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Chebyshev Type I filter using specification object


chebOneFilter = cheby1(designSpecs,SystemObject=true) designs a type I Chebyshev IIR digital filter using specifications in the designSpecs object.

For help about using the cheby1 design method for a filter specification object, enter the following at the MATLAB® command prompt.


You cannot use the cheby1 design method for certain filter specification objects. Use the designmethods function with the filter specification object to determine if the cheby1 design method is valid for your filter specifications.


cheby1 returns filters that use second-order sections (SOS). SOS filters are particularly well-suited for most fixed-point applications.


chebOneFilter = cheby1(designSpecs,designoption=value,... SystemObject=true) returns a type I Chebyshev IIR digital filter with the specified design options. You can specify one or more design options and their corresponding values.

To view a list of available design options, run the designoptions function on the filter specification object. The function also lists the default design options that the filter uses.


chebOneFilter = design(designSpecs,'cheby1',SystemObject=true) is an alternative syntax for designing a type I Chebyshev IIR digital filter.


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Design a type 1 Chebyshev IIR filter with lowpass and highpass frequency responses. The filter design procedure is:

  1. Specify the filter design specifications using a fdesign function.

  2. Pick a design method provided by the designmethods function.

  3. To determine the available design options, use the designoptions function.

  4. Design the filter using the design function.

Lowpass Filter

Create a default lowpass filter specification object using the fdesign.lowpass function.

designSpecs = fdesign.lowpass; 

Determine the available design methods using the designmethods function. To design a type 1 Chebyshev filter, pick cheby1.

Design Methods that support System objects for class fdesign.lowpass (Fp,Fst,Ap,Ast):


While designing the filter, you can specify additional design options. View the options using the designoptions function. This function also shows the default design options the filter uses.

ans = struct with fields:
           FilterStructure: {'df1sos'  'df2sos'  'df1tsos'  'df2tsos'  'cascadeallpass'  'cascadewdfallpass'}
              SOSScaleNorm: 'ustring'
              SOSScaleOpts: 'fdopts.sosscaling'
              MatchExactly: {'passband'  'stopband'}
    DefaultFilterStructure: 'df2sos'
       DefaultMatchExactly: 'passband'
       DefaultSOSScaleNorm: ''
       DefaultSOSScaleOpts: [1x1 fdopts.sosscaling]

Use the design function to design the filter. Pass 'cheby1' and the designSpecs object containing the filter design specifications as input arguments. Set the filter structure to 'df1sos' to design a filter with a direct form I SOS structure.

LowpassCheb1 = design(designSpecs,'cheby1',FilterStructure='df1sos',...
LowpassCheb1 = 
  dsp.SOSFilter with properties:

            Structure: 'Direct form I'
    CoefficientSource: 'Property'
            Numerator: [5x3 double]
          Denominator: [5x3 double]
       HasScaleValues: true
          ScaleValues: [0.4117 0.3484 0.2445 0.1195 0.0258 0.8913]

  Use get to show all properties

View the frequency response of the designed filter.


Highpass Filter

Create a highpass filter design specification object using the fdesign.highpass function. Specify the filter order, passband edge frequency, and the passband ripple.

designSpecs = fdesign.highpass('n,fp,ap',7,20,.4,50); 

Determine the available design methods.

Design Methods that support System objects for class fdesign.highpass (N,Fp,Ap):


While designing the filter, you can specify additional design options. View a list of the options using the designoptions function. This function also shows the default design options the filter uses.

HighpassCheb1 = design(designSpecs,'cheby1',SystemObject=true)
HighpassCheb1 = 
  dsp.SOSFilter with properties:

            Structure: 'Direct form II'
    CoefficientSource: 'Property'
            Numerator: [4x3 double]
          Denominator: [4x3 double]
       HasScaleValues: true
          ScaleValues: [0.0943 0.0612 0.0233 0.0814 1]

  Use get to show all properties

Visualize the highpass frequency response.


Input Arguments

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Filter specification object, specified as one of the following:

Output Arguments

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Type I Chebyshev IIR digital filter, returned as a System object. The System object and the values of its properties depend on the input designSpecs object and the other design options that you specify as inputs to the function.

Version History

Introduced in R2011a

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