Test-Driven Development in Agile Model-Based Design - MATLAB & Simulink
Video length is 25:02

Test-Driven Development in Agile Model-Based Design

Developing complex systems with quickly evolving customer requirements presents challenges for development, verification, and compliance with safety standards.

Model-Based Design accelerates agile system development by allowing you to gain early insights into system feasibility and to speed development through simulation, automatic code generation, and continuous testing. With test-driven development, requirements are first captured as test cases that drive the implementation. Model-Based Design provides a framework that supports test-driven development. Bringing together these approaches achieves agility in the system development process. As a result, development teams can better understand customer requirements, quickly respond to changes, identify errors earlier, refactor the design, and deliver working systems faster. We will discuss how you can apply test-driven development by authoring tests that drive system development and implementation in the context of Model-Based Design.

Recorded: 15 May 2020