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Simulate RoadRunner Scenarios with Actors Modeled in MATLAB

You can use the ActorSimulation class for actor modeling and runtime data exchanges with RoadRunner. The sample code examples below show how to program a System object™ file to model scenarios with different kinds of actor behaviors, and then associate these behaviors to your scenario.

To simulate these actor behaviors, you must connect RoadRunner and MATLAB®. This topic provides basic instructions for creating this connection; for more detailed information, see Connect MATLAB and RoadRunner to Control and Analyze Simulations.

These examples assume that:

  • You have a RoadRunner license and the product is installed. For more information, see Install and Activate RoadRunner (RoadRunner).

  • You have a RoadRunner Scenario license and the product is installed.

  • You have created RoadRunner project folder named MyRoadRunnerProject. For more information, see RoadRunner Project and Scene System (RoadRunner).

  • You have created and saved a RoadRunner scene named MyExampleScene and a scenario named MyExampleScenario for your project.

Build Custom MATLAB System Object Behavior

Lane Following Actor Behavior

In this example you create a custom behavior, hVehicle.m as a MATLAB System object file. In this behavior, the code reads the initial pose and velocity of an actor and updates them to make the actor follow a lane.

 MATLAB System object Code for Custom Lane Following Behavior

In the custom behavior:

  • This code defines the sample time.

            function st = getSampleTimeImpl(obj)
                st = createSampleTime( ...
                    obj, 'Type', 'Discrete', 'SampleTime', 0.02);
  • The code in setupImpl is called only once, at the simulation start.

    • This code finds the scenario simulation object, which is the scenario with the actors in it.

                  obj.mScenarioSimulationHdl = ...
                      Simulink.ScenarioSimulation.find( ...
                          'ScenarioSimulation', 'SystemObject', obj);
    • This code uses Simulink.ScenarioSimulation.find function and finds the actor object and reflects the actor to which the behavior is attached.

                  obj.mActorSimulationHdl = Simulink.ScenarioSimulation.find( ...
                      'ActorSimulation', 'SystemObject', obj);
  • The code in stepImpl is executed during each time step of a scenario simulation.

    • This code calculates the simulation time elapsed since the last step and sets the last simulation time to the current time.

                  currentTime = obj.getCurrentTime;
                  elapsedTime = currentTime - obj.mLastTime;
                  obj.mLastTime = currentTime;
    • This code gets the current pose and velocity of the actor in the scenario.

                  velocity = obj.mActor.velocity;
                  pose = obj.mActor.pose;
    • This code updates the pose.

                  pose(1,4) = pose(1,4) + velocity(1) * elapsedTime; % x
                  pose(2,4) = pose(2,4) + velocity(2) * elapsedTime; % y
                  pose(3,4) = pose(3,4) + velocity(3) * elapsedTime; % z
                  obj.mActor.pose = pose;
    • This code updates RoadRunner actor in the scenario with the new pose values.

      obj.mActorSimulationHdl.setAttribute('Pose', pose);

Path Following Actor Group Behavior

In this example you create a custom behavior for an actor group comprising of a truck and a trailer. The custom behavior hTruckWithTrailer.m is written as a MATLAB System object file. In this behavior, the code reads the pose and velocity of the truck (parent) and updates the trailer (child) in such a way that the child remains at a constant distance behind the parent throughout the simulation.

 MATLAB System object Code for Custom Actor Group Behavior

  • The code in stepImpl is executed during each time step of a scenario simulation.

    In the above program, the code in stepImpl executes the following logic.

    • This code sets a course for the truck (parent) by reading the target path structure.

                  path_action = obj.mActorSimulationHdl.getAction('PathAction');
                      obj.mActor.path = path_action.PathTarget.Path;
                      obj.mActor.numPts = path_action.PathTarget.NumPoints;
                      obj.mActor.currPt = 1;
    • This code reads the target speed value.

                 speedChg_action = obj.mActorSimulationHdl.getAction('SpeedAction');
                       tgtSpeed = speedChg_action.SpeedTarget.SpeedValue;
    • This code updates the speed of the truck until it hits the target speed, and then maintains the same value.

