
Mike Shives

Last seen: 4 months ago Active since 2019

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How to extract the text from images without using OCR. will you plz help me. in matlab 13 version
A workaround is to install tesseract on your PC. The workflow in Matlab is to print the image you want to run OCR to a .tif (....

11 months ago | 1


The "print" function is losing support for ".ps" format in a future release. Does this mean the "-append" option will no longer exist?
I have a rather large body of code that uses print('outfilename','-dpsc','-append') to generate stadardized reports. As of rel...

11 months ago | 1 answer | 2



smooth shading of patches in 3D - partially correct
Filip. I may not get the chance to look into it today, but I have a suspicion that if you manually specify the patch FaceNorma...

5 years ago | 0

smooth shading of patches in 3D - partially correct
Also interested in this

5 years ago | 0