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Option set for evalfis function


Use an evalfisOptions object to specify options for the evalfis function.



opt = evalfisOptions creates an option set for the evalfis function with default options. To modify the properties of this option set, use dot notation.


opt = evalfisOptions(Name=Value) sets one or more properties using name-value pairs. For example, evalfisOptions(NumSamplePoints=51) creates an option set and sets the number of output fuzzy set samples to 51.

Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose Name in quotes. For example, evalfisOptions("NumSamplePoints",51) creates an option set and sets the number of output fuzzy set samples to 51.


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Number of sample points in output fuzzy sets, specified as an integer greater than 1.

To reduce memory usage while evaluating a Mamdani FIS, specify fewer samples. Doing so sacrifices the accuracy of the defuzzified output value.

Reducing the number of samples can make the output area for defuzzification zero. In this case, the defuzzified output value is the midpoint of the output variable range.


evalfis ignores this property when evaluating a Sugeno FIS.

Diagnostic message behavior when an input is out of range, specified as one of the following:

  • "warning" — Report the diagnostic message as a warning.

  • "error" — Report the diagnostic message as an error.

  • "none" — Do not report the diagnostic message.

When an input value is out of range, corresponding rules in the fuzzy system can have unexpected firing strengths.

Diagnostic message behavior when no rules fire, specified as one of the following:

  • "warning" — Report the diagnostic message as a warning.

  • "error" — Report the diagnostic message as an error.

  • "none" — Do not report the diagnostic message.

When NoRuleFiredMessage is "warning" or "none" and no rules fire for a given output, the defuzzified output value is set to its mean range value.

Diagnostic message behavior when an output fuzzy set is empty, specified as one of the following:

  • "warning" — Report the diagnostic message as a warning.

  • "error" — Report the diagnostic message as an error.

  • "none" — Do not report the diagnostic message.

When EmptyOutputFuzzySetMessage is "warning" or "none" and an output fuzzy set is empty, the defuzzified value for the corresponding output is set to its mean range value.

This diagnostic message applies only to Mamdani systems.

Object Functions

evalfisEvaluate fuzzy inference system


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Create option set object, specifying the number of sample points for output fuzzy sets.

options = evalfisOptions('NumSamplePoints',51)
options = 
  EvalFISOptions with properties:

                NumSamplePoints: 51
    OutOfRangeInputValueMessage: "warning"
             NoRuleFiredMessage: "warning"
     EmptyOutputFuzzySetMessage: "warning"

Alternatively, create a default option set, and configure properties using dot notation.

options = evalfisOptions;
options.NumSamplePoints = 51;

Extended Capabilities

Version History

Introduced in R2018a

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See Also
