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DSADC Peripheral Configuration

Map DSADC peripherals in Infineon AURIX model to peripheral registers in MCU

Since R2023b


View and edit the map of peripherals in the Infineon® AURIX™ model to the hardware peripherals.

Using the Peripheral Configuration tool, you can:

  • View and edit configuration parameters for DSADC peripheral block.

  • Check for conflicts, if any between peripherals.

DSADC peripheral

Open the DSADC Peripheral Configuration

  • In the Hardware tab, click Hardware Mapping.

    Hardware Mapping DSADC


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Select the modulator type.

Maximum count for full-scale voltage.


When you configure for an unsigned datatype, the result will be a signed conversion + 32767. For example, for 3.3V, the converted value for signed operation is 3.3/5*25000=16500 and for unsigned datatype, the value is 16500+32767=49267.

On-chip modulator

Type of positive input for DSADC conversion.


The DSADC module supports differential inputs where you can configure both positive and negative inputs accordingly. In case of single-ended applications, you can configure the unused pin with ground.

Select pin number of the positive pin.


This parameter appears only if you select Input-pin for the Positive input type parameter.

Type of negative input for DSADC conversion.

Select pin number of the negative pin.


This parameter appears only if the Negative input type parameter is set to Input-pin.

Select the input mode for the pin(s).

Select the pin speed for DSADC.

Select the pin voltage level.

Select the on-chip modulator frequency.

Add dithering (white noise), if required.

Enable auto calibration of the DSADC conversion, if required.

Define the type of calibration for the DSADC signal.


This parameter appears only if you select the Enable auto calibration parameter.

External Modulator

Clock source for external modulator.

If you choose external clock source, the block enables Channel parameter to specify the channel for external clock source.

Pin number for clock signal.


  • If you set Clock source to External, the modulator clock pin inputs the clock signal generated by the external modulator.

  • If you set Clock source to Internal, the modulator clock pin outputs the internally generated clock signal, which can be used by external modulator.

Clock frequency for external modulator.

Specify the channel for external clock source..


To enable this parameter, set the Clock source parameter to External.

Input mode for clock signal.

Pin number for data signal.

Trigger edge for data capture.

Input mode for clock signal.

Select the pin speed for data transfer.

Select the data pin voltage level.

Encode data with Manchester coding.

Add the external modulator gain including the external circuitry.


Frequency of timestamp measurement.


This parameter appears only if you select the Enable timestamp parameter in the DSADC block in the Simulink® model.

Gate source to trigger timestamp.


Ensure that you configure the appropriate trigger using the PWM block.


This parameter appears only if you select the Enable timestamp parameter in the DSADC block in the Simulink model.

Hardware trigger for timestamp.


This parameter appears only if you select the Enable timestamp parameter in the DSADC block in the Simulink model.

Hardware trigger edge for timestamp.


This parameter appears only if you select the Enable timestamp parameter in the DSADC block in the Simulink model.

Specify the trigger delay for timestamp.


This parameter appears only if you select the Enable timestamp parameter in the DSADC block in the Simulink model.

Filter > CIC Filter

Decimation factor for DSADC conversion. Higher the value of Decimation factor, higher will be the accuracy, at the cost of additional time.

Auxiliary filter decimation factor for DSADC conversion.


This parameter appears only if you select the Auxiliary result parameter in the DSADC block in the Simulink model.

Filter > Offset compensation

Enable offset compensation for DSADC conversion.


This option is supported only if Modulator Type parameter is set with On-chip.

Cutoff frequency for offset compensation.

Specify the offset voltage.

Filter > Integrator

Enable integrator module for DSADC conversion.


This option is supported only if Modulator Type parameter is set with On-chip.

Number of values to discard during integration.

Number of values for accumulation during integration.

The filter chain results that are set will be restarted (or resets to 0) when the integration window starts.

Enable external trigger for the start of adjustable integration window. If the parameter is disabled, the integrator is triggered at block sample rate and ends after the number of samples specified in Number of values for accumulation (1-127) is reached.

Stop control of adjustable integration window.


The window will be stopped by the inverse edge of the starting window.

Filter > Integrator Trigger

Gate source of adjustable integration window.


Ensure that you configure the appropriate trigger using the PWM block.

Hardware trigger for integrator.

Hardware trigger edge for integrator.

Specify the trigger delay for integrator.


Lower limit for the boundary band for checking the result.

Upper limit for the boundary band for checking the result.

Enable hysteresis to avoid metastable states and switching due to internal ground bounce.

Boundary mode for auxiliary filter.


This option is available only if the Hysteresis is disabled.

Service request based on the boundary mode.

Events > Main filter result

Enable interrupt for main filter.

Interrupt condition for main filter. To limit the conversion interrupts, select the gate-signal option.

Gate signal to trigger main filter result.

Hardware trigger for main filter result.


Configure the ADC trigger from the PWM block. The Module, Timer submodule, Timer unit, and Trigger Channel parameter values in PWM Peripheral Configuration must match the values of Gate signal from and Hardware trigger parameters.

Trigger delay for main filter result.

Events > Auxiliary result

Enable interrupt for auxiliary filter.


This parameter enables only if you select the Auxiliary result parameter in the DSADC block in the Simulink model.

Events > Timestamp

Enable interrupt for timestamp. The timestamp is triggered based on the parameters you selected in the Timestamp tab of this Hardware Mapping window. Enabling interrupt for timestamp helps you to interpolate the conversion results based on application frequency.


In general, the application frequency might be out-of-sync with the delta-sigma ADC conversion cycle, and hence the data needs to be interpolated using timestamp.


This parameter appears only if you select the Enable timestamp parameter in the DSADC block in the Simulink model.

Version History

Introduced in R2023b

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