                 if(obj.mActor.speed < obj.TargetSpeed)
                      obj.mActor.speed = obj.mActor.speed + obj.TargetAccel * elapsedTime;
                      if (obj.mActor.speed > obj.TargetSpeed)
                          obj.mActor.speed = obj.TargetSpeed;
    • This code calculates the absolute displacement value that the truck must achieve in one time step.

                  ds = obj.mActor.speed * elapsedTime;
    • This code calculates the distance from the current point to the next point on the path.

       totalDist = -obj.mActor.currPos;
                  for i = obj.mActor.currPt : obj.mActor.numPts-1                
                      pt1 = obj.mActor.path(i, :);
                      pt2 = obj.mActor.path(i+1, :);
                      prevDist = totalDist;
                      totalDist = totalDist + norm(pt1 - pt2);
    • This code checks if the truck has hit the target point on the path during the current time step, and accordingly calculates the next point. The pose of the truck is updated, and then transformed with respect to the global reference frame.

                       if(totalDist > ds)
                          v = obj.mActor.path(i+1, :) - obj.mActor.path(i, :);
                          obj.mActor.unit_v = (v/norm(v));
                          obj.mActor.pose(4, 4) = 1;
    • This code updates the pose of the truck if no path is defined in RoadRunner Scenario.

                  if(obj.mActor.numPts == 0)
                      pose = obj.mActor.pose;
                      velocity = [10 4 0];
                      obj.mActor.pose(1,4) = pose(1,4) + velocity(1) * elapsedTime; % x
                      obj.mActor.pose(2,4) = pose(2,4) + velocity(2) * elapsedTime; % y
                      obj.mActor.pose(3,4) = pose(3,4) + velocity(3) * elapsedTime; % z
    • This code writes the updated pose of the truck to the scenario.

                   obj.mActorSimulationHdl.setAttribute('Pose', obj.mActor.pose);
    • This code implements the logic to calculate the position of the trailer (child) respective to the truck. The logic dictates that the child remain at a fixed distance behind the parent throughout the simulation.

                   obj.mActorSimulationHdl.setAttribute('Pose', obj.mActor.pose);
                  boundingBox = obj.mActor.actorModel.getAttribute('BoundingBox');
                  u = boundingBox.min;
                  y =[0 2*u(2) 0 1]';
                  mat = obj.mActor.pose*y;
                  trailerPose = obj.mActor.pose;
                  trailerPose(13) = mat(1);
                  trailerPose(14) = mat(2);
                  trailerPose(15) = mat(3);

Actor Behavior Using User-Defined Actions

The following code presents an example of an actor that processes user-defined actions received from a scenario. The custom behavior testUDA_ML is written in the testUDA_ML.m MATLAB System object file, and it represents the ambulance in example Model Vehicle Behavior Using User-Defined Actions in MATLAB (RoadRunner Scenario). The code reads the custom parameters of a user-defined action, and then changes the pose of the ambulance accordingly.


User-defined action parameters support all data types supported by RoadRunner Scenario. For more information, see Parameter Data Types (RoadRunner Scenario).

 MATLAB System object Code for Custom Behavior Using User-Defined Actions

In the custom behavior:

  • This code defines the interface to a MATLAB System object that uses user-defined actions.

             function interface = getInterfaceImpl(~)
                import matlab.system.interface.*;
                interface = ActorInterface();
                actionType = 'UserDefinedAction';
                actionName = 'CustomDrive';
                actionElements = struct('ThrottleLevel',"", 'SteeringAngle',"");
                newAction = matlab.system.interface.UserDefinedAction( ...
                    actionName, actionElements);
                interface.addAction(actionType, newAction);
  • This code defines the sample time.

            function st = getSampleTimeImpl(obj)
                st = createSampleTime( ...
                    obj, 'Type', 'Discrete', 'SampleTime', 0.02);
  • The code in setupImpl is called only once, at the start of the simulation.

    • This code finds the scenario simulation object, which is the scenario containing the actor group.

                  sim = Simulink.ScenarioSimulation.find('ScenarioSimulation'); 
    • This code returns the actor object to which this behavior is attached.

                  actor = sim.get('ActorSimulation','SystemObject',obj);
  • The code in stepImpl is executed during each time step of a scenario simulation.

