How to give output name of image matched from template matching image processing method?
Create a if- statememt. file = 'H:\user4\matlab\myfile.txt'; % example file [filepath,name,ext] = fileparts(file) ...

7 years ago | 0

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1. How to make IF statement for im.MergeThreshold use in Viola-Jones Algorithm
You can check your variables if they have values in them. If not, change the threshold and run again. 1. Create a flag, like ...

7 years ago | 0

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How do I cut the black baground from this image?
You can change the alpha channel of the image to fit your needs. The real "problem" here is, there is no such thing as "nothing"...

7 years ago | 0

How to measure the height of an object in image
Extract the object (with edge detector for exsample), get its measurements in pixel (with regionprops() ) and then have a refere...

7 years ago | 0

How to match different images?
Maybe this might help you with the problem: <

7 years ago | 0

How can I divide this group as shown in the image
One possible option: Seperate each object, then create SURF features from each. Compare the SURF features from each object with ...

7 years ago | 0

I don't understand this ROI code. can someone explain it?
Well, this code simply creates a ROI starting at point X 34 and Y 208, with the endpoint at 163 and 400. You should make your...

7 years ago | 0

How to find center of many objects included in single image
They used a canny edge detection and then compared the found objects with a reference. What you want to do is to check for th...

7 years ago | 0

How can I identify broken pieces of rice using my webcam?
Ok, so this might help you: <> You can try to find all gr...

7 years ago | 0

I'm a new user of matlab. I want to write a code for zooming an image by a factor of 1.5 by pixel replication method.But my code takes the value of 1.5 as 1. Anyone ans me...
Do you want to zoom into a specific area or do you just want to make you whole picture bigger or smaler? If so you can use 'imre...

7 years ago | 0

I need help with this Image Processing HW
For the first question you can try something like this: ImageWithFrame = insertShape(Image, 'Polygon', bboxPolygon, 'LineWi...

7 years ago | 0

How to find 3D coordinates of point in 2D image?
You can take a look at <> If you want to know the al...

7 years ago | 0

How to match one image with best one from different images
Detect SURF features on all your previous compare-images, then detect the features on the newly taken image. Now check the SU...

7 years ago | 0

finding distance from object
With only one camera its very hard to do. Right now im writing my thesis about a similar case, i needed two months to get good ...

7 years ago | 0

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Question about image processing
On your first question you might want to take a look at <

7 years ago | 1

How to calculate the various intensity value of different color channel of a color image? i need full code in matlab.
You can use 'imhist()' and select the color you want by choosing the correct channel, red is channel 1. You will get a value of...

7 years ago | 2

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Is it possible to detect damage by comparing two images
One other thing you could do in the case of those two images: make binary images out of them, with a threshhold set so you will ...

7 years ago | 0

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Compare the Real Object with Photo
You can use SURF features from the image object and check each frame of the video for those features, if you have enough feature...

7 years ago | 0

Can anyone please help me to do video processing using a real time video?
You can never achieve realtime, but you can get to pretty low times ( like 30ms or so), depending on what you want to do. So ...

7 years ago | 0