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Number of toolboxes?
Return a number equal to the number of toolboxes available to the Cody solvers.

1 year ago


Integer vector optimal lossless deduplication
You're given an integer vector A, a Min scalar and a Max scalar. You can assume all elements in A are in [Min,Max] range, and nu...

1 year ago | 2 | 2 solvers


Is the number of 1s in a binary integer odd or even?
Your function should turn the input integers into binary form and count the number of 1s in the binary. If the number is odd, re...

2 years ago | 1 | 21 solvers


Ambiguous concatenation
Give two expressions that can have different meaning inside/outside a concatenation expression.

2 years ago | 0 | 4 solvers


Check if equal
Return true if all the elements of an nD array are equal, false otherwise.

2 years ago


Curry a function handle
From Wikipedia, Currying: In mathematics and computer science, currying is the technique of converting a function that takes mu...

2 years ago


Merge structs on fields
Merge a bunch of structs into one, containing the field names and corresponding values of all input structs. For duplicate field...

2 years ago | 0 | 4 solvers


Exhaust all possible logical vectors
Input a length argument and list all possible logical vectors of that length. My solution is of size 29. Can you find an even s...

2 years ago


Maximum of ND-array
Find the maximum element of a N dimensional array. Example: A=[1 2 4 ; -20 4 10]; The maximum is 10.

2 years ago


Exhaust all possible logical vectors
Input a length argument and list all possible logical vectors of that length. My solution is of size 29. Can you find an even s...

2 years ago | 1 | 19 solvers


Undocumented MATLAB tricks No. 2 - Tell the parfor index
Your function is called in multiple for-loops, and the loop indices are given to your function. One of these indices are from a ...

2 years ago


Undocumented MATLAB tricks No. 1 - Save a function-returned struct
Often we face the case when we want to save a function-returned struct to a mat file with each of its field as individual variab...

3 years ago


Undocumented MATLAB tricks No. 2 - Tell the parfor index
Your function is called in multiple for-loops, and the loop indices are given to your function. One of these indices are from a ...

3 years ago | 0 | 2 solvers


Undocumented MATLAB tricks No. 1 - Save a function-returned struct
Often we face the case when we want to save a function-returned struct to a mat file with each of its field as individual variab...

3 years ago | 0 | 5 solvers


Dealfun (1.0)
*Short description.* Write a function _dealfun_: [y1,y2,...,yn]=dealfun(fhandle,x1,x2,...,xn) which evaluates the f...

3 years ago


Find area of rectangle

4 years ago


Find area of triangle

4 years ago


Volatile array in parfor and for

4 years ago | 0 | 3 solvers


Convert sorting indices to ranks

4 years ago | 1 | 12 solvers


Restricted Subtraction v1
This problem is < Restricted Addition v4> with...

4 years ago


Find Logic 21

4 years ago


Restricted Multiplication v1
This problem is < Restricted Addition v4> with...

4 years ago


tic tac toe
Solved ticTacToe

4 years ago


Algorithmic Trading - 4 (two thresholds)
This is the fourth of a series of problems on quant trading. It builds on earlier problems 45776, 45860, and 45884 *Goal* ...

4 years ago


Algorithmic Trading - 3 (short selling and leverage)
This is the third of a series of problems on quant trading. It builds on earlier problems 45776 and 45860 <https://www.mathwo...

4 years ago


Algorithmic Trading - 2 (optimize Calmar Ratio)
This is the second of a series of problems on quant trading. It builds on earlier problem 45776 <

4 years ago


arrayfun bomb

4 years ago | 1 | 3 solvers

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