    • This code extracts the custom parameters of the user-defined actions in a scenario. It also sends out an Action Complete event that is processed by RoadRunner Scenario at the end of the action phase that uses user-defined actions.

                 function stepImpl(obj)
                  uda = obj.mActorHdl.getAction("UserDefinedAction", "CustomDrive");
                  for i = 1:length(uda)
                      obj.mThrottleLevel = eval(uda(i).Parameters.ThrottleLevel);
                      obj.mSteeringAngle = eval(uda(i).Parameters.SteeringAngle);
                      obj.mActorHdl.sendEvent('ActionComplete', ...
    • This code updates the current pose and velocity of the vehicle in accordance with the values of the custom parameters.

                  currentTime = obj.getCurrentTime;
                  elapsedTime = currentTime - obj.mLastTime;
                  obj.mLastTime = currentTime;
                  pose = obj.mActorHdl.getAttribute('Pose');
                  maxSpeed = 50;
                  distance = elapsedTime*obj.mThrottleLevel*maxSpeed/100;
                  angle = deg2rad(obj.mSteeringAngle);
                  pose(1,4) = pose(1,4) + distance*cos(angle);
                  pose(2,4) = pose(2,4) + distance*sin(angle);
                  obj.mActorHdl.setAttribute('Pose', pose);

Actor Behavior Using User-Defined Events

The following code presents an example of an actor that sends user-defined events to all other actors in a scenario. The actor hMATLAB_Agent is written in the hMATLAB_Agent.m MATLAB System object file, and it represents the ambulance in example Design Vehicle Following User-Defined Events Scenario (RoadRunner Scenario). Here, the ambulance monitors its distance to the white car, represented by the Simulink® model UDEVehicle_Final. When the gap reaches a value less than 3.00 meters, the ambulance broadcasts an event carrying the ID of the white car.

 MATLAB System object Code for Custom Behavior Using User-Defined Events

  • This code defines the interface to a MATLAB System object that uses user-defined events.

          function interface = getInterfaceImpl(~)
              import matlab.system.interface.*;
              interface = ActorInterface();
              eventType = 'UserDefinedEvent';
              eventName = 'ChangeLane';
              eventElements = struct('ActorID',1);
              newEvent = matlab.system.interface.UserDefinedEvent(eventName, eventElements);
              interface.addEvent(eventType, newEvent);
  • This code defines the sample time.

            function st = getSampleTimeImpl(obj)
                st = createSampleTime( ...
                    obj, 'Type', 'Discrete', 'SampleTime', 0.02);
  • The code in stepImpl is executed during each time step of a scenario simulation.

    • This code checks if the pose calculated in each time step is in sync with the pose of the ambulance in the scenario.

                assert(isequal(pose, obj.mActorSimulationHdl.getAttribute('Pose')), ...
                      'Pose not updated properly.');
    • This code updates the pose of the ambulance in each time step.

                  pose(1,4) = pose(1,4) + velocity(1) * dTimeUnit;
                  pose(2,4) = pose(2,4) + velocity(2) * dTimeUnit; 
                  pose(3,4) = pose(3,4) + velocity(3) * dTimeUnit;
    • This code sends a user-defined event to the vehicle with ID 10 to trigger the specific logic in Simulink model UDEVehicle_Final that moves the white car ahead with each time step. When the ambulance is less than 3.00 meters behind, it broadcasts the ChangeLane event carrying the ID of the white car.

                  for i = 1 : length(actorsim)
                      otherActor = actorsim(i);
                      id = double(getAttribute(otherActor,'ID'));
                            attribute = struct('ActorID', 10);
                            obj.mActorSimulationHdl.sendEvent('UserDefinedEvent', 'ChangeLane', attribute);
                      if (id ~= 0 && id ~= 2 && id ~= obj.mActor.actorID && ~obj.HasSentEvent)
                          otherPose = getAttribute(otherActor, 'Pose');
                          distance = sqrt(abs(sum(pose(1:3,4) - otherPose(1:3,4))));
                          if (distance < 3)
                              attribute = struct('ActorID', id);
                              obj.mActorSimulationHdl.sendEvent('UserDefinedEvent', 'ChangeLane', attribute);
                              obj.HasSentEvent = true;

      This event carrying actor ID, 3, is then received by the Simulink model UDEVehicle_Final that represents the actor behavior of the white car. The receipt of the user-defined event triggers the lane change code, present in the changeLane MATLAB Function block of the model.

