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Set value of scenario simulation parameter

Since R2022a


    set(ScenarioSim,Name=Value) sets the value of the specified parameter in the ScenarioSimulation object ScenarioSim.


    set(ScenarioSim,"SimulationCommand","Replay",FileName) replays the scenario ScenarioSim from the file FileName when the replay command is issued.


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    Create ss, a ScenarioSimulation object

    rrApp = roadrunner("C:\Project\TestHighwayRoute"); 
    ss = createSimulation(rrApp); 

    Set the simulation step size.


    Set the maximum simulation time.


    Set the simulation pacer status.


    Set the simulation pace.


    Set command to pause the simulation.


    Turn on logging for the simulation.


    Input Arguments

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    RoadRunner Scenario simulation, specified as a ScenarioSimulation object.

    Example: set(ss,MaxSimulationTime=1000)

    Name of the file with .rrsimlog extension from which a scenario simulation is replayed, returned as a string or character vector. A simulation log can be replayed only if the linked .rrscenario and .rrscene files have not been modified after the simulation log was saved.

    If a scenario is open in theRoadRunner Scenario editor, and you then try to replay a different scenario from the corresponding simulation log, then the latter scenario also opens before its replay sequence begins.

    Example: set(ScenarioSim,"SimulationCommand","Replay","simulationLogFile1") replays a scenario from a simulation log file named simulationLogFile1.rrsimlog in the current folder.

    Name-Value Arguments

    Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

    Example: set(ss,SimulationCommand="Start") starts playing the specified simulation.

    Step size of the simulation in seconds, specified as a double.

    Maximum simulation time in seconds, specified as a double.

    Pacer status of the simulation, specified as one of these strings.

    • "On" — Pacing is turned on. You can slow down or speed up the simulation.

    • "Off" — Pacing is turned off. You cannot slow down or speed up the simulation.

    Pace of the simulation, specified as a double. The pace indicates speed of the simulation run.

    Logging status of the simulation, specified as one of these strings.

    • "On" — Logging is turned on. You can retrieve simulation and actor information at each time step.

    • "Off" — Logging is turned off. You cannot retrieve simulation and actor information at each time step.

    Command to control simulation, specified as one of these strings.

    • "Start" — Start playing an unstarted or stopped simulation.

    • "Pause" — Pause a running simulation.

    • "Continue" — Continue playing a paused simulation.

    • "Stop" — Stop playing a running or paused simulation.

    • "Step" — Move the simulation forward by one time step.

    • "Replay" — Replay a scenario from the simulation log stored in FileName.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2022a

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