Formal Verification Made Easy with MATLAB and Simulink - MATLAB & Simulink
Video length is 39:49

Formal Verification Made Easy with MATLAB and Simulink

In this webinar we have a moderated discussion about the practical application of formal verification technologies in MATLAB® and Simulink®. MathWorks engineers introduce the topic of formal verification and answer your questions.

Formal verification methods have been in use in software engineering since the 1970s. Their use, however, is often limited to specialized environments and research projects. In hardware design, such tools have already entered industry mainstream; new tools and integration with simulation and other existing technologies promise to make a mark in embedded software design and verification.

Applications of formal verification in embedded software today include:

  • Verification of designs against functional requirements
  • Design error detection
  • Test generation
  • Model coverage analysis
  • Run-time error detection
  • Proving the absence of run-time errors

Note: Simulink Verification and Validation transitioned to Simulink Check, Simulink Coverage, and Requirements Toolbox in R2017b.

About the Presenters:
Jay Abraham
is a product marketing manager at MathWorks. His area of expertise is in software tools for the verification of critical embedded applications. He has over 20 years of software and hardware design experience. Jay has an M.S. in computer engineering from Syracuse University and a B.S. in electrical engineering from Boston University.

Goran Begic is a product marketing manager at MathWorks. He has 11+ years of experience working with various code and design verification tools and development processes including agile, Model-Based Design, and Rational Unified Process. Goran holds an engineer’s degree from the University of Zagreb, Croatia.

Nishaat Vasi is a product marketing manager at MathWorks. Since joining MathWorks in 2007, Nishaat has partnered with customers involved in high-integrity applications to promote the adoption of MathWorks tools for software verification and report generation. He holds an M.S. in electrical engineering from the University of Massachusetts and a B.E. in electronics engineering from the University of Mumbai.

Recorded: 6 Dec 2011