
Useful for rendering equations in Matlab figures (instead of using pretty)
Updated 23 Feb 2018

The usage is pretty simple: latexfig(equation)
renders the equation as an annotation on a new figure. Uses the built-in latex interpreter to do so.

When doing heavy symbolic math in Matlab, it can become very hard to understand what's happening. Sometimes pretty is insufficient to see the equation during debug. I normally opened up a latex interpreter in the browser and used the function latex(eq) to render it, then copied to the interpreter. But that's messy and troublesome. This is an attempt to fix that. Been useful to me, so far.

Hope it's useful for you too! -Fernando Zigunov

Cite As

Fernando Zigunov (2025). 3dfernando/latexfig (https://github.com/3dfernando/latexfig), GitHub. Retrieved .

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