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Display version and location information for MATLAB Runtime installer corresponding to current platform


[installer_path, major, minor, platform] = mcrinstaller displays information about available MATLAB® Runtime installers.

If no MATLAB Runtime installer is found, you are prompted to download an installer using the command

You must distribute the MATLAB Runtime library to your end users to enable them to run applications developed with MATLAB Compiler™ or MATLAB Compiler SDK™.

For more information about the MATLAB Runtime installer, see Download and Install MATLAB Runtime.



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Display the location of MATLAB Runtime installers for a particular platform. This example shows output for a win64 system. The release number is called R20xxx indicating the release for which the MATLAB Runtime installer has been downloaded.

C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R20xxx\toolbox\compiler\deploy\win64\MCR_R20xxx_win64_installer.exe

For example, for R2018b, the path would be:

C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2018b\toolbox\compiler\deploy\win64\MCR_R2018b_win64_installer.exe

Output Arguments

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The installer_path is the full path to the installer for the current platform.

The major is the major version number of the installer.

The minor is the minor version number of the installer.

The platform is the name of the current platform (returned by COMPUTER(arch)).