
Matlab Toolbox to control ROBOTIS Dynamixel actuators with the OpenCM9.04 microcontroller
Updated 11 Apr 2017

Matlab Toolbox to control ROBOTIS Dynamixel smart servo actuators with the OpenCM9.04 microcontroller.
DynamixelTools consistes of two Matlab classes, OPENCM and DXL, that allow for control of ROBOTIS Dynamixel smart servo actuators with the OpenCM9.04 microcontroller. These classes have vectorized methods for interacting with multiple Dynamixel actuators simultaneously. Commands can be sent at approximately 200 Hz (limited by serial speed and your computer hardware and OS). See demos and included help for usage details.
DynamixelTools requires that a simple “tosser” code be running on the OpenCM9.04. A compiled binary of this is included. The DXL class (or the OPENCM superclass) will attempt to upload and install the tosser. See my DynamixelQ project, a C++ library to control Dynamixel actuators, for implementation details.

Cite As

Andrew Horchler (2025). DynamixelTools (https://github.com/horchler/DynamixelTools), GitHub. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2015b
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux

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