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Current portfolio data for Bloomberg connection V3


d = portfolio(c,p,f) returns current portfolio data for the fields f in the portfolio p using the Bloomberg® connection c.


d = portfolio(c,p,f,o,ov) returns current portfolio data using override field o and override value ov.


[d,plist] = portfolio(___) also returns the portfolio list plist using any of the input argument combinations in the previous syntaxes.



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Create the Bloomberg connection.

c = blp;

Alternatively, you can connect to the Bloomberg Server using blpsrv or Bloomberg B-PIPE® using bpipe.

Request portfolio data for a custom portfolio with portfolio identifier U335877-1 Client. Request data using all fields f.

p = 'U335877-1 Client';

d = portfolio(c,p,f)
d = 

    PORTFOLIO_MPOSITION: {{0x1 cell}} 
      PORTFOLIO_MWEIGHT: {{0x1 cell}} 
         PORTFOLIO_DATA: {{0x1 cell}} 
      PORTFOLIO_MEMBERS: {{0x1 cell}} 

d is a structure that contains portfolio data. Each structure field corresponds to data for each portfolio field.

Close the connection.


Create the Bloomberg connection.

c = blp;

Alternatively, you can connect to the Bloomberg Server using blpsrv or Bloomberg B-PIPE using bpipe.

Request portfolio data for a custom portfolio with portfolio identifier U335877-1 Client. Request data using all fields f. Filter the portfolio data by specifying the date of November 3, 2014, using the override value REFERENCE_DATE equal to 20141103.

p = 'U335877-1 Client';
ov = {'20141103'};

[d,plist] = portfolio(c,p,f,o,ov)
d = 

    PORTFOLIO_MPOSITION: {{0x1 cell}} 
      PORTFOLIO_MWEIGHT: {{0x1 cell}} 
         PORTFOLIO_DATA: {{0x1 cell}} 
      PORTFOLIO_MEMBERS: {{0x1 cell}} 

plist = 

    'U335877-1 Client'

d is a structure that contains portfolio data. Each structure field corresponds to data for each portfolio field.

plist is a cell array that contains the portfolio identifier.

Close the connection.


Input Arguments

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Bloomberg connection, specified as a connection object created using blp, blpsrv, or bpipe.

Portfolio, specified as a character vector or string scalar. Specify the portfolio by the ID that you can find in the upper-right corner of the portfolio display page. Append the text ' Client' (without quotes) to the ID. For example, if the ID is U335877-1, then specify 'U335877-1 Client'.

Access the portfolio display page by using the PRTU<GO> option from the Bloomberg terminal. For details, see the Bloomberg API Developer’s Guide using the WAPI <GO> option from the Bloomberg terminal.

Example: 'U335877-1 Client'

Data Types: char | cell | string

Portfolio fields, specified as one of the preceding values for one field. To specify multiple fields, use a cell array of these values.

Bloomberg Field Name

Bloomberg Field Description


Returns a list of the identifiers, positions, market values, cost, cost date, and cost foreign exchange rate of each security in a custom portfolio.


Returns a list of identifiers for the members of a custom portfolio.


Returns a list of identifiers and the position for each security in a custom portfolio.


Returns a list of identifiers and the percentage weight for each security in a custom portfolio.

Data Types: char | cell

Bloomberg override field, specified as a character vector, string scalar, cell array of character vectors, or string array. The Bloomberg value 'REFERENCE_DATE' denotes returning Bloomberg data for a specific date.

Data Types: char | cell | string

Bloomberg override field value, specified as a character vector, string scalar, cell array of character vectors, or string array. A character vector or string denotes one Bloomberg override field value. A cell array of character vectors or string array denotes multiple Bloomberg override field values. Use this field value to filter the Bloomberg data result set.

Example: '20100101'

Data Types: char | cell | string

Output Arguments

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Portfolio data, returned as a structure or table. The data type of the portfolio data depends on the DataReturnFormat property of the connection object.

Portfolio list, returned as a cell array of character vectors for the corresponding portfolio identifiers in p. The contents of plist are identical in value and order to p.

Version History

Introduced in R2015b

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