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Determine occlusion status by surface

Since R2022a


status = occlusion(surface,p1,p2) determines if the line-of-sight between two points is occluded by the ground surface.



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Create a tracking scenario object.

scene = trackingScenario;

Specify the terrain and define the boundary of the terrain as a square centered at the origin.

terrrain =[0 10 0;
           0 10 0;
           0 10 0];
boundary = [-100 100; -100 100];

Create the ground surface and add it to the scenario.

surface = groundSurface(scene,Terrain=terrrain,Boundary=boundary)
surface = 
  GroundSurface with properties:

            Terrain: [3x3 double]
    ReferenceHeight: 0
           Boundary: [2x2 double]

Query the occlusion status of the line-of-sight vector between the corner point (–100, –100, 0) and the other corner point (100, 100, 20). The ground surface occludes the line-of-sight.

occlusion(surface,[-100 -100 0],[100 100 20])
ans = logical

Raise the height of the first corner point. Now the ground surface no longer occludes the line-of-sight.

occlusion(surface,[-100 -100 10],[100 100 20])
ans = logical

Input Arguments

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Ground surface, specified as a GroundSurface object.

Position of the first point, specified as a three-element real-valued vector.

If the IsEarthCentered property of the trackingScenario object is specified as:

  • false — Specify the three elements, in meters, as the x-, y-, and z-coordinates of the position in the reference frame of the tracking scenario.

  • true — Specify the three elements as the latitude in degrees, longitude in degrees, and altitude in meters of the position, in the geodetic frame.

Data Types: single | double

Position of the second point, specified as a three-element real-valued vector.

If the IsEarthCentered property of the trackingScenario object is specified as:

  • false — Specify the three elements, in meters, as the x-, y-, and z-coordinates of the position in the reference frame of the tracking scenario.

  • true — Specify the three elements as the latitude in degrees, longitude in degrees, and altitude in meters of the position, in the geodetic frame.

Data Types: single | double

Output Arguments

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Occlusion status, returned as a logical 1 (true) or 0 (false). If true, the line-of-sight between the two positions is occluded by the surface. Otherwise, this argument returns false.

Version History

Introduced in R2022a

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