Video length is 24:16

Sensor Fusion and Tracking for Next-Generation Radars

The technology required to design and field a multifunction radar drives a corresponding increase in system level complexity. In addition to performing multiple radar-related tasks such as search and track, these systems are often called upon to do other applications such as weather observations, communications, or EW, all with the same hardware resources. To meet the desire for shorter development cycles, modeling and simulation early in this type of project can lower risk and accelerate the pace of project.

With these trends, sensor fusion and tracking technology is central to data processing and resource management. You can extend your signal processing workflows to directly integrate with data processing algorithms, which also results in efficient resource management and control.

In this talk, you will learn to design, simulate, and analyze systems that fuse data from multiple sensors to maintain position, orientation, and situational awareness for surveillance systems. Through several examples, you will see how to:

  • Define and import scenarios and trajectories for simulation
  • Generate synthetic detection data for radar, EO/IR, sonar, and RWR sensors, along with GPS/IMU sensors for localization
  • Design data association algorithms for real and synthetic data
  • Perform “what-if” analysis on tracker configurations
  • Evaluate system accuracy and performance with standard benchmarks, metrics, and animated plots
  • Model a closed-loop, multifunction radar that performs search and track

Published: 3 Jul 2019