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Import data from SQL queries

Since R2024b


    queryResults = fetchmulti(conn,sqlquery) imports data into MATLAB® from multiple SQL queries and returns an array of structures with fields Data and Metadata.


    queryResults = fetchmulti(conn,sqlquery,Name=Value) specifies one or more name-value arguments. For example, specify DataReturnFormat="cellarray" to import data as a cell array.



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    Create a stored procedure with multiple SQL queries and then use fetchmulti to import the data.

    Create a database connection to a Microsoft® SQL Server® by using the odbc function. When the database requires authentication, the recommended practice is to store credentials in your MATLAB vault using setSecret instead of including them in your code. To connect to the database, specify the datasource and retrieve your credentials using the getSecret function.

    Before R2024a: setSecret and getSecret are not available. Specify username and password using character vectors or strings.

    datasource = "sqlserver";
    conn = odbc(datasource,getSecret("usernamesql"),getSecret("passwordsql");

    Create a stored procedure with multiple queries. In this example, the stored procedure contains queries for Country and SupplierName for a specified city.

    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.getSupplierInfo
    (@cityName varchar(20))
    -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
    -- interfering with SELECT statements.
    SELECT Country FROM dbo.suppliers WHERE City = @cityName;
    SELECT SupplierName FROM dbo.suppliers WHERE City = @cityName

    Use fetchmulti to execute and import the results of the SQL queries stored in the procedure.

    queryResults = fetchmulti(conn,"{CALL getSupplierInfo('New York')}");
    queryResults =
    1×2 struct array with fields:

    Display the country Data and Metadata for New York.

    ans =
      3×1 table
        {'United States'}
        {'United States'}
        {'USA' }
    ans =
      1×3 table
                VariableType    FillValue    MissingRows 
                ____________    __________   ____________
        Country   {'char'}      {0×0 char}   {0×1 double}

    Create a stored procedure with multiple SQL queries and then use fetchmulti with the DataReturnFormat name-value argument to import the data into a cell array.

    Create a database connection to a Microsoft SQL Server by using the odbc function.

    datasource = "sqlserver";
    conn = odbc(datasource,getSecret("usernamesql"),getSecret("passwordsql");

    Create a stored procedure with multiple queries. The stored procedure contains queries for Country and SupplierName for a specified city.

    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.getSupplierInfo
    (@cityName varchar(20))
    -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
    -- interfering with SELECT statements.
    SELECT Country FROM dbo.suppliers WHERE City = @cityName;
    SELECT SupplierName FROM dbo.suppliers WHERE City = @cityName

    Use fetchmulti with the name-value argument DataReturnFormat set to "cellarray" to execute and import the results of the SQL queries stored in the procedure into a cell array.

    queryResults = fetchmulti(conn,"{CALL getSupplierInfo('New York')}",DataReturnFormat="cellarray");

    Display the country Data and SupplierName for New York.

    ans =
      3×1 cell array
        {'United States'}
        {'United States'}
        {'USA' }
    ans =
      3×1 cell array
        {'Wonder Products'}
        {'ACME Toy Company'}
        {Aunt Jemimas' }

    Input Arguments

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    Database connection, specified as an ODBC connection object.

    SQL query, specified as a string scalar or character vector. You can specify the SQL query as a nested query or as a stored procedure.

    For information about the SQL query language, see the SQL Tutorial on the W3Schools website.

    Example: {CALL getSupplierInfo('New York")}

    Data Types: string | char

    Name-Value Arguments

    Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

    Example: queryResults = fetchmulti(conn,sqlquery,DataReturnFormat="structure")

    Data return format, specified as one of the following:

    • "table"

    • "cellarray"

    • "numeric"

    • "structure"

    Use DataReturnFormat to specify the data type of queryResults.

    Example: DataReturnFormat="cellarray" imports data as a cell array.

    Variable naming rule, specified as one of the following:

    • "modify" — Remove non-ASCII characters from variable names when the fetchmulti function imports data.

    • "preserve" — Preserve most variable names when the fetchmulti function imports data.

    Example: VariableNamingRule="modify"

    Output Arguments

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    SQL query result, returned as a table, cell array, structure, or numeric matrix. results contains all rows of data from the executed SQL query by default.

    When the executed SQL query does not return any rows, queryResults is an empty table.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2024b

    See Also


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