Brandon Kuczenski

University of California

Active since 2001

Followers: 0   Following: 0


Postdoctoral Researcher, Environmental Science and Management
Professional Interests: System Engineering, Technology Assessment, Industrial Ecology

Brandon Kuczenski's Badges

MATLAB Answers Badges

  • Thankful Level 1Thankful Level 1
    20 Jul 2017

Cody Badges

  • Quiz MasterQuiz Master
    17 Nov 2016
  • PromoterPromoter
    04 Jun 2012
  • CommenterCommenter
    04 Jun 2012
  • SolverSolver
    04 Jun 2012
  • Speed DemonSpeed Demon
    02 Oct 2012
  • CreatorCreator
    02 Oct 2012

File Exchange Badges

  • First SubmissionFirst Submission
    09 Oct 2019
  • 5-Star Galaxy Level 55-Star Galaxy Level 5
    09 Oct 2019
  • First ReviewFirst Review
    09 Oct 2019
  • Editor's PickEditor's Pick
    09 Oct 2019
  • Personal Best Downloads Level 4Personal Best...
    01 Nov 2019