- failed_ft_headmodel_bemcp
- failed_ft_prepare_headmodel
- failed_headmodel_fns
- failed_headmodel_simbio
- failed_neuromag_units
- failed_old_connectivityanalysis_sourcedata
- failed_old_fixsource
- failed_old_ft_write_volume
- failed_old_halfspace_bug243
- failed_old_source2sparse
- failed_old_sourcestatistics
- failed_old_specest_vs_oldimplementation
- failed_spm8
- failed_tutorial_ecog_human_anatomy
- failed_tutorial_fem.m
- failed_tutorial_headmodel_eeg
- failed_tutorial_headmodel_meg
- failed_tutorial_natmeg_beamforming
- failed_tutorial_natmeg_dipolefitting
- test_bug1082
- test_bug1913
- test_bug2193
- test_bug2222
- test_bug2225
- test_bug2338
- test_bug3089
- test_bug3473
- test_example_realtime_classification
- test_ft_freqanalysis
- test_ft_prepare_localspheres
- test_ft_prepare_singleshell
- test_ft_sourceanalysis
- test_headmodel_bemcp_new_old
- test_headmodel_concentricspheres_new_old
- test_headmodel_dipoli_new_old
- test_headmodel_localspheres_new_old
- test_headmodel_openmeeg_new_old
- test_headmodel_singleshell_new_old
- test_headmodel_singlesphere_new_old
- test_mayo_mef
- test_pull1419
- test_pull1751
- test_tutorial_multivariateanalysis
- test_tutorial_networkanalysis
- test_tutorial_spike_Neurosim
- benchmark
- channelconnectivity
- circumcenter
- constructalloptions
- csp
- defaultId
- elproj
- fixname
- ft_fetch_data
- ft_fetch_sens
- getdatfield
- getdimord
- getdimsiz
- gethostname
- hcp_dirlist
- hcp_filelist
- isalmostequal
- isequalfigure
- loadvar
- mergestruct
- mesh_icosahedron
- mesh_octahedron
- mesh_sphere
- mesh_tetrahedron
- mydepfun
- randomseed
- ref_datasets
- refine
- rmsubfield
- setsubfield
- sortfields
- surface_normals
- test_nicolet_reading_onefile
- trimnumericalerror
- ft_trialfun_balert
- ft_trialfun_bids
- ft_trialfun_brainvision_segmented
- ft_trialfun_edf
- ft_trialfun_emgdetect
- ft_trialfun_example1
- ft_trialfun_example2
- ft_trialfun_general
- ft_trialfun_gui
- ft_trialfun_hed
- ft_trialfun_imotions
- ft_trialfun_neuromagSTI016fix
- ft_trialfun_realtime
- ft_trialfun_show
- ft_trialfun_trial
- ft_trialfun_twoclass_classification
- appendstruct
- copyfields
- dccnpath
- ft_affinecoordinates
- ft_average_sens
- ft_cfg2keyval
- ft_channelcombination
- ft_channelselection
- ft_checkconfig
- ft_checkdata
- ft_checkopt
- ft_compile_mex
- ft_compile_standalone
- ft_convert_coordsys
- ft_datatype
- ft_datatype_comp
- ft_datatype_dip
- ft_datatype_freq
- ft_datatype_headmodel
- ft_datatype_mvar
- ft_datatype_parcellation
- ft_datatype_raw
- ft_datatype_segmentation
- ft_datatype_sens
- ft_datatype_source
- ft_datatype_spike
- ft_datatype_timelock
- ft_datatype_volume
- ft_debug
- ft_determine_coordsys
- ft_documentationconfiguration
- ft_documentationreference
- ft_error
- ft_fetch_data
- ft_fetch_event
- ft_fetch_header
- ft_findcfg
- ft_getopt
- ft_hash
- ft_hastoolbox
- ft_headcoordinates
- ft_info
- ft_keyval2cfg
- ft_notice
- ft_platform_supports
- ft_postamble
- ft_preamble
- ft_progress
- ft_save_workspace
- ft_scalingfactor
- ft_selectdata
- ft_setopt
- ft_source2full
- ft_source2grid
- ft_source2sparse
- ft_standalone
- ft_struct2char
- ft_struct2double
- ft_struct2single
- ft_struct2string
- ft_test
- ft_trackusage
- ft_transform_geometry
- ft_transform_headmodel
- ft_transform_headshape
- ft_transform_sens
- ft_transform_vol
- ft_version
- ft_warning
- ft_warp_apply
- ft_warp_error
- ft_warp_optim
- getsubfield
- hasyokogawa
- issubfield
- istrue
- keepfields
- keyval
- keyvalcheck
- markdown2matlab
- match_str
- match_val
- matlab2markdown
- memtic
- memtoc
- nearest
- printstruct
- removefields
- renamefields
- rmsubfield
- setsubfield
- strel_bol
- tokenize
- align_ctf2acpc
- align_fsaverage2mni
- align_neuromag2acpc
- avgoverdim
- avgoverlabel
- base64encode
- channelposition
- convert_segmentationstyle
- coordsys2label
- cornerpoints
- dataset2files
- debugCleanup
- defaultId
- determine_segmentationstyle
- dimindex
- dimlength
- fixcoordsys
- fixdimord
- fixdipole
- fixinside
- fixname
- fixoldorg
- fixpos
- fixsampleinfo
- fixsegmentation
- fixsource
- fixvolume
- ft_findcfg
- ft_notification
- ft_postamble_debug.m
- ft_postamble_hastoolbox.m
- ft_postamble_history.m
- ft_postamble_previous.m
- ft_postamble_provenance.m
- ft_postamble_randomseed.m
- ft_postamble_savefig.m
- ft_postamble_savevar.m
- ft_preamble_debug.m
- ft_preamble_init.m
- ft_preamble_loadvar.m
- ft_preamble_provenance.m
- ft_preamble_randomseed.m
- ft_struct2json
- ft_test_compare
- ft_test_find_dependency
- ft_test_moxunit_run
- ft_test_report
- ft_test_run
- ft_test_untested_functions
- ft_test_update_dependency
- ft_urlread
- funargname
- getaddress
- getdatfield
- getdimord
- getdimsiz
- gethostname
- getusername
- globalrescale
- hcp_getopt
- hcp_provenance
- ignorefields
- individual2sn
- isplottingfunction
- labelcmb2indx
- leaveoneout
- lmoutr
- lmoutrn
- loadvar
- make_or_fetch_inputfile
- makessense
- memprofile
- mergecellstruct
- mergestruct
- mesh_icosahedron
- mesh_octahedron
- mesh_sphere
- mesh_tetrahedron
- mutexlock
- mxSerialize
- offset2time
- parameterselection
- pinvNx2
- plinprojn
- pos2dim
- pos2transform
- printand
- printor
- printstruct_as_table
- project_elec
- ptriproj
- ptriprojn
- quaternion
- randomseed
- recursive_download
- refine
- reproducescript
- rigidbody
- rotate
- save_large_cfg_fields
- savevar
- scale
- selfromraw
- seloverdim
- selparam
- smartinput
- sn2individual
- time2offset
- traditional
- translate
- undobalancing
- unparcellate
- varsize
- volumefillholes
- volumeflip
- volumepermute
- volumesmooth
- volumethreshold
Versions that use the GitHub default branch cannot be downloaded
Version | Published | Release Notes | |
---|---|---|---| | added website link, added DOI to citations, fixed references in README |
| | added the logo |
| |
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