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Add port group mapping to svdpiConfiguration object

Since R2023a

    Add-On Required: This feature requires the ASIC Testbench for HDL Verifier add-on.


    addPortGroup(svdpiConfig,groupName,portNames) adds a port group named name to the svdpiConfiguration object, and assigns the ports listed in portNames to that group.



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    Create a configuration object using the UVM scoreboard template. Then add port groups to the object:

    • inFromMon — monitor inputs to the scoreboard

    • inFromPred — predictor inputs to the scoreboard

    • inErrorThreshold — configuration inputs to the scoreboard

    c = svdpiConfiguration('uvm-scoreboard');
    addPortGroup(c, 'MONITOR_INPUTS','inFromMon'); % single input
    addPortGroup(c, 'PREDICTOR_INPUTS',{'inFromPred1','inFromPred2'}); % array of 2ports
    addPortGroup(c, 'CONFIG_OBJECT_INPUTS',{'inErrorThreshold'});

    Create a configuration object using the UVM predictor template. Then add port groups to the object:

    • inFromMon — monitor inputs to the predictor

    • inErrorThreshold — configuration inputs to the predictor

    c = svdpiConfiguration('uvm-predictor');
    addPortGroup(c, 'PREDICTOR_INPUTS','inFromMon'); % single input
    addPortGroup(c, 'CONFIG_OBJECT_INPUTS',{'inErrorThreshold'});

    Create a configuration object using the UVM sequence template. Then add a configuration port group to the object:

    snr — configuration inputs to the sequence, defining sound to noise ratio.

    c = svdpiConfiguration('uvm-sequence');
    addPortGroup(c, 'CONFIG_OBJECT_INPUTS',{'snr'});

    Input Arguments

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    SystemVerilog DPI configuration, specified as an svdpiConfiguration object.

    Add a port group to the svdpiConfiguration object. Specify the name of the port group and a list of ports as a string or character vector, separated by a comma.

    Example: name='CONFIG_OBJECT_INPUTS',{'pErrorThreshold'} adds an input port group named 'CONFIG_OBJECT_INPUTS', with the ports listed in {'pErrorThreshold'}

    Specify names of HDL ports to assign to the port group.

    • A string or character vector for a single port

    • A cell array of strings or character vectors for multiple ports

    Version History

    Introduced in R2023a

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