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Get list of analysis points in generalized model of control system


points = getPoints(T) returns the names of all analysis-point locations in a generalized state-space model of a control system. Use this function to query the list of available analysis points in the model for control system analysis or tuning. You can refer to the analysis-point locations by name to create design goals control system tuning or to compute open-loop and closed-loop responses using analysis commands such as getLoopTransfer and getIOTransfer.



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Build a closed-loop model of a cascaded feedback loop system, and get a list of analysis point locations in the model.

Create a model of the following cascaded feedback loop. C1 and C2 are tunable controllers. AP1 and AP2 are points of interest for analysis, which you mark with AnalysisPoint blocks.

G1 = tf(10,[1 10]);
G2 = tf([1 2],[1 0.2 10]);
C1 = tunablePID('C','pi');
C2 = tunableGain('G',1);
AP1 = AnalysisPoint('AP1');
AP2 = AnalysisPoint('AP2');
T = feedback(G1*feedback(G2*C2,AP2)*C1,AP1);

T is a genss model whose Control Design Blocks include the tunable controllers and the switches AP1 and AP2.

Get a list of the loop-opening sites in T.

points = getPoints(T)
points = 2x1 cell

getPoints returns a cell array listing loop-opening sites in the model.

For more complicated closed-loop models, you can use getPoints to keep track of a larger number of analysis points.

Input Arguments

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Model of a control system, specified as a generalized state-space (genss) model. Locations in the model at which you can calculate system responses or specify design goals for tuning are marked by AnalysisPoint blocks in T.

Output Arguments

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Analysis-point locations in the control system model, returned as a cell array of character vectors. This output is obtained by concatenating the Location properties of all AnalysisPoint blocks in the control system model.

Version History

Introduced in R2014b