Preview and play video files

Very simple and easy tool to play and preview video files.
Updated 8 Dec 2020

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Very simple and easy tool to play and preview video files. Based on videofig by Joao Henriques.

Usage: Just run videofig_mod.m, it will load a standard video file (included in image processing toolbox) and display it.

Keyboard shortcuts:
Rightarrow = Go forward one frame
Leftarrow = Go one frame back
Space = Play / Pause video
Uparrow = Go forward 1 second
Downarrow = Go back 1 second
End = Go to end
Home = Go to frame 1

Cite As

William Thielicke (2024). Preview and play video files (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2020b
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux

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