
Aerospace Blockset /
The Rotor block computes the aerodynamic forces and moments generated by a rotating propeller or rotor in all three dimensions. The block lets you include the effect of the tilt in rotor disc due to flap motion, while in forward flight, on the generated force and moments.
Mars Helicopter Simulink-Based System Level Design
Model a helicopter with coaxial rotors suitable to fly on Mars.
The block follows a simplified approach with the option to include steady state flap effects. It does not model dynamic flap, lag, or feathering motion of blade.
The block outputs have been verified against the algorithms used, for input and parameter values within reasonable limits (as observed from literature).
The block uses Twist distribution to model only linear or ideal twist distributions. The block assumes that the blade chord and lift curve slope are constant.
The effect of collective pitch input and drag coefficient is incorporated in the block through the thrust and torque coefficients alone. Hence, the collective input port and the drag coefficient is active only when CT and CQ Source dropdown is set to
Compute using BEMT
Ω (rad/sec) — Rotor speed
Rotor speed, specified as a scalar in rad/sec in body frame.
Data Types: double
ρ — Air density
positive scalar
Air density, specified as a positive scalar in specified units.
Data Types: double
Vb — Body velocity of rotor
3-by-1 vector | 1-by-3 vector
Velocity of rotor, specified as a 3-by-1 or 1-by-3 vector in body frame. To perform a multisystem analysis, consider connecting output from a State-Space or Integrator block to this port.
This enable this input, set Modeling
to With
flap effects
The unit of velocity depends on the value of the Units
Data Types: double
ωb — Angular velocity
3-by-1 vector | 1-by-3 vector
Angular velocity of entire vehicle, specified as a 3-by-1 or 1-by-3 vector in rad/s in body frame.
This enable this input, set Modeling
to With
flap effects
Data Types: double
θ0 — Collective blade pitch angle
Collective blade pitch angle, specified as a scalar in radians.
To enable this input port, select the Include pitch angle inputs check
box and set the CT and CQ Source dropdown to
Compute using BEMT
Data Types: double
θc — Lateral cyclic pitch angle
Lateral cyclic pitch angle, specified as a scalar in radians.
To enable this input port,
Select the Include pitch angle inputs check box.
Set Modeling to
With flap effects
Data Types: double
θs — Longitudinal cyclic pitch angle
Longitudinal cyclic pitch angle, specified as a scalar in radians.
To enable this input port,
Select the Include pitch angle inputs check box.
Set Modeling to
With flap effects
Data Types: double
Fxyz(N) — Total force
three-element vector
Total force, returned as a three-element vector in body frame. Units depend on the Units parameter.
Data Types: double
Mxyz(Nm) — Net moment
three-element vector
Net moment in the x-y-z direction, returned as a three-element vector in body frame. Units depend on the Units parameter.
Data Types: double
CT — Computed thrust coefficient
positive scalar
Computed thrust coefficient, returned as a positive scalar.
To enable this output port, select the Output computed CT
and CQ check box and set the CT and CQ
Source dropdown to Compute using
Data Types: double
CQ — Computed torque coefficient
positive scalar
Computed torque coefficient, returned as a positive scalar.
To enable this output port, select the Output computed CT
and CQ check box and set the CT and CQ
Source dropdown to Compute using
Data Types: double
Units — Input and output units
Metric (MKS)
(default) | English (Velocity in ft/s)
| English (Velocity in kts)
Units | Density | Force | Moment | Velocity | Radius | Chord | Hinge offset |
Metric (MKS) | kg/m3 | Newtons | Newton-meter | Meters per second | Meters | Meters | Meters |
English (Velocity in ft/s) | slug/ft3 | Pound force | Pound force-feet | Feet per second | Feet | Feet | Feet |
English (Velocity in kts) | slug/ft3 | Pound force | Pound force-feet | Knots | Feet | Feet | Feet |
Programmatic Use
Block Parameter: units |
Type: character vector |
Values: 'Metric (MKS)' | 'English (Velocity in ft/s)' | 'English (Velocity in kts)' |
Default: 'Metric (MKS)' |
Modeling — Rotor thrust calculation method
Without flap effects
(default) | With flap effects
Rotor thrust calculation method, specified as:
Without flap effects
— Model rotor thrust using force and moment calculations. For more information, see Force and Moment.With flap effects
— Effect of tilt in rotor disc due to flap motion, while in forward flight, is included. The steady state lateral and longitudinal flap angles are calculated using the equations from [1] and used in the computation of forces and moments [2]. For more information, see Force and Moment.
