
Dr. Seis

Active since 2011

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I do not respond to email... however, if you direct me to a particular post on "Answers", then I will certainly take a look.
Professional Interests: earthquake seismology


  • 12 Month Streak
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  • Knowledgeable Level 4
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After Installation, Matlab 2018a does not open any files
Installation failure does not seem like the culprit in my case - launching R2018b from a RedHat6 Unix machine. I get the exac...

5 years ago | 0

How can I get more accurate results when I am integrating Time and Acceleration with Cumtrapz?
I do not use time domain methods to compute the integral or derivative of timeseries data, but you are free to use the code in m...

8 years ago | 0

Integrate acceleration to velocity and displacement
Try using code from my previous post: <

8 years ago | 0

How to color TriSurf faces ?
There is a way to get the desired effect without modifying TriSurf function, using above example: % Pretend X, Y, and Z def...

10 years ago | 4

| accepted


How to color TriSurf faces ?
So... I think I understand how each triangular surface gets colored, for example: % Pretend X, Y, and Z defined above Tri ...

10 years ago | 2 answers | 0



Generating Standalone Executable file Using Matlab Coder
Check out this "deploytool" tutorial: < Here> Af...

11 years ago | 1

How to make loops run faster
Could have something to do with pre-allocation of *Y* There are more elegant ways to do this (I am sure), but if the below mo...

11 years ago | 0

Not able to run Matlab Standalone Executable
.mcrCache* files getting corrupted turned out to be the symptom rather than the cause of my issues. The actual reason (as I j...

11 years ago | 2


Not able to run Matlab Standalone Executable
I have several Matlab functions that I have turned into standalone executables and have had success running them on several diff...

11 years ago | 2 answers | 0



how to set the sampling frequency and the time vector for an aperiodic signal while FFT and IFFT
For your second time sample [ t(2) = 0.005 ], your exponential [ exp(-0.005/(4*10^-6)) ] is equivalent to exp(-1250), which is b...

11 years ago | 0

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how automatically label multiple outputs in the loop?
If you know how many elements in *x* there will be (3 in your example), then it is best to initialize the output: x = zeros...

11 years ago | 1

How do I best determine if something is "NaN"?
See documentation for *isnan*

11 years ago | 1

| accepted

Help needed rearranging data into a matrix
You appear to be overwriting *MODE* for each *k* such that, at the end of the for loops, each element in *MODE* is equal to the ...

11 years ago | 0

| accepted


How to determine whether Matlab's Distributed Computing Server is available?
The company I work for has a decent sized HPC facility. I know we have a few licences for the "Parallel Computing Toolbox" (for ...

11 years ago | 1 answer | 1



Sampling with vectors at the same time
Try this: d = 1:20; A = [24,34,56,66,86]; plot(d,arrayfun(@(x)sum(cos(2*pi*A*x)),d)) Obviously, in this simple case,...

11 years ago | 0

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It is possible to read the graph and it has to produce the Y value for my input X value.
Disregarding the fact that you can determine your *c* value from your *m* value, *x1* value, and *y1* value (or *m*, *x2* and *y...

11 years ago | 0

Matlab Error, variable, to the left of equals sign
You said you are "just assigning a variable to a number." You mean like this: >> a = 2 a = 2 >> 3 = a ??...

12 years ago | 0

How to vectorize this condition switch code
From your more recent question, I found: M=10;N=10;P=4; for m1=-P:M for n1=-P:N s=(m1+P)*(N+1+P)+n1+P+1;...

12 years ago | 0

This calculate error is why?
Instead of determining whether things are equal... determine whether the difference between two numbers are within a tolerance l...

12 years ago | 0

Loop to read in CSV Values by incrementing a part of the Filename
Should be able to do that: M = 201; % Number of CSV files N = 1000; % Number of datapoints in each CSV BAM_186_Torque_8No...

12 years ago | 0

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availble solutions for 2D interpolation on non monotonic scattered data
I posted this a while back, perhaps it could be useful here: <

12 years ago | 1

| accepted

generation of time series by given spetrum( ifft)
In your case, you have: Nyq = 0.5; % Nyquist frequency df = 0.001; % frequency increment Therefore, your array containi...

12 years ago | 0

downsampling / reducing fft data for log plot
A possible workaround since you want to compute and retain ALL frequencies, but only plot a subset. You can try plotting a subse...

12 years ago | 0

fprintf %E Leading zero
Here is a potentially lame way of doing it: temp_num = 216.6250; temp_str = sprintf('%13.11e',temp_num*10); temp_str = sp...

12 years ago | 0

3rd order polynomials in MATLAB?
My answer for a different, but similar question might help (at least for the function for the ramp): <

12 years ago | 0

tapering a clipped Waveform for Fourier analysis??? Need help!
Check out the help pages for *window* Example: t = 0:0.1:10; y = randn(size(t)); plot(t,y,t,window(@hamming,numel(t)...

12 years ago | 0

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"Return" and "continue" functions!
*Continue example:* function VALUE = somefunction while SOME_CONDITION DO_THIS; if SOME_OTHER_CONDITION c...

12 years ago | 65

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Determining polynomial coefficients by known derivatives
Yes. Just in case this is homework, I will give an example to get you started. Let's say you have the case below (I will star...

12 years ago | 2

| accepted

MOD bug? Or something else?
This overloaded *MOD* function seems to overcome my issue: function answer = mod(X,Y) tol = 1e7; X = round(X*tol)...

12 years ago | 1


MOD bug? Or something else?
Seems to be a bug in *MOD*. The values inside the range from 0 to 1 that should result in *MOD* of 0 (or 0 to machine precision...

12 years ago | 2 answers | 0



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