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Measurements and Spatial Audio

Acoustics and impulse responses

Audio Toolbox™ enables you to measure acoustics and impulse responses, encode and decode ambisonics, interpolate head-related transfer functions (HRTF), and return industry-standard audio measurements.


Impulse Response MeasurerMeasure impulse response of audio system


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octaveFilterOctave-band and fractional octave-band filter
octaveFilterBankOctave and fractional-octave filter bank
weightingFilterFrequency-weighted filter
interpolateHRTF3-D head-related transfer function (HRTF) interpolation
sofareadRead SOFA files (Since R2023b)
sofawriteWrite SOFA files (Since R2023b)
sofaconventionCreate SOFA convention (Since R2023b)
sofareadRead SOFA files (Since R2023b)
sofawriteWrite SOFA files (Since R2023b)
sofaconventionCreate SOFA convention (Since R2023b)
SimpleFreeFieldHRIRSimpleFreeFieldHRIR SOFA convention (Since R2023b)
SimpleFreeFieldHRSOSSimpleFreeFieldHRSOS SOFA convention (Since R2023b)
SimpleFreeFieldHRTFSimpleFreeFieldHRTF SOFA convention (Since R2023b)
GeneralFIRGeneralFIR SOFA convention (Since R2023b)
GeneralSOSGeneralSOS SOFA convention (Since R2023b)
GeneralTFGeneralTF SOFA convention (Since R2023b)
GeneralTFEGeneralTF-E SOFA convention (Since R2023b)
GeneralFIREGeneralFIR-E SOFA convention (Since R2023b)
FreeFieldHRIRFreeFieldHRIR SOFA convention (Since R2023b)
FreeFieldHRTFFreeFieldHRTF SOFA convention (Since R2023b)
SimpleHeadphoneIRSimpleHeadphoneIR SOFA convention (Since R2023b)
SingleRoomSRIRSingleRoomSRIR SOFA convention (Since R2023b)
SingleRoomMIMOSRIRSingleRoomMIMOSRIR SOFA convention (Since R2023b)
FreeFieldDirectivityTFFreeFieldDirectivityTF SOFA convention (Since R2023b)
impzestEstimate impulse response of audio system
mlsMaximum length sequence
sweeptoneExponential swept sine
loudnessMeterStandard-compliant loudness measurements
audioLevelMeterMeasure digital audio peak level (Since R2023a)
splMeterMeasure sound pressure level of audio signal
calibrateMicrophoneCalibration factor for microphone (Since R2020a)
sisnrScale-invariant signal-to-noise ratio (Since R2024b)
permutationInvariantSISNRPermutation invariant SI-SNR (Since R2024b)
octaveSpectrumEstimatorCompute octave-band spectrum (Since R2024b)
uiaudiometerCreate an audio meter component (Since R2023b)


Meter PropertiesAudio Meter UI component (Since R2023b)


Loudness MeterStandard-compliant loudness measurements
Weighting Filter Weighted frequency response filter
Octave FilterOctave-band and fractional octave-band filter
Octave Filter BankOctave-band and fractional octave-band filter bank (Since R2021a)


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