Programmatic Use
Block Parameter: modelMode |
Type: character vector |
Values: 'Without flap effects' | 'With flap effects' |
Default: 'Without flap effects' |
Include pitch angle inputs — Enable pitch angle inputs
(default) | on
Select this check box to enable the pitch angle (swash plate) input ports.
To enable this checkbox
Set the CT and CQ Source dropdown to
Compute using BEMT
Set Modeling to
'With flap effects'
Programmatic Use
Block Parameter:
controlInput |
Type: character vector |
Values: 'on' |
'off' |
Default: 'off' |
CT and CQ Source — Dropdown to select the source of thrust and torque coefficient values
(default) | 'Compute using BEMT'
Select the source of the thrust coefficient and torque coefficient values, specified as a
character vector of value 'Dialog'
or 'Compute using
. The block assumes the aerodynamic and structural parameters to be
Select 'Dialog'
to manually enter the thrust and torque coefficient
Select 'Compute using BEMT'
to compute the values using Blade Element
Momentum Theory (BEMT). For more information on BEMT, see Thrust and Torque coefficient.
Programmatic Use
Block Parameter:
CTCQMode |
Type: character vector |
Values: 'Dialog' |
'Compute using BEMT' |
Default: 'Dialog' |
Thrust coefficient (CT) — Thrust coefficient
(default) | nonzero positive scalar
Thrust coefficient, specified as a nonzero positive scalar.
To enable this parameter, set the CT and CQ Source dropdown
to 'Dialog'
Programmatic Use
Block Parameter:
CT |
Type: character vector |
Values: '0.0107' |
nonzero positive scalar |
'0.0107' |
Torque coefficient (CQ) — Torque coefficient
(default) | nonzero positive scalar
Torque coefficient, specified as a nonzero positive scalar.
To enable this parameter, set the CT and CQ Source dropdown
to 'Dialog'
Programmatic Use
Block Parameter:
CQ |
Type: character vector |
Values: '7.8263e-4' |
nonzero positive scalar |
'7.8263e-4' |
Number of blades — Number of blades per rotor
(default) | nonzero positive scalar
Number of blades, specified as a nonzero positive scalar.
To enable this parameter,
Set the CT and CQ Source dropdown to
Compute using BEMT
Set Modeling to
'With flap effects'
Programmatic Use
Block Parameter:
Nb |
Type: character vector |
Values: '2' | nonzero
positive scalar |
Default: '2' |
Output computed CT and CQ — Output computed thrust coefficient and torque coefficient
off (default) | on
Select this check box to output the calculated thrust coefficient and torque coefficient to CT and CQ output ports. For more information on these calculations, see Thrust Coefficient and Torque Coefficient Calculations. The block assumes the aerodynamic and structural parameters to be constant.
Otherwise, clear this check box.
To enable this parameter, set the CT and CQ Source dropdown
to 'Compute using BEMT'
Programmatic Use
Block Parameter: CTout |
Type: character vector |
Values: 'on' | 'off' |
Default: 'off' |
Radius (m) — Rotor radius
(default) | nonzero positive scalar
Rotor radius, specified as a nonzero positive scalar.
