
uiwarining shows a warning dialog based on uitabgroup with parameter to delay user interaction
Updated 27 Feb 2020

Shows a warning dialog using uitabgroup with a parameter to delay user interaction.

1. uifigureObj - uifigure
2. title - char/string
3. message - char/string
4. showBackground - logical
5. delay - 0 or int (or whole double) - disables 'OK' until end of the delay
For problems or suggestions create issue.

Known issue: -> Dialog resizes as uifigure is resized. Correct behaviour should be that it remains unsized but should calculate centreX and centreY like built-in dialogs. Any suggestions would be great.


Cite As

Bereketab Gulai (2024). uiwarning (https://github.com/BirukTes/uiwarning), GitHub. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2019b
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux
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