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Extend deep learning workflows with computer vision, image processing, automated driving, signals, audio, text analytics, and computational finance

Use Deep Learning Toolbox™ to incorporate deep learning in computer vision, image processing, automated driving, signal processing, audio, text analytics, and computational finance applications.


  • Image Processing and Computer Vision
    Extend deep learning workflows with image processing, computer vision, medical imaging, lidar, and automated driving applications
  • Signal Processing, Audio, and Wireless
    Extend deep learning workflows with signal processing, audio processing, wireless communications, and radar processing applications
  • Autonomous and Control Systems
    Extend deep learning workflows with reinforcement learning, predictive maintenance, and autonomous navigation applications
  • Text Analytics and Computational Finance
    Extend deep learning workflows with text analytics and computational finance applications
  • End-to-End AI Workflows
    Use deep learning in end-to-end tasks including defining requirements, data preparation, deep neural training, compression, network testing and verification, Simulink integration, and deployment

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