Programmatic Use
Block Parameter: radius |
Type: character vector |
Values: '0.0330' | nonzero positive
scalar |
Default: '0.0330' |
Chord (m) — Blade chord
(default) | nonzero positive scalar
Blade chord, specified as a nonzero positive scalar.
To enable this checkbox,
Set the CT and CQ Source dropdown to
'Compute using BEMT'
Set Modeling to
'With flap effects'
Programmatic Use
Block Parameter: chord |
Type: character vector |
Values: '0.0080' | nonzero positive
scalar |
Default: '0.0080' |
Hinge offset (m) — Hinge offset
(default) | positive scalar
Hinge offset, specified as a positive scalar. This value is typically
for propellers.
To enable this checkbox,
Set the CT and CQ Source dropdown to
'Compute using BEMT'
Set Modeling to
'With flap effects'
Programmatic Use
Block Parameter:
hingeOffset |
Type: character vector |
Values: '0' | positive
scalar |
Default: '0' |
Lift curve slope (per rad) — Lift curve slope
(default) | nonzero positive scalar
Lift curve slope, specified as a nonzero positive scalar. The block assumes the aerodynamic and structural parameters to be constant. The block does not consider variation with respect to angle of attack.
To enable this checkbox,
Set the CT and CQ Source dropdown to
'Compute using BEMT'
Set Modeling to
'With flap effects'
Programmatic Use
Block Parameter: clalpha |
Type: character vector |
Values: '5.5' | nonzero positive
scalar |
Default: '5.5' |
Mean drag coefficient — Mean drag coefficient
0 (default) | positive scalar
Mean drag coefficient, specified as a positive scalar. The block does not consider variation with respect to angle of attack.
To enable this parameter, set the CT and CQ Source dropdown
to 'Compute using BEMT'
Programmatic Use
Block Parameter:
cd0 |
Type: character vector |
Values: '0' | positive
scalar |
Default: '0' |
Lock number — Lock number
(default) | nonzero positive scalar
Lock number, which is the ratio of aerodynamics forces to inertial forces, specified as a nonzero positive scalar.
To enable this parameter, set Modeling to With flap effects
Programmatic Use
Block Parameter: gamma |
Type: character vector |
Values: '0.6051' | nonzero positive
scalar |
Default: '0.6051' |
Twist distribution — Rotor blade twist distribution
(default) | Ideal
Rotor blade twist distribution, specified as:
— Close approximation of blade twist distribution.Ideal
— Optimal approximation of blade twist distribution.
where r is the nondimensional radial location along the blade.
To enable this checkbox,
Set the CT and CQ Source dropdown to
'Compute using BEMT'
Set Modeling to
'With flap effects'
Programmatic Use
Block Parameter:
twistType |
Type: character vector |
Values: 'Linear' |
'Ideal' |
'Linear' |
Blade root angle (rad) — Blade root pitch angle
(default) | real scalar
Blade root pitch angle θroot, specified as a real scalar.
To enable this parameter:
Set the CT and CQ Source dropdown to
'Compute using BEMT'
Set Modeling to
'With flap effects'
Set Twist distribution to
Programmatic Use
Block Parameter: thetaRoot |
Type: real scalar |
Values: '0.2548' | nonzero positive
scalar |
Default: '0.2548' |
Blade twist angle (rad) — Blade twist angle
(default) | real scalar
Blade twist angle θtwist, specified as a real scalar.
To enable this parameter:
Set the CT and CQ Source dropdown to
'Compute using BEMT'
Set Modeling to
'With flap effects'
Set Twist distribution to
Programmatic Use
Block Parameter: thetaTwist |
Type: real scalar |
Values: '0.1018' | positive
scalar |
Default: '0.1018' |
Blade tip angle (rad) — Blade tip pitch angle
(default) | real scalar
Blade tip pitch angle θtip for ideal twist distribution, specified as a real scalar.
