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Read data from CAN FD Bus

Since R2023a

Add-On Required: This feature requires the Embedded Coder Support Package for STMicroelectronics STM32 Processors add-on.

  • FDCAN Read block

Embedded Coder Support Package for STMicroelectronics STM32 Processors / STM32G4xx Based Boards
Embedded Coder Support Package for STMicroelectronics STM32 Processors / STM32H7xx Based Boards
Embedded Coder Support Package for STMicroelectronics STM32 Processors / STM32L5xx Based Boards
Embedded Coder Support Package for STMicroelectronics STM32 Processors / STM32U5xx Based Boards


The FDCAN Read block reads messages from a Controller Area Network (CAN) network connected to the hardware.

The FDCAN Read block outputs a CAN data when operation mode is set to Data. The block outputs values received as [64x1] array of type uint8 when output type is set to Unpacked.

The block outputs Simulink® bus signal when output type is set to Packed. To extract data from Simulink bus signal, connect it to CAN FD Unpack block.

Select the Operation mode and its properties using the block parameters dialog box. Configure the properties of FDCAN module in the configuration parameters.




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The block outputs messages in uint8 or CAN Msg format.

The maximum size of the data is [64x1] of uint8 format. The number of bytes defined in the length signifies the valid data of the output.

  • If Output type is set to Unpacked, the received message data is an 64-by-1 array of type uint8.

  • If Output type is set to Packed, the data port is renamed to Msg and the received message data is output as a Simulink bus signal.

This port outputs 0 if the received CAN message is a remote frame.

Data Types: uint8 | CAN Msg

The port outputs FDCAN module status.

  • The status is 1, if FDCAN module in restricted operation mode.

  • The status is 0, if FDCAN module is not in restricted operation mode.


To enable this parameter, set operation mode to Read restricted operation mode status.

Data Types: uint8

The port outputs message read status.

  • The status is 0, if the block reads new message.

  • The status is 1, if the block reads no new message.


To enable this parameter, select Output Status parameter.

Data Types: uint8

The port outputs FDCAN module status.

  • The status is 1, if FDCAN module in sleep mode.

  • The status is 0, if FDCAN module is not in sleep mode.


To enable this parameter, set operation mode to Read sleep status.

Data Types: uint8

The CAN receive block outputs the CAN received message in Simulink bus signal. To extract data from Simulink bus signal, connect it to CAN FD Unpack block.

The port outputs message read status.

  • The status is 1, if the message read is not successful

  • The status is 0, if the message read is successful.


To enable this parameter, set Output type to Packed.

Data Types: CAN Msg

The port outputs the length of the received CAN message in bytes.


To enable this parameter, set Output type to Unpacked.

Data Types: uint8

The port outputs CAN message identifier.


To enable this parameter, set Output type to Unpacked.

Data Types: uint32

The port outputs CAN message identifier type

  • 0 - if its 11-bit standard identifier

  • 1 - if its 29-bit standard identifier


To enable this parameter, set Output type to Unpacked.

Data Types: uint32

Remote message flag. The port outputs 1 if the received CAN message is a remote frame.


To enable this parameter, select Output remote parameter.

Frame type output message. The port outputs 1, if it receives FDCAN message frame and 0, if it receives Classic message frame.


To enable this parameter, select Output frame type parameter.

Data Types: uint8

Bitrate switching output message.

  • 0 - when CAN FD frames are transmitted without bit rate switching.

  • 1 - when CAN FD frames are transmitted with bit rate switching.


To enable this parameter, select Output bitrate switching parameter.

Data Types: uint8

The port outputs the received FIFO fill level.


To enable this parameter, select Output receive FIFO level parameter.


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Module to which the FDCAN device is connected.

Select the CAN read operation mode.

  • Data - Data to read FDCAN data/message

  • Read sleep status - Read the sleep/power status of FDCAN module. In Read sleep status operation mode, the block outputs a logical status if the FDCAN peripheral is in sleep mode.

    In this operation mode, the block configures an output port Sleep.

  • Read restricted operation mode status - To read if the CAN module is in restricted mode. In Read restricted operation mode status operation mode, the block outputs a logical status if the FDCAN peripheral in restricted operation mode.

    In this operation mode, the block configures an output port Restricted mode.

  • Read last error code - Provides the status set by hardware for last message sent or received on CAN bus. In Read last error code operation mode, the block outputs a logical status if the CAN peripheral is in wakeup state.

    The following are the error codes and there respective status.

    • 000 - No Error

    • 001 - Stuff Error

    • 010 - Form Error

    • 011 - Acknowledgment Error

    • 100 - Bit recessive Error

    • 101 - Bit dominant Error

    • 110 - CRC Error

    • 111 - Set by software

Select an output type to read message.

  • Unpacked – In Unpacked output type, the block outputs values received as [8x1] array of type uint8. In unpacked type for the FDCAN Read block, you can enable all the output ports(ID, ID type, Data, Status, Remote, Frame type, bitrate switching, Length, FIFO level).

  • Packed – In Packed output type, the block outputs Simulink bus signal. To extract data from Simulink bus signal, connect it to CAN Unpack block.

The CAN Read block outputs a CAN message from read source. You can configure read source filter configuration in the configuration parameters.

Specify the FDCAN Read block buffer number.


To enable this parameter, set the read source to Buffers.

When you select the Output Identifier Type parameter, the block configures an output port, Id Type. The port outputs the standard or extended message status.


To enable this parameter, set the Output type as unpacked.

When you select the Output Remote parameter, the block configures an output port, Remote. The port outputs the message remote frame status.


To enable this parameter, set the Output type as unpacked.

When you select the Output Remote parameter, the block configures an output port, Frame Type. The port outputs the 0 (Classic) or 1 (FD) message status.


To enable this parameter, set the Output type as unpacked.

When you select the Output bit rate switching parameter, the block configures an output port, Bitrate switching. The port outputs the 0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled) message status.


To enable this parameter, set the Output type as unpacked.

When you select the Output receive FIFO fill level parameter, the block configures an output port, FIFO level. The port outputs the received FIFO level message.

When you select the Output Status parameter, the block configures an output port, Status. The port outputs the status message.

Specify how often the block receives message, in seconds. When you specify this parameter as -1, Simulink determines the best sample time for the block based on the block context within the model.

Specify the time in seconds to block the FDCAN read. For nonblocking, set to 0. You configure Timeout to be the maximum time (in seconds) to wait to complete a read operation.

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2023a

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