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Retrieve information about next Haver Analytics variable


    d = nextinfo(c,variable) returns a structure containing information for the next Haver Analytics® variable, where c is either a haver or haverdirect connection object.



    collapse all

    Establish a haver connection.

    c = haver('d:\work\haver\data\usecon.dat');

    Retrieve information for the variable that follows FFED.

    variable = "FFED";
    d = nextinfo(c,variable)
    d = 
      struct with fields:
         VarName: 'FFED2'
       StartDate: '01-Jan-1991'
         EndDate: '31-Dec-1998'
       NumberObs: 2088
       Frequency: 'D'
     DateTimeMod: '02-Apr-2007 20:46:37'
       Magnitude: 0
    DecPrecision: 2
         DifType: 1
         AggType: 'AVG'
        DataType: '%'
           Group: 'Z05'
          Source: 'FRB'
      Descriptor: 'Federal Funds [Effective] Rate (% p.a.)'
     ShortSource: 'History'
      LongSource: 'Historical Series'

    Close the haver connection.


    Establish a haver connection.

    c = haver('d:\work\haver\data\usecon.dat');

    Set the data return format to a table by using the DataReturnFormat property of the haver object.

    c.DataReturnFormat = 'table';

    Request information for the variable that follows ABQ.

    variable = "ABQ";
    d = nextinfo(c,variable)
    d =
      1×16 table
        VarName       StartDate         EndDate       NumberObs    Frequency         DateTimeMod          Magnitude    DecPrecision    DifType    AggType    DataType    Group    Source                  Descriptor                   ShortSource               LongSource            
        ________    _____________    _____________    _________    _________    ______________________    _________    ____________    _______    _______    ________    _____    ______    _______________________________________    ___________    _________________________________
        'ACPIF1'    '01-Jan-1967'    '01-Apr-2015'     580.00         'M'       '22-May-2015 14:38:33'      0.00           2.00         1.00       'NA'        '%'       'P25'    'STLF'    'Atlanta Fed Flexible CPI (SAAR, %chg)'     'FRBATL'      'Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta'

    Close the haver connection.


    Input Arguments

    collapse all

    Haver Analytics connection, specified as a haver or haverdirect connection object.

    Haver Analytics variable, specified as a character vector or string scalar.

    Example: "FFED"

    Version History

    Introduced in R2007a

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