To enable this parameter:
Set the CT and CQ Source dropdown to
'Compute using BEMT'
Set Modeling to
'With flap effects'
Set Twist distribution to
Programmatic Use
Block Parameter: thetaTip |
Type: real scalar |
Values: '0.06' | nonzero positive
scalar |
Default: '0.06' |
Force and Moment
Force and moment calculated using these equations:
Without flap effects
With flap effects
Ω is the rotor speed in rad/s.
βc and βs are the steady state flap angles computed using the equations in Chapter 7 of [1].
Thrust Coefficient and Torque Coefficient Calculations
When the Compute CT and CQ check box is selected, the Rotor block calculates the thrust coefficient and torque coefficient using these equations.
With the inclusion of Prandtl’s tip loss function, the incremental thrust coefficient using blade element momentum theory is:
where F is the correction factor:
For the equations in this section:
r is the nondimensional radial location.
λ is the inflow through the rotor disc.
clα is the lift curve slope.
σ is the rotor solidity defined as , where c is the chord, R is the radius and Nb is the number of blades.
According to blade element theory, the incremental thrust coefficient is:
Here, θ(r) will depend on the blade twist distribution and the collective pitch input θ0. Equating the two expressions for dCT returns 4Fλ² = 0.5 σcıα (θ(r)r − λ), which can be iteratively solved for λ.
Sum dСT = 4Fλ²r dr across the blade span, to find the net thrust coefficient CT.
For the torque coefficient CQ, the profile drag component is approximately included as . The net torque coefficient can be calculated by summing dСQ = λdСT across the blade span and adding the profile drag component.
Rotor and Propeller Comparison
Propellers and rotors are both mechanical devices designed to move fluid in order to generate thrust. Despite their similar function, they are optimized for different applications based on their design characteristics.
Propellers are typically used in airplanes, drones, and boats. Propellers move an aircraft or vessel forward by rotating and pushing air or water behind them.
Rotors are mainly found in helicopters and some types of drones. Rotors provide forward thrust and enable vertical lift and control over the pitch, roll, and yaw of the aircraft.
You can use the Rotor block for both rotors and propellers, however, the conventions differ based on the application.
Thrust — The equation for the thrust in propellers is , where:
kT is the thrust coefficient.
ρ is the density.
n is the propeller speed in rev/s.
D is the propeller diameter.
In the Rotor block, the basic thrust equation is defined as , where:
CT is the thrust coefficient.
ρ is the density.
Ω is the rotor speed in rad/s.
R is the rotor radius.
The two constants are related by the equation .
Torque — In the Rotor block, torque is defined as .
In propellers, torque is defined by .
The two constants are related by the equation .
The advance ratio is the nondimensional forward velocity, defined as the ratio of the forward speed of the vehicle to the product of the rotational speed of the propeller or rotor and the diameter of the propeller or rotor.
The thrust and torque coefficient parameters may be available as functions of advance ratio. The definition of advance ratio differs based on the application of the rotating device, specifically whether the device is being used for propulsion or vertical flight.
[1] Prouty, Raymond W. Helicopter Performance, Stability, and Control Krieger Publishing Company, 1995.
[2] Riether, F. (2016). Agile quadrotor maneuvering using tensor-decomposition-based globally optimal control and onboard visual-inertial estimation (Doctoral dissertation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology).
Version History
Introduced in R2023aR2024b: Rotor block now includes swashplate as input
Starting R2024b, the Rotor block has been updated to support swashplate inputs. This addition allows for the inclusion of collective and cyclic blade pitch angles in the calculation of Forces and Moments through new optional input ports.
Rotor speed, Ω, also now accepts negative inputs.
Starting R2024b, the Rotor block has been updated to include the dropdown CT and CQ Source with two options:
and'Compute using BEMT'
to manually enter the thrust and torque coefficient values.Select
'Compute using BEMT'
to compute the values using Blade Element Momentum Theory (BEMT). For more information on BEMT, see Thrust and Torque coefficient. This option is equivalent to the Compute CT and CQ checkbox from previous releases.
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