Two-way repeated measures ANOVA

Two-way repeated measures ANOVA, for designs with two within-subjects variables.
Updated 24 Jul 2011

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% function stats = rm_anova2(Y,S,F1,F2,FACTNAMES)
% Two-factor, within-subject repeated measures ANOVA.
% For designs with two within-subject factors.
% Parameters:
% Y dependent variable (numeric) in a column vector
% S grouping variable for SUBJECT
% F1 grouping variable for factor #1
% F2 grouping variable for factor #2
% FACTNAMES a cell array w/ two char arrays: {'factor1', 'factor2'}
% Y should be a 1-d column vector with all of your data (numeric).
% The grouping variables should also be 1-d numeric, each with same
% length as Y. Each entry in each of the grouping vectors indicates the
% level # (or subject #) of the corresponding entry in Y.
% Returns:
% stats is a cell array with the usual ANOVA table:
% Source / ss / df / ms / F / p
% Notes:
% Program does not do any input validation, so it is up to you to make
% sure that you have passed in the parameters in the correct form:
% Y, S, F1, and F2 must be numeric vectors all of the same length.
% There must be at least one value in Y for each possible combination
% of S, F1, and F2 (i.e. there must be at least one measurement per
% subject per condition).
% If there is more than one measurement per subject X condition, then
% the program will take the mean of those measurements.
% Aaron Schurger (2005.02.04)
% Derived from Keppel & Wickens (2004) "Design and Analysis" ch. 18

Cite As

Aaron Schurger (2025). Two-way repeated measures ANOVA (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R13SP1
Compatible with any release
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Windows macOS Linux

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Version Published Release Notes

Fixed one minor error in the labeling of the output, and also modified the comments.

Fixed a minor error in the code. Uploaded new version. I had fixed this problem quite a while back, and uploaded the file. It may not have uploaded properly the first time. Thanks to Johan Carlin for bringing the problem to my attention.

Reviewer Ted Zanto ( noticed a minor error on line 133: FACTNAMES{1} should be FACTNAMES{2}. Corrected this error. This error would have been of little or no consequence to users of the program.