Plot and share your data with ready-to-use graphics and customizable functions and interactions.
Create Visualizations from Built-In Libraries
Use built-in plots to visualize your data, gain insights, and identify underlying patterns and trends. Explore function syntax and available chart options using the integrated documentation. Choose from the relevant plots presented, based on data you’ve selected. This lets you find the optimal visualization for your data.
Explore example plots in MATLAB.
Investigate your data and use interactive tools to customize your visualizations.
Explore and Annotate Visualizations
While programmatic approaches are available, you can explore and annotate MATLAB visualizations without having to write a lot of code yourself. Pan, zoom, or rotate graphs to visually explore and understand your data. Interactively annotate titles, axis labels, and data tips to convey and highlight necessary information. Then automatically generate the corresponding MATLAB code to reproduce your work and add it to your script with a push of a button.
Create Custom Graphics and Interactions
Extend the graphics system with customized defaults and share with your co-workers to adopt a common standard across your team. Can’t find the right chart type? Create new custom visualizations and use them in the same way as a built-in MATLAB chart. You can also add custom interactions.
Create custom chart types and interactions such as integrated data linking and brushing.

Use graphics to highlight and support your research results.
Export and Share Visualizations
Directly export publication-quality graphics to use in papers, posters, and presentations. Save plots interactively using options on the charts themselves, or programmatically using dedicated functions. Save visualizations as images or as vector graphics files, including PDF, EPS, and PNG.
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