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Perform quantile normalization over multiple arrays


    NormData = quantilenorm(Data) normalizes the distributions of values in the columns of Data, where each column corresponds to separate chips.


    If Data contains NaN values, then Data will also contain NaN values at the corresponding positions.


    NormData = quantilenorm(Data,Name=Value) specifies additional options using one or more name-value arguments.


    collapse all

    Load microarray data containing gene expression levels of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (yeast).

    load yeastdata;

    Plots the distributions of the columns, and the normalized data.

    normYeastValues = quantilenorm(yeastvalues,'display',1)

    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains 8 objects of type line. These objects represent Distribution 1, Distribution 2, Distribution 3, Distribution 4, Distribution 5, Distribution 6, Distribution 7, Normalized Distribution.

    normYeastValues = 6400×7
        0.3966    0.4513    0.0875    0.6862    0.2486   -0.1766    0.0490
        0.2587    0.4003   -0.1153    0.2839    0.2147   -0.1341    0.0939
        0.3646    0.8152    0.0108    0.2759    0.1750    0.0127    0.0701
       -1.5209       NaN   -1.5465   -0.7120   -2.1772       NaN   -0.5889
       -1.0317    0.3830   -1.5698   -0.0003   -1.2658   -0.1656       NaN
       -0.5231    0.7224   -0.9829   -0.7385    0.5038    0.1186    0.0913
        0.6465    1.4242    0.7868    0.5736   -0.6393   -0.0564    0.2763
       -0.1627    2.8880   -0.0034    0.5878   -0.1770    0.2060    0.2096
           NaN       NaN   -1.1464    0.0775       NaN       NaN       NaN
           NaN       NaN   -5.0644    0.5122   -0.3622       NaN   -0.0673

    Input Arguments

    collapse all

    Table containing columns corresponding to chips, specified as a MAT-file.

    Example: yeastdata.mat

    Name-Value Arguments

    Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

    Example: NormData = quantilenorm(Data,Median=true) takes the median of the ranked values instead of the mean.

    Flag to take the median of ranked values instead of the mean, specified as a numeric or logical true (1) or false (0). If Median is set to true, then the median is used. If Median is set to false, then the mean is used.

    Data Types: logical

    Flag to display the plot of normalized data, specified as a numeric or logical true (1) or false (0).

    Data Types: logical

    Version History

    Introduced before R2006a

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