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Creates value set and generates data


Use the fixed.DataSpecification and fixed.DataGenerator objects to generate simulation inputs to test the full operating range of your designs.



data = fixed.DataGenerator(Name, Value) creates a DataGenerator object with additional properties specified as Name, Value pair arguments.



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Properties of the data to generate, specified as a fixed.DataSpecification object.

Specifying a cell array of DataSpecification objects produces a single DataGenerator object for input to a system with the same number of inputs and in the same order as elements in the cell array.

Maximum number of data points in generated data, specified as an integer-valued scalar. For more information, see getNumDataPointsInfo.

Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64

Object Functions

getUniqueValuesGet unique values from fixed.DataGenerator object
getNumDataPointsInfoGet information about number of data points in generated data
outputAllDataGet data from fixed.DataGenerator object


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Create a DataGenerator object by specifying a DataSpecification object in the constructor.

Create the DataSpecification object with an interval from -2π to 2π with a data type of single.

dataspec = fixed.DataSpecification('single',...
    'Intervals',{-2*pi, 2*pi})
dataspec = 
  fixed.DataSpecification with properties:

          DataTypeStr: 'single'
            Intervals: [-6.2832,6.2832]
     ExcludeDenormals: false
  ExcludeNegativeZero: false
      MandatoryValues: <empty>
           Complexity: 'real'
           Dimensions: 1

Use the DataSpecification object to create a DataGenerator object. Limit the number of data points in the generated data to 5000 points. You can specify these properties as name-value pairs in the constructor of the DataGenerator object.

datagen = fixed.DataGenerator('DataSpecifications',dataspec,...
datagen = 
  fixed.DataGenerator with properties:

    DataSpecifications: {[1x1 fixed.DataSpecification]}
    NumDataPointsLimit: 5000

Use the outputAllData function to see the generated data.

myData = outputAllData(datagen);


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Version History

Introduced in R2019b

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