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Assign new data to hyperspectral data cube

Since R2020a


    newhcube = assignData(hcube,row,column,band,data) assigns the specified data to a hyperspectral data cube. The function reads the data cube stored in the hypercube object hcube, assigns the new data to the spectral bands band at the locations specified by row and column, and returns a new hypercube object.


    This function requires the Hyperspectral Imaging Library for Image Processing Toolbox™. You can install the Hyperspectral Imaging Library for Image Processing Toolbox from Add-On Explorer. For more information about installing add-ons, see Get and Manage Add-Ons.

    The Hyperspectral Imaging Library for Image Processing Toolbox requires desktop MATLAB®, as MATLAB Online™ or MATLAB Mobile™ do not support the library.



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    Read hyperspectral data from an ENVI format file.

    hcube = hypercube('paviaU.dat');

    Normalize the reflectance values to the range [0, 1].

    data = rescale(hcube.DataCube);

    Assign the normalized reflectance values to the data cube.

    newhcube = assignData(hcube,':',':',':',data);

    Specify the row and column indices of a region of interest (ROI). Assign all indices within the ROI a value of zero.

    row = 180:220;
    column = 125:160;
    newhcube = assignData(newhcube,row,column,':',0);

    Display the original and the modified versions of a spectral band.

    fig = figure('Position',[0 0 800 500]);
    axes1 = axes('Parent',fig,'Position',[0.06 0.05 0.45 0.8]);
    title('Original Data')
    axis off
    axes2 = axes('Parent',fig,'Position',[0.55 0.05 0.45 0.8]);
    title('Modified Data')
    axis off
    colormap gray  

    Input Arguments

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    Input hyperspectral data, specified as a hypercube object. The DataCube property of the hypercube object contains the hyperspectral data cube.

    Row indices of the data cube, specified as ':', a positive integer, or a vector of positive integers.

    • To select all the rows in the data cube, use ':'.

    • To select a particular row or rows, specify the row index as a positive integer or vector of positive integers respectively. If the data cube is of size M-by-N-by-C, the specified row index values must all be less than or equal to M. To specify a range of row indices, or indices at a regular interval, use the colon operator. For example, row = 1:10.

    Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64 | char | string

    Column indices of the data cube, specified as ':', a positive integer, or a vector of positive integers.

    • To select all the columns in the data cube, use ':'.

    • To select a particular column or columns, specify the column index as a positive integer or vector of positive integers respectively. If the data cube is of size M-by-N-by-C, the specified column index values must all be less than or equal to N. To specify a range of column indices, or indices at a regular interval, use the colon operator. For example, column = 1:10.

    Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64 | char | string

    Spectral band numbers, specified as ':', a positive integer or a vector of positive integers.

    • To select all the bands in the data cube, use ':'.

    • To select a particular band or bands, specify the band number as a positive integer or vector of positive integers respectively. If the data cube is of size M-by-N-by-C, the specified band number values must all be less than or equal to C. To specify a range of band numbers or numbers at a regular interval, use the colon operator. For example, band = 1:10.

    Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64 | char | string

    Values to assign, specified as a scalar, vector, matrix, or 3-D array depending on the values of the row, column, and band inputs.

    If row isIf column isIf band isdata must be
    M- element vectorscalarscalarM- element row vector or M-by-1 matrix or M-by-1-by-1 array
    scalarN-element vectorscalarN- element column vector or 1-by-N matrix or 1-by-N-by-1 array
    scalarscalarC-element vector1-by-1-by-C array
    M- element vectorN-element vectorscalarM-by-N matrix or M-by-N-by-1 array
    M- element vectorN-element vectorC-element vectorM-by-N-by-C array

    Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64

    Output Arguments

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    Output hyperspectral data, returned as a hypercube object.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2020a

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