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Initialize track logic with first hit


init(historyLogic) initializes the track history logic with the first hit.


init(scoreLogic,volume,beta) initializes the track score logic with the first hit, using default probabilities of detection and false alarm.

init(scoreLogic,volume,beta,pd,pfa) initializes the track score logic with the first hit, specifying the probability of detection pd and probability of false alarm pfa.



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Create a history-based logic with default confirmation and deletion thresholds.

historyLogic = trackHistoryLogic
historyLogic = 
  trackHistoryLogic with properties:

    ConfirmationThreshold: [2 3]
        DeletionThreshold: [6 6]
                  History: [0 0 0 0 0 0]

Initialize the logic, which records a hit as the first update to the logic.

history = historyLogic.History;
disp(['History: [',num2str(history),'].']);
History: [1  0  0  0  0  0].

Create a score-based logic with default confirmation and deletion thresholds.

scoreLogic = trackScoreLogic
scoreLogic = 
  trackScoreLogic with properties:

    ConfirmationThreshold: 20
        DeletionThreshold: -5
                    Score: 0
                 MaxScore: 0

Specify the probability of detection (pd), the probability of false alarm (pfa), the volume of a sensor detection bin (volume), and the new target rate in a unit volume (beta).

pd = 0.9;     
pfa = 1e-6;   
volume = 1.3;
beta = 0.1;

Initialize the logic using these parameters. The first update to the logic is a hit.


Display the current and maximum score of the logic. Since the logic has been updated once, the current score is equal to the maximum score.

currentScore = scoreLogic.Score
currentScore = 
maximumScore = scoreLogic.MaxScore
maximumScore = 

Input Arguments

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Track history logic, specified as a trackHistoryLogic object.

Track score logic, specified as a trackScoreLogic object.

Volume of sensor detection bin, specified as a nonnegative scalar. For example, a 2-D radar will have a sensor bin volume of (azimuth resolution in radians) * (range) * (range resolution).

Data Types: single | double

Rate of new targets in unit volume, specified as a nonnegative scalar.

Data Types: single | double

Probability of detection, specified as a nonnegative scalar.

Data Types: single | double

Probability of false alarm, specified as a nonnegative scalar.

Data Types: single | double

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2018b

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