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hdlcoder.ReferenceDesign Class

Namespace: hdlcoder

Reference design registration object that describes SoC reference design


refdesign = hdlcoder.ReferenceDesign('SynthesisTool', toolname) creates a reference design object that you use to register a custom reference design for an SoC platform.

To specify the characteristics of your reference design, set the properties of the reference design object.

Use a reference design tool version that is compatible with the supported tool version. If you choose a different tool version, it is possible that HDL Coder™ is unable to create the reference design project for IP core integration.


refdesign = hdlcoder.ReferenceDesign('SynthesisTool',toolname) creates a reference design object that you use to register a custom reference design for an SoC platform.

Input Arguments

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Synthesis tool name, specified as a character vector.

Example: 'Altera Quartus II'


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Reference design name, specified as a character vector. In the HDL Workflow Advisor, this name appears in the Reference design drop-down list.

Example: 'Default system (Vivado 2015.4)'

Board associated with this reference design, specified as a character vector.

Example: 'Enclustra Mars ZX3 with PM3 base board'

One or more tool versions that work with this reference design, specified as a cell array of character vectors.

Example: {'2020.2'}

Example: {'13.7','14.0'}

One or more design constraint files, specified as a cell array of character vectors. This property is optional.

Example: {'MarsZX3_PM3.xdc'}

Example: {'MyDesign.qsf'}

One or more relative paths to files or folders that the reference design requires, specified as a cell array of character vectors. This property is optional.

Examples of required files or folders:

  • Existing IP core used in the reference design.

    For example, if the IP core, my_ip_core, is in the reference design folder, set CustomFiles to {'my_ip_core']

  • PS7 definition XML file.

    For example, to include a PS7 definition XML file, ps7_system_prj.xml, in a folder, data, set CustomFiles to {fullfile('data', 'ps7_system_prj.xml')}

  • Folder containing existing IP cores used in the reference design. HDL Coder supports only a specific IP core folder name for each synthesis tool:

    • For Altera® Qsys, IP core files must be in a folder named ip. Set CustomFiles to {'ip'}.

    • For Xilinx® Vivado®, IP core files, or a zip file containing the IP core files, must be in a folder named ipcore. Set CustomFiles to {'ipcore'}.

    • For Xilinx EDK, IP core files must be in a folder named pcores. Set CustomFiles to {'pcores'}.


To add IP modules to the reference design, it is recommended to create an IP repository folder that contains these IP modules, and then use the addIPRepository method.

Example: {'my_ip_core'}

Example: {fullfile('data', 'ps7_system_prj.xml')}

Example: {'ip'}

Example: {'ipcore'}

Example: {'pcores'}

Specify the device tree file name. For an example that shows how to use different device tree file names when mapping the DUT ports to different AXI4-Stream channels, see Use Callback Functions in Custom Reference Design.

Example: 'devicetree_axistream_iio.dtb'

Control visibility of the Insert AXI Manager (HDL Verifier required) parameter in the Set Target Reference Design task of the HDL Workflow Advisor. By default, the property value is 'true', which means that the parameter is visible in the Set Target Reference Design task. To disable the parameter, set the property value to 'false'.

After you enable this property, to specify whether you want the code generator to insert the AXI manager IP, use the MATLABAXIManagerDefaultValue property.

This property is optional.

Example: 'false'

Specify whether you want the code generator to insert the AXI manager IP. The values that you specify are the choices for the Insert AXI Manager (HDL Verifier required) drop-down in the Set Target Reference Design task of the HDL Workflow Advisor. To specify insertion of the AXI manager IP automatically, before you set this property, set the AddMATLABAXIManagerParameter property to 'true'.

This property is optional. Set this property to one of these values.

  • 'off' — Disable insertion of the AXI manager IP.

  • 'JTAG' — Enable AXI manager IP insertion for the JTAG connection. This value inserts the AXI Manager IP into your reference design.

  • 'Ethernet' — Enable AXI manager IP insertion for the Ethernet connection. This value inserts the UDP AXI Manager IP into your reference design.

Example: 'JTAG'

Specify the IP cache zip file to include in your project. When you run the IP Core Generation workflow in the HDL Workflow Advisor, the code generator extracts this file in the Create Project task. The Build FPGA Bitstream task reuses the IP cache, which accelerates reference design synthesis.

This property is optional.

Example: ''

Specify whether you want the code generator to report timing failures in the Build FPGA Bitstream task as warnings or errors. When you run the IP Core Generation workflow in the HDL Workflow Advisor, by default, the code generator reports any timing failures as error. If you have implemented the custom logic to resolve timing failures, you can specify these failures to be reported as warning instead of error. To learn more, see Resolve Timing Failures in IP Core Generation and Simulink Real-Time FPGA I/O Workflows.

This property is optional.

Example: 'hdlcoder.ReportTiming.Warning'

Specify if the reference design has an existing PS.

Example: 'false'

Enable generation of device tree nodes for an HDL Coder generated IP core, and then insert the nodes into the device tree. To enable the generation of device tree nodes for the IP core, HasProcessingSystem must be set to true.

Do not enable this property if you do not need any additional device tree nodes to be inserted into the registered device tree for the generated IP core.

Example: 'true'

Board resources used by reference design, returned as a structure with the fields:

Reference design resources utilized by FPGA lookup tables (LUTs), specified as a number.

Example: hRD.ResourcesUsed.LogicElements = 100

Reference design resources utilized by FPGA DSP slices, specified as a number.

Example: hRD.ResourcesUsed.DSP = 3

Reference design resources utilized by FPGA board RAM resources, specified as a number.

Example: hRD.ResourcesUsed.RAM = 32000


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Version History

Introduced in R2015a