Associate Actor Behavior in RoadRunner

This section describes how to associate any custom behavior to your actor.

  1. In your RoadRunner scenario, select the Library Browser and then the Behaviors folder.

  2. To create a new behavior, right-click an empty space in the list of behaviors, pause on New, then select Behavior. Enter a name for your new behavior, such as MyNewBehavior. This animation shows how to complete these steps.

    Animation showing navigating to Behaviors folder in Library Browser, right clicking and selecting New then Behavior to create a behavior, and naming the behavior "MyNewBehavior".

  3. On the Attributes pane, set Platform to MATLAB/Simulink. As the File Name, use the location of your file hVehicle.m, hTruckWithTrailer.m or testUDA_ML.m.

    • If your MATLAB System object file is in your working folder, you can enter the name of your file together with its extension .m, for example hVehicle.m.

    • You can also use the full path to enter the location of your file, for example MyLocation\hVehicle.m.

    Attributes of the new behavior.

    This action creates a new behavior that you can attach to actors in your scenario. Rename the behavior as MyNewBehavior.

    Icon representing the new behavior created using MATLAB.

  4. For example, add a new CompactCar to your scenario MyExampleScenario.

  5. To associate the MATLAB System object behavior to a RoadRunner actor, select CompactCar. Then, in the Attributes section, in the Behavior box, add MyNewBehavior to CompactCar by clicking and dragging the behavior icon to the box.

    The vehicle and the new behavior that is attached to the vehicle.

  6. Specify the path to your RoadRunner installation folder using these commands, replacing MyInstallationFolder with the path to your RoadRunner installation. You need to run the commands in this step only the first time you are setting up the connection between RoadRunner and your MATLAB installation.

    RRInstallationFolder = "MyInstallationFolder";
    s = settings;
    s.roadrunner.application.InstallationFolder.PersonalValue = RRInstallationFolder; 
    s.roadrunner.application.InstallationFolder.TemporaryValue = RRInstallationFolder;


    Specify the full path to the folder containing the AppRoadRunner.exe executable. The default location of this executable on Windows® is C:\Program Files\RoadRunner R2022b\bin\win64, where C:\Program Files\RoadRunner R2022b is your RoadRunner installation folder. The folder could be different on your computer.

  7. To open the RoadRunner project MyRoadRunnerProject from MATLAB, use this command.

    rrApp = roadrunner('MyProjectLocation');
  8. Open the scene MyExampleScene.

    openScene(rrApp, 'MyExampleScene');
  9. Open the scenario MyExampleScenario.

    openScenario(rrApp, 'MyExampleScenario');
  10. Get the simulation object to control simulation from MATLAB.

    rrSim = createSimulation(rrApp);

  11. Start the simulation from the command line.

    set(rrSim, 'SimulationCommand', 'Start');


    When debugging cosimulations using the MATLAB or Simulink debugger, the simulation might time out. Check the simulation timeout setting using this code.

    s = settings;
    By default, the simulation times out after 300 seconds, or 5 minutes. If you expect the simulation to take more than 5 minutes between simulation steps, set a higher timeout value using this code, which sets the timeout to 600 seconds (10 minutes) in the current MATLAB session.
    s = settings;
    s.roadrunner.application.Timeout.TemporaryValue = 600;

    If the simulation times out, the current ScenarioSimulation object becomes invalid. If the ScenarioSimulation object is invalid, RoadRunner generates an error if you attempt to start the simulation. To restart the simulation, delete the ScenarioSimulation object and recreate it using this code. Replace rrSim with the name of your ScenarioSimulation object and rrApp with the name of your roadrunner object.

    rrSim = createSimulation(rrApp);

    For more information about simulating your scenario in RoadRunner or controlling a scenario simulation using MATLAB, see Overview of Simulating RoadRunner Scenarios with MATLAB and Simulink.

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