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Video conference application traffic pattern generator

Since R2021a

Download Required: To use networkTrafficVideoConference, first download the Communications Toolbox Wireless Network Simulation Library add-on.


The networkTrafficVideoConference object specifies the configuration parameters to generate a video conference application traffic pattern based on the IEEE® 802.11ax™ Evaluation Methodology.

You can use the video conference application traffic pattern in system-level simulations to model real-world data traffic.



cfgVideo = networkTrafficVideoConference creates a default video application traffic pattern object.


cfgVideo = networkTrafficVideoConference(Name=Value) sets properties using one or more name-value arguments. For example, HasJitter=false specifies that the video application pattern does not model jitter.


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Time interval between two consecutive video frames, specified as a positive integer. This value is expressed in milliseconds.

Data Types: double

Option to set a source for the video frame size, specified as one of these values.

  • 'WeibullDistribution' — Use the video frame size value calculated by the Weibull probability distribution function.

  • 'FixedSize' — Use the video frame size value specified by the FixedFrameSize property.

Size of the video frame, specified as an integer in the range [1, 15,000]. This value is expressed in bytes. The video frame can be segmented into multiple network packets based on this value.


To enable this property, set the FrameSizeMethod property to 'FixedSize'.

Data Types: double

Scale parameter for the Weibull distribution to calculate the video frame size, specified as a scalar in the range (0, 54,210].


To enable this property, set the FrameSizeMethod property to 'WeibullDistribution'.

Data Types: double

Shape parameter for the Weibull distribution to calculate the video frame size, specified as a scalar in the range (0, 1].


To enable this property, set the FrameSizeMethod property to 'WeibullDistribution'.

Data Types: double

Flag to indicate whether to model network jitter, specified as a logical 1 (true) or 0 (false). The object applies jitter between the segmented packets. If you set this property to 1 (true), the object models jitter using the Gamma probability distribution function.

Data Types: logical

Shape parameter for the Gamma distribution to calculate network jitter, specified as a scalar in the range (0, 5].


To enable this property, set the HasJitter property to true.

Data Types: double

Scale parameter for the Gamma distribution to calculate network jitter, specified as a scalar in the range (0, 100].


To enable this property, set the HasJitter property to 1 (true).

Data Types: double

Protocol overheads in network traffic, specified as an integer in the range [0, 60]. To add layer 3, layer 4, and application protocol overheads in network traffic, enable this property. This value is expressed in bytes.

Data Types: double

Flag to indicate whether to generate a video packet with payload, specified as a logical 0 (false) or 1 (true). To generate a video packet with payload, set this property to true. If you set this property to false, the generate object function generates no application data packet.

Data Types: logical

Application data to be added in the video packet, specified as a column vector of integers in the range [0, 255].

  • If the size of the application data is greater than the packet size, the object truncates the application data.

  • If the size of the application data is less than the packet size, the object appends zeros.


To enable this property, set the GeneratePacket property to true.

Data Types: double

Object Functions

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generateGenerate next FTP, On-Off, VoIP, or video conference application traffic packet


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Create a default video application traffic pattern object.

cfgVideo = networkTrafficVideoConference
cfgVideo = 
  networkTrafficVideoConference with properties:

       FrameInterval: 40
     FrameSizeMethod: 'WeibullDistribution'
        WeibullScale: 6950
        WeibullShape: 0.8099
           HasJitter: 1
          GammaShape: 0.2463
          GammaScale: 60.2270
    ProtocolOverhead: 28
      GeneratePacket: 0

Generate a video application traffic pattern.

[dt,packetSize] = generate(cfgVideo);

Create a video application traffic pattern object to generate a video data packet. Specify the frame interval in milliseconds.

cfgVideo = networkTrafficVideoConference(GeneratePacket=true);
cfgVideo.FrameInterval = 60;

Generate a video application traffic pattern and data packet.

[dt,packetSize,packet] = generate(cfgVideo);

Create a video application traffic pattern object to generate a video frame of size 400 bytes.

cfgVideo = networkTrafficVideoConference( ...
    FrameSizeMethod='FixedSize', ...

Specify the elapsed time in milliseconds.

elapsedTime = 10;

After every elapsed time value, invoke the video application traffic pattern object to generate five video data packets.

numPkts = 5;
for i = 1:numPkts
    while true
        [dt,packetSize] = generate(cfgVideo,elapsedTime);
        if packetSize
            fprintf('Video data packet %d generated\n',i);
Video data packet 1 generated
Video data packet 2 generated
Video data packet 3 generated
Video data packet 4 generated
Video data packet 5 generated

Create a default video application traffic pattern object.

cfgVideo = networkTrafficVideoConference;

Generate a video application traffic pattern with 100 video packets.

numPkts = 100;
dt = zeros(1,numPkts);
packetSize = zeros(1,numPkts);
for packetCount = 1:100
    [dt(packetCount),packetSize(packetCount)] = generate(cfgVideo);

Visualize the video packet sizes.

title('Packet Size Versus Packet Number');
xlabel('Packet Number');
ylabel('Packet Size in Bytes');

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Packet Size Versus Packet Number, xlabel Packet Number, ylabel Packet Size in Bytes contains an object of type stem.

Visualize the video packet intervals.

title('dt Versus Packet Number');
xlabel('Packet Number');
ylabel('dt in milliseconds');

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title dt Versus Packet Number, xlabel Packet Number, ylabel dt in milliseconds contains an object of type stem.


[1] IEEE 802.11™-14/0571r12. "11ax Evaluation Methodology." IEEE P802.11. Wireless LANs.

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2021a

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